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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


@just bee








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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Thank you, @geezerette. Yes, between us we have a wonderful child, some good years together, and many good moments in the years since then. I still appreciate him for all the things I loved him for to begin with. The medical news is not good, by the way. And he leaves behind another wife and son. But he has had a very fulfilling life, been many places and done good work that he loves, so I hope he is at peace in his last weeks or maybe months.


You're in my thoughts, too. Take care of yourself.

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette-Sometimes hanging in there and taking one day at a time is all we can do. I feel for you, I really do. Try to take care of yourself too. I know it's hard when you're worrying about someone else, but it's important.


I went out yesterday and got a haircut finally, my first one in probably 6-7 months. I knew the stylist from many years ago and haven't seen her in ages. It was nice to see her again and it was nice to have her cut my hair. She actually did what I asked! She took about 3-31/2 inches off everything, the bottom length, the top length and all the layers in between. Plus she gave me a bigger bang which I like. I am really pleased with how it turned out. I was surprised at how something as simple as a haircut could make me feel better.


I wore some lighter makeup when I was out yesterday too, my Everyday minerals foundation, lighter eyeshadow and blush and not as heavy liner and mascara. I have to say, I really liked the overall look. With the lighter makeup (even mineral) and lighter hair I felt like I looked younger. I don't know if I did, but that's how I felt anyway. It felt really good. I feel like I've gotten in a rut lately with my hair and makeup routine. I think maybe it's time to experiment and change things up. 


I keep reading about how older gals with dry skin should avoid mineral makeup and powders but I'm really sick of my heavy liquid foundations and cream blushes. I do have a lot of discoloration that I'm trying to cover but I'm beginning to wonder if the heavy products are just making me look worse. The mineral foundation didn't cover all the discoloration but it covered enough (the liquids don't cover 100% either) and it wears so much better than the liquids. It actually seems to look better as the day goes on, like it melds with my skin, whereas the liquids are wearing off halfway thu the day and creasing and clumping. I had given up the minerals because I was getting lots of wrinkles around my eyes when I smile and they really seemed to show up with the minerals but I realized that the wrinkles appear around my eyes when I smile no matter what foundation I'm wearing. Duh! Like any makeup was going to make them go away. So I bought an eye cream to try to moisturize the area at least and see if that can help. It's definitely time to try something different. 

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

As far as decluttering goes, I have a couple more small bags here to go to donation. There are some clothing items, a couple of books, a cosmetic bag, sunglasses, some kids hangers, kids belts. Some of the items are pretty nice so I decided to post a couple things on the classified ads at work to see if any of them will sell before I donate them. I will give it about 2 weeks and if they don't sell I'll donate them then.


My hubby also agreed to get rid of his Total Gym that's been collecting dust in our storage room in the basement. It hasn't been used for several years. He doesn't want to try to sell it, he just wants to take it out to the end of the road and see if anyone picks it up. Someone probably will. Hopefully that will be out of the house today as trash pickup is tommorrow. 


I'm still waiting for spring weather to get out in the garage and pole barn. It was only high in the 30's all last week again. It's supposed to be warmer today in the 40's but with church and errands I don't think I'll get outside much today. Hopefully soon. 


@just bee-Find any more treasures lately? I love hearing about the fun things that you're finding around the house Smiley Happy

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


Thank you, @geezerette. Yes, between us we have a wonderful child, some good years together, and many good moments in the years since then. I still appreciate him for all the things I loved him for to begin with. The medical news is not good, by the way. And he leaves behind another wife and son. But he has had a very fulfilling life, been many places and done good work that he loves, so I hope he is at peace in his last weeks or maybe months.


You're in my thoughts, too. Take care of yourself.



There are far too many people who can't say this.  In my line of work I see broken human beings -- some who are beyond repair.  That he is loved and has had meaningful work and experiences that have been fulfilling -- sounds to me like a life well-lived.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



Affinia was definitely an impulse buy because I'm not even a fan of chamomile tea.  Worse, I'd just purchased Egyptian Chamomile so now I'm fully stocked with chamomile tea.


