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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@Eager2Learn wrote:

@geezerette wrote:


Yes, the older I get the more I'm appreciating those "self-cleaning and self-pottying" aspects of cats.  Except for this time of year.  This one is long haired and sheds so much he's constantly having hair balls.  I have to brush him every day.  

And he doesn't have much control over his tail.  The top half droops/flops over.  He has a knot in it about halfway up his tail.  I think he either got stepped on or got it caught in something, but he was like that when he appeared as a kitten, so who knows?  


He's also not the brightest bulb in the box.  But he is loving and fun--usually. 😸

@geezerette Oh yes, I've forgotten about the hairballs. It's a wonder the cats didn't choke on those coming up.


I thought the cats shed a lot until we got the dog. Oh my goodness. I take her out on the back porch 3 times a week now for brushing. And the dirt she tracks in from the yard is another story. I don't think my floors have ever been this dirty. But I wouldn't give her up for the world. Smiley Wink



WGD is also the the World's Greatest Shedder.  He sheds a whole dog daily.  I've lived with many different breeds but he sheds more than all of them put together.


How his hair manages to travel and get into rooms where he's never been is beyond me.


But, like you, I'd rather have the hair than not have the dog.  Maybe your girl is a Kelpie...






Our boy is black and white so we have black fluff everywhere.  Right now it's mixing with all the cotton that's falling from the cottonwood trees.  It's like fur tumbleweeds.



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@Caffeina wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@Caffeina wrote:

A big accomplishment today! Three underbed boxes that have been under our bed for over 20 years are no longer there. It was something I had to take care of immediately. We got a new mattress set that's being delivered next week. The new mattress is so thick I ordered a low profile box spring, and also a low profile bed frame. The frame is three inches shorter than the standard height, so no more room for the boxes.


They were filled with mostly tops that no longer fit me. Many of them went into two large bags for donation. Others went into an ottoman at the foot of the bed that I also thinned out. I trashed some items that had dry rot. A few items are still in one of the boxes, but I was able to put it under the spare room bed.


I'm starting to feel more motivated to tackle more of my excess stuff without waiting for something to force me to do it. Not wanting to leave it behind for someone else is enough reason.



I bet the first thing that crossed your mind was


"Why was I hanging on to this for 20 years?"


When I opened boxes of clothes that I had packed up and saved, I wondered why I'd saved them.  Many of the shirts were old favorites but they were unwearable.  I'd pretty much worn them out.  I guess I didn't want to part with them but ultimately I had to.


I have a policy about under-the-bed storage.  Nothing should be under any bed.  Between skin flakes and dust mites, it's an area that should be left accessible to easy cleaning.


I hope you love the new mattress and it brings you restful sleep and good dreams. Heart

In addition to asking why I was hanging on to all of it, I wondered why I didn't go through the boxes 12-15 years ago.


Before the new mattress arrives, I plan to pull the bed away from the wall and off to the side to do a thorough vacuuming, and then cleaning with my Don Aslett microfiber mop. I have been able to vacuum under the bed, but shamefully admit I hadn't done it often enough because I never felt like pulling the boxes out. With the new frame, I won't be able to vacuum underneath, but will use my mop regularly with the dusting pad.


I'm really looking forward to not have to climb in and out of bed too. The current one is 27½" high, and the new one will be a more senior friendly manageable 23½".



How is that mop?  And which type do you have?  We can't keep these new floors clean and Swiffering is just not practical or cost-effective.


I'm looking at the Don Aslett mops on QVC and am... tempted...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@KaySD wrote:

Nope, you're quite right, it doesn't make any sense.


To be fair, a lot of that is because nobody knows how to do what we are doing, because nobody has ever done it before. Lots is bound to be a mess. And probably most of the rest of it is because we each have our own ideas (and priorities, and experience, and information), so it's unlikely we will all agree about anything. I know, I know, all this is obvious, and probably not helpful.


