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ComPact 2016 -- June

[ Edited ]

The ComPact is a commitment to simplify, pare down, streamline. It began as a way to gain some control over our collections of beauty products. Why were we amassing so much, yet not using what we were buying? Why were we always searching for the next new product? Why couldn't we just find what worked for us and stick with it?


The ComPact, however, is not restricted to beauty items. If you have a collection you want to address, do it here. Choose an area you want to work on, and track your progress on the ComPact thread. Members will offer tips and encouragement.


Choose one of our many mantras (“One by one until they’re done!” “We are SPAHHHRRRTAN!!!” “Not until you really have to.” “Buy less, choose well, make it last.” “Resist the propaganda.” "If it's high, I don't buy!" “When in doubt, do without!” “Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.” “Shoplighters of the World Unite!”) or create a new one and share it. Target items each month to toss, donate, or use, and post your “chopping block” -- or “hit list.” Post temptations, post victories.


They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit: Let's see if taking the ComPact one month at a time works for you.


Join us.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 35,231
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

And now, back by popular demand...


Hey, all you HEPcats and HEPdogs! We had discussed making the Healthy Eating thread a monthly jam session, so I just went ahead and did a little improvisation. This is an invite to our crazy crib where you can come and break it down! I say we go 18 karat on this and really swing. If healthy eating’s not your bag, no problem. But if it is, I dig.


It’s cool, I’m booted, let’s jump!


Piano Cat

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 35,231
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Barn owl update.  As of this post, one owlet remains in the nest box and my, how it's grown.  It was named Pearl but, after it fought off a hungry adult owl several times, it was renamed Rocky.


There are hundreds of comments on the site and many of them are unpleasant.  Those who are displeased by the unfortunate turn of events are clearly part of the "blame the barn owls first" crowd.  They suggest that the barn owl is somehow an inferior species -- a bird with bad moral character.  "The Great Horned owls wouldn't have acted this way!"  Excuse me, but Georgia wasn't under two feet of water, so how can you be so sure?


Comments are petty -- even cruel.  "Barn owls aren't that cute, anyway."  "Why even bother to name them if they're just going to eat each other?"


Really?  Blaming these birds for what happened?  Isn't that the worst case of fowl shaming?


This is simply a reminder that birds have it rough and that we take them for granted.  They are among the wonders of the world and we should recognize that.


How can someone look at little Pearl/Rocky's face and say she/he doesn't deserve our respect and support?



~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Posts: 4,850
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@just bee wrote:

Barn owl update.  As of this post, one owlet remains in the nest box and my, how it's grown.  It was named Pearl but, after it fought off a hungry adult owl several times, it was renamed Rocky.


There are hundreds of comments on the site and many of them are unpleasant.  Those who are displeased by the unfortunate turn of events are clearly part of the "blame the barn owls first" crowd.  They suggest that the barn owl is somehow an inferior species -- a bird with bad moral character.  "The Great Horned owls wouldn't have acted this way!"  Excuse me, but Georgia wasn't under two feet of water, so how can you be so sure?


Comments are petty -- even cruel.  "Barn owls aren't that cute, anyway."  "Why even bother to name them if they're just going to eat each other?"


Really?  Blaming these birds for what happened?  Isn't that the worst case of fowl shaming?


This is simply a reminder that birds have it rough and that we take them for granted.  They are among the wonders of the world and we should recognize that.


How can someone look at little Pearl/Rocky's face and say she/he doesn't deserve our respect and support?



Sorry, but LOL.  I cant believe people are reacting in that way.  It is sad but it is nature, unfortunately. 





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Posts: 35,231
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

Barn owl update.  As of this post, one owlet remains in the nest box and my, how it's grown.  It was named Pearl but, after it fought off a hungry adult owl several times, it was renamed Rocky.


There are hundreds of comments on the site and many of them are unpleasant.  Those who are displeased by the unfortunate turn of events are clearly part of the "blame the barn owls first" crowd.  They suggest that the barn owl is somehow an inferior species -- a bird with bad moral character.  "The Great Horned owls wouldn't have acted this way!"  Excuse me, but Georgia wasn't under two feet of water, so how can you be so sure?


Comments are petty -- even cruel.  "Barn owls aren't that cute, anyway."  "Why even bother to name them if they're just going to eat each other?"


Really?  Blaming these birds for what happened?  Isn't that the worst case of fowl shaming?


This is simply a reminder that birds have it rough and that we take them for granted.  They are among the wonders of the world and we should recognize that.


How can someone look at little Pearl/Rocky's face and say she/he doesn't deserve our respect and support?



Sorry, but LOL.  I cant believe people are reacting in that way.  It is sad but it is nature, unfortunately. 





A whole different attitude last year when they all rallied around little Ollie.  I hope this one pulls through.  The kid's got heart.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,850
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Here are my goals for June.


