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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@Oshare-girl - I agree, mindful consumption is becomng an obsession for me too.  Sometimes it feels exhausting to think through every purchase, but I am pushing for the day where it is the rule for me and not the exception. 


I am with Just Bee, I envy your compost pile. This has been on my mind for some time but I just dont have the space for it.  I would even love a garden one day.  


Selfies - oh yea- it is time to move past this trend. Although, I fear it is not a trend and a way of life now.  People have to get over themselves before we can even make our way back to "normal."


Old, new, not much is working right now.  My skin is better without these products.  Isn't that ironic?  HG is what God gave me, my own skin, unadorned.  If I would only stop fighting it.


What you said here is so exactly right, I cant even begin to express. This is exacty what I am finding - for both skincare and mu.  Isnt that a blip.  So, why are we fighting it? 


Admittedly, my ears still perk when I hear of new things.





There will always be new things.  Some of these new things are really just old things in different packages.  The result is usually the same.


For sure, ITA 100%.

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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:



How do you like the feeling you get when you empty a container and toss it in the recycling bin?


I finished a tube of toothpaste, an ancient B&BW shower cream and my final, saved bottle of pure grace conditioner (which was so old it was downgraded for shaving).


What I can't figure out is how my drawers and shelves still look like I haven't stopped shopping.


@just bee- It is a great feeling. Especially when I finish an older product that I thought for sure was going to see the trash bin. It really is satisfying. Between last week and this week, I will be tossing 5 or 6 empties and I cant tell you how good it feels to move these out. 


I know, you are so right. Yesterday, as I was looking for my bb cream, I thought the same thing, my cabinets and shelves dont look much better.  That is not so satisfying. Woman Sad I am hoping it is like losing weight, you can be good and it doesnt feel like anything is happening and then one day, boom, you are 10 lbs lighter. I hope.....  I am not giving up. One by one.


It will be awhile but I think I can get my skincare to a good place if I keep pushing.  However, mu not so much. 






I tend to obsess (as you probably know) and it started nagging at me: The feeling that I had made so little progress when I know for a fact that I have been reducing my acquisition of products.


On a tear, I went into the bathroom and took a closer look at the drawers and shelves.  A lot of what has been taking up space is packaging.  And worse, empty packaging.  I was so well-trained when I was using philosophy products that I got into the habit of hoarding every empty bottle with a pump.  I pulled so many empties out from under the sink it was embarrassing.  (The company has notoriously bad pumps.)


Now I have to get rid of another pump bottle: My Aveda clove shampoo that I opened in July 2014.  It was my HG product until I realized I had terminal dandruff and needed to find something else.  There's just a smidge left in the bottle, but can I just pour it out and go on with my life?


Of course not.  I have to use it up before I part with the bottle.  Now I have a problem.  I washed my hair with it this morning and I know I'm going to start thinking I need to go back to using Aveda shampoo.


That squeak you hear is the squirrel cage.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

And another thing.  Why am I buying Q-tips to use as eyeshadow applicators when I have plenty of unused brushes?

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

[ Edited ]

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:



I tend to obsess (as you probably know) and it started nagging at me: The feeling that I had made so little progress when I know for a fact that I have been reducing my acquisition of products.

On a tear, I went into the bathroom and took a closer look at the drawers and shelves.  A lot of what has been taking up space is packaging.  And worse, empty packaging.  I was so well-trained when I was using philosophy products that I got into the habit of hoarding every empty bottle with a pump.  I pulled so many empties out from under the sink it was embarrassing.  (The company has notoriously bad pumps.)

Now I have to get rid of another pump bottle: My Aveda clove shampoo that I opened in July 2014.  It was my HG product until I realized I had terminal dandruff and needed to find something else.  There's just a smidge left in the bottle, but can I just pour it out and go on with my life?

Of course not.  I have to use it up before I part with the bottle.  Now I have a problem.  I washed my hair with it this morning and I know I'm going to start thinking I need to go back to using Aveda shampoo.