I'm trying to coach myself to just accept the awkwardness and confusion as part of the deal -- the being human deal -- and  get on with my own life. So far this week it's confusion 1,437 and me 492. 


@KaySD, I hear you.  It is really confusing on so many levels. 


All we can do is hang in there. 



I think about tough times in the past and how I've remained optimistic.  The we'll-get-through-this mode of thinking.


But I think I'm getting to the point where I feel we're getting too close to not being able to snap back.  Like we're one big rubber band that's been stretched too far.


And we don't snap back.  We just snap.

@just bee - I'm starting to think too that we're reaching the point of no return. How much longer can this craziness go on????



As long as they want it to.  All I know is that it's getting crazier.


Hasn't kept our governor from getting her hair and nails done -- or from buying new jewelry.


There was an event yesterday.  Cars left ABQ to form a caravan all the way to Santa Fe to protest at the Roundhouse.




Not a word on local news websites or a mention on local news broadcasts.  It's like it never happened.


There was a blurb in the Santa Fe paper:


The protesters drew a sharp rebuke from Governor’s Office spokeswoman Nora Meyers Sackett, who said their behavior “is dangerous and in violation of the public health order against congregations.”


“We want any New Mexican who is upset about the state’s efforts to limit illness and prevent mass death to find safe and non-dangerous ways to exercise their First Amendment right to protest, one of many rights we are all grateful to have, none of which are infringed upon by the necessary actions the state has taken to slow the spread of COVID-19 and save the lives of New Mexicans,” Sackett said.


There have been other protests in the state this week but I did not notice the same "rebuke" for those gatherings.


Just sayin'.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@rnmom wrote:

@just bee wrote:

2017 -- Joyful June

2018 -- Just June

2019 -- Junk It June


J-words for past January and July threads have included









To avoid a Jejune June, please submit some suggestions STAT.

Jacked-Up June??




I may need that one for July...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@rnmom wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@KaySD wrote:



I think about tough times in the past and how I've remained optimistic.  The we'll-get-through-this mode of thinking.


But I think I'm getting to the point where I feel we're getting too close to not being able to snap back.  Like we're one big rubber band that's been stretched too far.


And we don't snap back.  We just snap.


@just bee, and some people are now doing.  Did "they" want to get us to this point? 

@aprilskies -yep, I'm starting to think it's all part of the plan. It is very scary. 




FUD: Fear, uncertainty and doubt.  The solution?  Pharmaceuticals and legal marijuana.


Take your chill pill, pay your taxes and shut up.


No wonder I'm cranky.  I wrote my (BIG) check yesterday because I keep thinking if I wait 'til July to pay my taxes I'll forget. Woman Mad

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@rnmom wrote:

As you know I have school aged kids and I'm reading the CDC guidelines for sending the kids back to school this fall.


OMG. Face masks on all day. Desks 6 feet apart. Plastic partitions between the sinks in the bathrooms. Tape on the floors so the kids are 6 feet apart and all walking in the same direction. No cafeteria, no playground. Only one kid in a seat on the bus and every other seat.


I have absolutely no idea how they're going to manage this but I can tell you one thing for sure, I WiLL NOT under any circumstances put my kids thru that. We are already looking into an online program for this fall unless something changes fast. Absolutely insane. Over a virus that has a lower death rate than flu. Blows my mind. 



Got to train those young minds while they're still mush.  I love how there's been little to no discipline in public schools until now.  Tape on the floor so students will toe the line.




Might as well get them used to online learning.  My last degree was 100% online.


I wear a face mask at work.  For 12 and a half hours.  I have to have one to get into the building.  I enjoy my own CO2.  I'm sure it's good for me.


Don't get me started...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

[ Edited ]

Back to beauty! Woman LOL


You know how when you're stressed you're distracted so you do stupid things?


Yesterday I washed my face with Mrs.Meyer's hand soap.  I thought I was using my facial cleanser but as soon as that scent hit my nose I knew I'd made an error in judgment.


I quickly rinsed it off.  Then I noticed that it removed all my eye makeup in an instant.


