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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

Courtney Cox Before shot is a pretty good one. I think she started looking much worse than that. But here is the requested pic of Joyce Wildenstein. Just goes to show money won't take care of all your problems.



Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

[ Edited ]

Pete Burns of the 1980s group Dead or Alive is another tragic and extreme example.


Image result for peter burns before and after

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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

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@PilatesLover And the saddest story of all, because not only was Pete 'Gorgois' before he started messing with himself, he suffered unbelievable physical pain from the botched surgeries before he died. At least Wildenstein is healthy and she actually loves the way she looks. Courtney realized the error of her ways before she looked like a cartoon character.

Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

She must have changed her mind and went back to fillers. She is on "The Talk" and her entire face does not move. 

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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

@Trinity11 wrote:

She must have changed her mind and went back to fillers. She is on "The Talk" and her entire face does not move. 

That would be Botox.  I'm not sure if the fillers also leave you unable to have facial expression.  Sometimes people end up looking like the Joker when they have fillers IMO.

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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

I don't see how you can simply stop the fillers, then everything looks fine. I would think it would have destroyed any normalcy in the skin tissue & natural shape of your face. 


The "after" photo of her is just plain creepy. 

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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

It's the industry Courtney works in.  You are suppose to look young forever.  I hope she continues to embrace the aging process.

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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

It's unfair to compare the way a person looked at 24 vs how they look at 50 plus plastic surgery. They are twice as old.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

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@Porcelain wrote:

It's unfair to compare the way a person looked at 24 vs how they look at 50 plus plastic surgery. They are twice as old.

Thanks for finding out what her age was in that post earlier that had her photos side by side....I was guessing 15yrs difference...and here it's much more then that!  I sure wouldn't want to be compared now at 54 to my 24yr old image either in fairness!


Of course she looks better in the before LOL!  



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Re: Courteney Cox reveals why she had all her fillers dissolved

@tsavorite wrote:

@Porcelain wrote:

It's unfair to compare the way a person looked at 24 vs how they look at 50 plus plastic surgery. They are twice as old.

Thanks for finding out what her age was in that post earlier that had her photos side by side....I was guessing 15yrs difference...and here it's much more then that!  I sure wouldn't want to be compared now at 54 to my 24yr old image either in fairness!


Of course she looks better in the before LOL!  



Thanks! But I don't deserve it. I don't know how old she was in either picture. I was just saying general ages.


I know I looked very cute in pictures in my teens and twenties, but it feels like looking at pictures of a different person, or a dear relative. I would get depressed if I had to deal with others' expectations to look that way forever. Or, even worse -- their reactions of horror over how I'd changed.

When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.
"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr