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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


@just bee What a title for a novel: "Bee anew the Deadly Desert Lobster." Intriguing. 



Definitely a screenplay.  A small independent film catches fire and goes to Broadway as a musical extravaganza.


I can see it now: Tap dancing lobsters bringing down the house with the show's unforgettable "Don't Call Me Bottom Feeder -- I'm No Tilapia!"

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

[ Edited ]

This decluttering project has been interesting.  I'm creating an electronics Smithsonian.  Everywhere I turn I'm finding telephones.


Today I found my old 90s Nokia cell phone in a hobo bag with its red plastic cover.  I had a different color plastic cover for every mood, every outfit.


Thing looks brand new.



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@just beewrote:

This decluttering project has been interesting.  I'm creating an electronics Smithsonian.  Everywhere I turn I'm finding telephones.


Today I found my old 90s Nokia cell phone in a hobo bag with its red plastic cover.  I had a different color plastic cover for every mood, every outfit.


Thing looks brand new.





Too funny.  I still have my old phones. I keep putting them to the side to take them to where they accept them and then forget about them. I find the bag again only to forget about it again. oy.  Next time I find it, I need to get them right ouf of the house.


It is definitely interesting what you find when decluttering.

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


Hi Compactors, I haven't been here in a while.  Just a summary of last year.  I started out with good intentions but everything went downhill.  So far, I've started 2018 really good.  I took a couple of no-buy pledges with Frugalwoods & Frugalchic.  Worked out well.  I bought only fresh fruits & I was able to use up a lot of what I had in my pantry.  

The other reason I'm doing well beside having very little money is that I watched a documentary on Netflix called The True Cost.  It's about the fast, cheap clothing industry that we've all been accustom to.  That really changed my outlook on things.  

Hopefully I'll keep it up.


Thanks for mentioning this doc.  I watched it last night.  It was stuff I already seen before but not all in one place like that. It really is eye opening. I have only bought a handful of clothing each year for the last few years.  But, these documentaries really make me think twice before buying more.  I wish those they would of translated/captioned what some of those folks were saying.  I would of loved to know from the individuals themselves.


I once read an article about Christmas decorations.  You see these people covered head to toe in glitter and breathing it in. I dont look at all those glittery things at Christmas quite the same way.


I do think though, and someone mentioned in the doc as well, that we are bringing jobs to those people, however, these large companies should be held accountable for the conditions in the places they go for manufacturing and should be held responsible for the wages the workers are paid. I mean, how much money do they need while those poor workers are not taken care of.  They are getting rich on poor peoples backs.  It is shameful.


I dont blame the countries though. It is a tough position for them to be in.  If they ask for more, the companies would go to another poor country and give the business to them.  It is a rock and a hard place.


The companies should be held accountable.


Okay, off my soapbox.


I d

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

HEP - yep, just not going well.  Smiley Sad



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@geezerette,  how is the OG?  I hope he is getting stronger each day. Keep us posted when you can.

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


HEP - yep, just not going well.  Smiley Sad





Don't feel bad.  I'm in the middle of a weird food craving.  I tossed a lot of Halloween chocolate and brought a ton to work.  But I kept the M&Ms.


This was an error in judgment.


I dropped a couple packs in my work bag and found myself eating them in the car on the way home in the morning.  Stress-eating.


Then I opened all the packs and poured the contents into a jar.  I walk into the kitchen, see the jar of colorful little candies and grab a few.  When I wake up and I'm boiling water for tea, I grab a few M&Ms.


No real harm because eventually the M&Ms would all be eaten and that would be the end of the weird food craving.


But what did I do?  I stopped at Walgreens after Valentine's Day -- and I should know better because I just threw away Dove white chocolate eggs that I'd stocked after Easter a few years ago -- and there were dramatically marked-down peanut M&Ms.  The Strawberry Nut M&Ms.


A woman was fondling a few bags and asking a sales associate about the price.  I was intrigued.  Artificially flavored: I would break out in hives when I was a kid after ingesting fake strawberry but that never discouraged me.  Fake strawberry and banana were my Kryptonite.


I had to have them even though they sounded ghastly.  I limited myself to two bags and they really were ghastly.  Yet I couldn't stop eating them. 


They're all gone now. Woman Happy



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

It'll be the next Shape of Water, @just bee

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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March

@just beewrote:


HEP - yep, just not going well.  Smiley Sad





Don't feel bad.  I'm in the middle of a weird food craving.  I tossed a lot of Halloween chocolate and brought a ton to work.  But I kept the M&Ms.


This was an error in judgment.


I dropped a couple packs in my work bag and found myself eating them in the car on the way home in the morning.  Stress-eating.


Then I opened all the packs and poured the contents into a jar.  I walk into the kitchen, see the jar of colorful little candies and grab a few.  When I wake up and I'm boiling water for tea, I grab a few M&Ms.


No real harm because eventually the M&Ms would all be eaten and that would be the end of the weird food craving.


But what did I do?  I stopped at Walgreens after Valentine's Day -- and I should know better because I just threw away Dove white chocolate eggs that I'd stocked after Easter a few years ago -- and there were dramatically marked-down peanut M&Ms.  The Strawberry Nut M&Ms.


A woman was fondling a few bags and asking a sales associate about the price.  I was intrigued.  Artificially flavored: I would break out in hives when I was a kid after ingesting fake strawberry but that never discouraged me.  Fake strawberry and banana were my Kryptonite.


I had to have them even though they sounded ghastly.  I limited myself to two bags and they really were ghastly.  Yet I couldn't stop eating them. 


They're all gone now. Woman Happy



@just bee,  LOL.   Why is eating this stuff so enjoyable. I love mm’s. 


I am starting intermittent fasting today.  It is where you fast for 16 hours and have an 8 hour eating window.  Not as bad as it sounds as most of the fasting time will be when I am sleeping.  While you can’t go crazy eating, you can have what you want, no restrictions.  I don’t do well with restrictions. ....if you couldn’t tell. Smiley LOL   I even remembered no cream in my coffee this morning.  I don’t mind black coffee as long as it is hot. 


Have a a good day everyone.  We are expecting another snow storm today, 



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Re: ComPact 2018 – Manageable March


It'll be the next Shape of Water, @just bee



I don't think so.  If I was that fond of the stuffed lobster, he wouldn't be on the donation pile with K-9.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~