BH had ordered Dr. Bronner's soap (2 BIG bottles) and they showed up last night.


I went ahead and washed my face with Dr. Bronner's unscented.  I predict it will be too drying, but it did two things: Rinsed clean and fast, and it removed all my makeup.


My only issue with Dr. Bronner products (I do enjoy the anise toothpaste) is that the company probably supports organizations and causes that I don't want to support yet by purchasing their products I'm supporting those organizations and causes. 


Why has the world become so complicated?




Do not get Dr. Bronner's soap in your eyes.  Just don't.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

Someone please back the cool weather.  I think this Summer is going to be unbearable. 



Why should summer 2020 be any different than spring, fall and winter 2020?


@just bee, it just seems to early for humidity.  


I know I am an outlier but I enjoy the cold/cool weather. However, winter in NJ was cold but we were spared the treachous weather that I kept seeing in other states. Thank goodness. I was hoping to see a snowstorm though but not the disasterous variety. 



It's never to early for humidity, unfortunately.  

I have always preferred the cooler weather of fall and winter too.  But as I get older, I can't handle the really cold stuff anymore.  Or the heat.  Or the humidity.  Or bugs.  Or snow and ice.  Or wind.


I'm a mess.😫

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Posts: 20,294
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

@Eager2Learn wrote:

@geezerette wrote:


Yes, the older I get the more I'm appreciating those "self-cleaning and self-pottying" aspects of cats.  Except for this time of year.  This one is long haired and sheds so much he's constantly having hair balls.  I have to brush him every day.  

And he doesn't have much control over his tail.  The top half droops/flops over.  He has a knot in it about halfway up his tail.  I think he either got stepped on or got it caught in something, but he was like that when he appeared as a kitten, so who knows?  


He's also not the brightest bulb in the box.  But he is loving and fun--usually. 😸

@geezerette Oh yes, I've forgotten about the hairballs. It's a wonder the cats didn't choke on those coming up.


I thought the cats shed a lot until we got the dog. Oh my goodness. I take her out on the back porch 3 times a week now for brushing. And the dirt she tracks in from the yard is another story. I don't think my floors have ever been this dirty. But I wouldn't give her up for the world. Smiley Wink



Oh yes, the dog hair!😳  I thought I was used to dog hair, but I had no idea comprehension of what I was getting with this Rott.  At the end of one day there's enough of her hair on and around her bed to make a nice bird nest.  Every. Single. Day.  Between that and the long clumps of cat hair strewn around, it's like having a hair carpet.  

And the foot prints, slobber and drool.  I could stay vacuuming and mopping 24 hours a day and still not get this place all clean at one time.  I've learned to ignore it all.  Thankfully the one person that visits most has more dogs and cats than I do, so she's very sympathetic. 

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Posts: 35,375
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Re: ComPact 2020 – Meaningful May

[ Edited ]

@geezerette wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

Someone please back the cool weather.  I think this Summer is going to be unbearable. 



Why should summer 2020 be any different than spring, fall and winter 2020?


@just bee, it just seems to early for humidity.  


I know I am an outlier but I enjoy the cold/cool weather. However, winter in NJ was cold but we were spared the treachous weather that I kept seeing in other states. Thank goodness. I was hoping to see a snowstorm though but not the disasterous variety. 



It's never to early for humidity, unfortunately.  

I have always preferred the cooler weather of fall and winter too.  But as I get older, I can't handle the really cold stuff anymore.  Or the heat.  Or the humidity.  Or bugs.  Or snow and ice.  Or wind.


I'm a mess.😫



Then I'm a mess, too.  Don't like it too hot or too cold.  Love snow but don't like driving on it or on ice.  Humidity is nice for my skin and hair, but that trickle down my back is intolerable.  I'll remain in the desert.


And the wind.  It makes me squirrelly.


Bugs?  I live with 7-inch long centipedes and roaches that you can saddle up and ride.


Great if gas prices go up again...

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~