That squeak you hear is the squirrel cage.



Lol, it is tough isn't it.  Just when you think you are done with something, it starts looking good again. The wheel keeps on spinning. 




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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

@just bee wrote:

And another thing.  Why am I buying Q-tips to use as eyeshadow applicators when I have plenty of unused brushes?



Because it is another thing to maintain.  I love brushes though. 


Talk about feeling good at tossing empty containers.  As I was cooking yesterday, I grabbed for the Mrs. Dash spice and find it is almost gone. Yahooo.  I bought this when I was trying to reduce my salt but it was just okay so never reached for it. Lately, I have been trying to focus on using up spices.  Spices are another problem area and I have thrown out so many over the years.  I buy them but never really use most of them. I am determined to use up what I have.  1 down, 20 spices to go.  I have my work cut out for me. 



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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

@just bee wrote:

And another thing.  Why am I buying Q-tips to use as eyeshadow applicators when I have plenty of unused brushes?

Once upon a time, I bought Q-tips from Costco.  I'm not sure what I was thinking when I picked up the three-pack -- each pack containing 625 cotton swabs.


But into the linen closet they went.  I don't remember what year that was... what decade... what century... but now I have only a few swabs left in the last pack.


Yesterday we went to Costco and there was the three-pack again, priced at six bucks and change.  I had told myself that I would never buy the three-pack again because 1875 Q-tips were unnecessary.  But when I saw them, stacked in an eight foot pile, I swooped down on a pack like a peregrine falcon on a pigeon and put it in my cart.


Better-half stepped in and said he didn't want to house almost 2000 cotton swabs.  I put them back on the pile but was annoyed.  Why?  Because I need to replace the soon-to-be empty box.  Yes, I can go to Walgreens and get a smaller package, but I'll be paying more for less.


Maybe I'll visit one of the dollar stores.


But this is an example of... something.  Something we do.  A lot.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

And another thing.  Why am I buying Q-tips to use as eyeshadow applicators when I have plenty of unused brushes?



Because it is another thing to maintain.  I love brushes though. 


Talk about feeling good at tossing empty containers.  As I was cooking yesterday, I grabbed for the Mrs. Dash spice and find it is almost gone. Yahooo.  I bought this when I was trying to reduce my salt but it was just okay so never reached for it. Lately, I have been trying to focus on using up spices.  Spices are another problem area and I have thrown out so many over the years.  I buy them but never really use most of them. I am determined to use up what I have.  1 down, 20 spices to go.  I have my work cut out for me. 



Better-half is in charge of the spices.  He orders most of them online and has devoted a whole section of kitchen cabinetry to them.


He doesn't think he has collections.  He used to mock my collection of shower gels.  Why did I need so many different philosophy "flavors?"


Well, he has spices.  Obscure spices.  Moreover, since he has started vaping, he has collected juices of every flavor and is doing what I used to do.


I would mix my philosophy 3-in-1s to make my own fragrances.  It was a weird psychological thing for me.  My mother used to slice a cantaloupe in half, scoop out the seeds, and fill that space with vanilla ice cream.  I remember those melon bowls and one day I mixed a melon 3-in-1 with a vanilla ice-cream 3-in-1 and I was transported.  I spent a lot of time mixing these shower products and taking little trips down Memory Lane.


Weird?  Yes, but it was my thing.


Now Better-half has his thing.  He has an extensive collection of juices and is constantly mixing and creating new flavors.


I don't say a word.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

Oooooh.  There's that feeling.  I haven't tried anything new in a long time and I just got the "your order has shipped" email.


I sure hope I don't turn orange.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

I can track my package.  It started out in Tracy, California (San Joaquin County) and has already made its way to San Leandro in Alameda County.  (I lived near Alameda County and worked in Alameda County.)


I wonder where my package will go next...


I admit I enjoy stalking my packages.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2017 – Appreciative April!

Justbee -  We called cantaloupe and vanilla icecream in the middle a Boston Cooler -  Have no idea why, but that is what they were called.