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@Zebsmom2 wrote:
If teeth become sensitive during whitening strip use, you can whiten every other day or every three days instead of daily. Use a F mouth rinse and a sensitive tooth paste during the whitening process. Also watch your colored beverage intake. Steer clear of coffee, tea and red will slow the process.

There is no way I could give up coffee, tea or red wine.  Even when I use white strips they work fine without giving these up.  I enjoy waking up to a cup of coffee; I enjoy having my glass of iced tea & enjoy a glass of red wine in the evening.


Also, what is a F mouth rinse?

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@SurferWife, I’m sorry, I should have been more clear. You don’t have to give up colored beverages, but don’t consume them immediately after whitening. Enamel is made up of lots of tiny, tiny tubes (enamel rods) that “suck up” the whitening agent. It’s like pores in your skin, kind of. So when you are in the process, best to not have the colored liquids. For example, I would have coffee before whitening in the morning. F rinse = fluoride rinse, like Act or comparable store brand (same thing). Sorry for the confusion.
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Ahhh...yes, that makes sense. I haven't used the whitestrips recently, but I do wait several hours before consuming any colored beverages.  I generally do it after my morning coffee as well.  Thanks for clarifying!

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I've used these strips for years.  I don't need to use daily for my teeth to stay white.  Once or twice a week is good.  I get comments all the time on their whiteness, and my dentist said he doesn't have any product that could do any better.  I drink coffee and wine daily with no issues.

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I tried these but they made my teeth sensitive plus made me feel nauseated!  I didnt think it was that causing it at first, but looked up online and many others had the same issue. It is weird.