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Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

I recently got a pair of Skinn EnergEyes containers, but when I received them I noticed the label was different from what I have become used to seeing. There was no "mango puree" stated in front of the jar, the contents are GREEN, they smell a little like massage ointment, and there's no expiration date on the bottom. 




Have I been had? I haven't opened either of the containers because I'm thinking of returning them. I've searched high and low but I can't find any listing for this product anywhere but on eBay, and only by the same vendor. Are any of you familiar with this version of EnergEyes? 


The lack of expiration date disturbs me. And on top of that, the jars arrived having leaked a bit. I'd still be happy to keep them if they are an authentic Skinn product. Please help me if you have any knowledge about this.

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

I may be wrong, but I don't think this particular Skinn product is popular enough to counterfeit. 

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

Get the phone number and call Skinn - they can answer you. It doesn't look fake being completely sealed but could be older and maybe didn't have the same ingredients. Skinn changes the formulas all the time.

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

Calling Skinn is a good idea. It's likely that you got an old formula and it's likely close to expiration if not already expired. Next time examine the listing picture and ask questions before you buy.
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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

@Desi wrote:

Get the phone number and call Skinn - they can answer you. It doesn't look fake being completely sealed but could be older and maybe didn't have the same ingredients. Skinn changes the formulas all the time.

Right, like they would answer the phone. Or even call you back.

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

@Bluecage I use this item so I checked my supply. They all say "mango puree" on the front label. As for the color, it has always been a peach color when I use. Good advice to check with Skinn. One last thought, is I wonder if this product was made for and sold elsewhere, ie, Canada or Australia? I have noticed the packaging is sometimes different when D sells in other countries.

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

This is the origional of his mask.  I have it.  And when he changed colors I contacted him on Facebook.. Same product old stock and mine is still good.  I keep it in the fridge.

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

[ Edited ]

Something's amiss, @Bluecage, as that mask, as @sommertime peachy-colored.  The Vacuum Mask is green though.


310-609 is a kit with both the Energeyes and Vacuum mask so you can see the colors. 


This could be a combo of problems: but since they're both sealed I would doubt counterfeiting is going on ...more like a production error with the mask and perhaps the jars are labeled for another market besides Evine.  Skinn's a global line now.  Mine here all have the "with Mango Puree" line.


My suggestion would be that you email the seller about the problem and let him/her take care of it.  HTH'sWoman Happy


PS...I just took a quick looksee at the bay and see that there are some jars labeled as yours are that appear to have the correct mask in the jars so it looks like some jars are labeled that way. 

A Dimitri Dazzler. Need I say More?
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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

Thank you all for your replies. I have started a refund process. What a drag, but I've learned to be more careful about the Skinn stuff I buy on eBay. I had no idea I *had* to be careful, so it's a good lesson. Thanks again!

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Re: Could this be a fake Skinn Energeyes? Please help!

[ Edited ]

Bluecage, glad you will get a refund.


Judaline, as for that comment re: calling - I have spoken to people at Skinn on a couple different occasions, one time actually to Dimitri! So yes they do answer the phone and your questions.