What's even more peculiar is that I stopped drinking coffee because I couldn't find a coffee that smelled like coffee.  I switched to tea because it's the fragrance that attracts me.


Chamomile's scent is just not attractive.  It's hay in a cup.


If you're looking for a distinctive flavor, Hot Cinnammon Spice is the one.  But you have to like cinnamon and cloves.


I think we can agree to put our tea shopping on hold for a bit.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



I was never happy with foundation; in fact, I didn't start wearing it regularly until I was in my late-30s.  Discovering bareMinerals was a lifechanger.  Initially I'd purchase two shades and mix them; then the company produced one that was a perfect match.  So easy.  And it just worked so well with my skin.  Like you said, the longer it's on your face the better it looks.


But when I turned 50, something changed.  I just started to look dusty.  The switch to liquid was not easy.  I tried philosophy's hybrid and various tinted moisturizers, but I didn't get the same results.


I'm pretty happy with CC cream but it seems to be disappearing.  Like you, I'm discovering a "lighter" look.  I've been experimenting with eyeliner and I've been leaving the house without lining under my eye.


I just made an appointment for a haircut.  It'll be nine weeks since the last one -- the one that Better-half referred to the other day as a "man cut."


Why I oughtta...


An odd statement coming from someone who prefers my hair short.  But he likes a short "spunky" look and this is more of a basic pixie.  My hair is complicated.  It's still very thick and one side of my head curls one way, while the other wants to go in the opposite direction.  It's tricky to manage and very few people have been able to cut it.


He doesn't think the person I've been seeing does anything special and that I could probably get the same look at a chain salon for a lot less money.  I'm at the point where I don't want to experiment with my hair anymore.  I want consistency.  I don't even want to think about my hair.


Where I do notice a difference regarding makeup?  I was doing really well using my creams and oils, but then I got tired and lazy again.  I noticed a difference when I stopped using them.  Time to take a couple extra minutes to address skincare again.


Same with decluttering.  I've been tired and I've lost some momentum.  I'm dealing with too many memories and just have to find a way to deal with them all.


A Chorus Line was here recently and today Vertigo is showing at our local theater.  Actually I'm watching Vertigo right now on cable.  Wasn't I doing that last weekend?


I saw it the first time in a theater and it was one of my best film memories ever.  I'd planned to drag BH to see it but then I realized that I don't want to tamper with that original memory.  Same with A Chorus Line.  I've seen the production in the past and my memories of it are positive.  Why replace good memories with ones that won't be?


I've stopped lining up entertainment.  My mother used to complain that she could never enjoy a movie or a play with my father because he smoked.  That's why she dragged me to all the shows.


Fast forward: I am my mother.  BH has stopped smoking tobacco but he vapes.  I think I preferred the tobacco.  When he smoked cigarettes he'd go outside and have one.  Now that he vapes, the e-cig is in his hand as long as he's awake.


As I've said before, it's like living with Darth Vaper.  And something no one has mentioned about vaping: I pointed out our windows to BH recently.  They're covered in a thick film.  WTF?  What is vaping doing to his lungs?


But like I said, I'm watching Vertigo.  I stopped trying to change people years ago.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Oh, my, that was long.


No, Kim, stop!  Don't wear that necklace!!!

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March



I decided to make my third mug of tea Affinia.  I was just out in the kitchen with a sachet shoved up my nose.  Seriously, I cannot detect any lemon or vanilla in this tea.


It's steeping now and I get a faint whiff of lemon, but it's very faint.


If I want lemon, Lemon Herbal is the one.


Life would be much simpler if I gave up tea.  BH did lose one vice: Caffeine.  I'm not ready to make that commitment.


Like smokers, I'd miss "the ritual" of having a cup of tea.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

Maybe what this chamomile needs is a packet of ricin. Woman Wink

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~