Beauty and Skincare - I am no longer making big claims here.  Every time I do, I fall off badly.  So, my goal is going back to being mindful.  Although, I am so thrilled because I have been finishing up so many products these last couple of months and replacing them all from my stockpile.  ...and I am so close on a few others. I am enjoying seeing my bottle/jar collection reducing and seeing some space. I have to be vigilant in my spending here if I want to get down to the basics in skincare.


Health - this is where I want to start focusing.  I dont diet but I want to cut back on junk food and move more. While I still have too much in the house, I dont have as much as I use to. But, what I do have, I have to start portioning it out instead of eating mindlessly. I am debating on joining a gym that offers classes and swimming.  Too much money if I dont go.


Youtube beauty channels - I dont really watch a lot of these as much anymore, just a few of them that I know, or feel, are giving honest opinions on things. Howevever, in June, I am going to try and limit my viewing of even these few channels. I realized the last few big tickets items I made, youtube made me buy them. LOL.  If I didnt see them, I wouldnt of known they existed. I usually have my self imposed price limits so I still cant believe I spent so much on just a few items. So, it is time to break the habit.  Usually I watch at night, when I am watching tv or cant sleep.    


I am ready for June.  Although, there is no need to wait until the first of the month to incorporate better habits, it feels like a fresh start.


I hope everyone is doing well.



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Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

@just bee wrote:

Barn owl update.  As of this post, one owlet remains in the nest box and my, how it's grown.  It was named Pearl but, after it fought off a hungry adult owl several times, it was renamed Rocky.


There are hundreds of comments on the site and many of them are unpleasant.  Those who are displeased by the unfortunate turn of events are clearly part of the "blame the barn owls first" crowd.  They suggest that the barn owl is somehow an inferior species -- a bird with bad moral character.  "The Great Horned owls wouldn't have acted this way!"  Excuse me, but Georgia wasn't under two feet of water, so how can you be so sure?


Comments are petty -- even cruel.  "Barn owls aren't that cute, anyway."  "Why even bother to name them if they're just going to eat each other?"


Really?  Blaming these birds for what happened?  Isn't that the worst case of fowl shaming?


This is simply a reminder that birds have it rough and that we take them for granted.  They are among the wonders of the world and we should recognize that.


How can someone look at little Pearl/Rocky's face and say she/he doesn't deserve our respect and support?



Sorry, but LOL.  I cant believe people are reacting in that way.  It is sad but it is nature, unfortunately. 





A whole different attitude last year when they all rallied around little Ollie.  I hope this one pulls through.  The kid's got heart.

Confession time.  A few days ago, I thought it would be safe to look at the nest since it appeared that prey deliveries were resuming.  I was winding down, getting ready to turn in, and checked on the cuties.  I opened the site and saw the two owlets looking out the window and flapping their wings.  Within five seconds, an owl (I thought it was Dash, at first, but it wasn't.) stuck his head through the window and attacked one of the owlets.  The other owlet backed into the corner.  I closed the window and started sobbing.  My husband asked me what was wrong.  When I told him, he said, "Why do you watch that?"  So much for sympathy.  I am out completely.  I hope the remaining owlet survives.  Part of me hopes he finds the owls that killed his siblings and avenges their deaths in a very Godfather-like way.  But you all are right.  This is nature, and this is what happens daily.  We cannot save every animal.  If we did, the cycle that our world needs would change and cause much larger problems.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: ComPact 2016 -- June

[ Edited ]

@just bee Thank you for starting this thread.  I don't contribute much but I do keep up on reading it.  You compactors provide of wealth of support. 😊


@dosey Congratulations on your new job!  


@aprilskies I feel your pain about not announcing big goals and then not meeting them. Little by little is still good (progress, not perfection). 


I have been on a bit of a spending spree lately.  I will use everything I have bought, but I also could have done without those things. I should be buying only needs at this time, rather than wants.  


ETA:  I  am also on board for the HEP.  When one area of my life is out of control, the rest follows. Spending is out of control, as is eating, and no exercising. 😔

"Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."--Eleanor Roosevelt
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Registered: ‎10-16-2010

@aprilskies wrote:

Here are my goals for June.


Beauty and Skincare - I am no longer making big claims here.  Every time I do, I fall off badly.  So, my goal is going back to being mindful.  Although, I am so thrilled because I have been finishing up so many products these last couple of months and replacing them all from my stockpile.  ...and I am so close on a few others. I am enjoying seeing my bottle/jar collection reducing and seeing some space. I have to be vigilant in my spending here if I want to get down to the basics in skincare.


Health - this is where I want to start focusing.  I dont diet but I want to cut back on junk food and move more. While I still have too much in the house, I dont have as much as I use to. But, what I do have, I have to start portioning it out instead of eating mindlessly. I am debating on joining a gym that offers classes and swimming.  Too much money if I dont go.


Youtube beauty channels - I dont really watch a lot of these as much anymore, just a few of them that I know, or feel, are giving honest opinions on things. Howevever, in June, I am going to try and limit my viewing of even these few channels. I realized the last few big tickets items I made, youtube made me buy them. LOL.  If I didnt see them, I wouldnt of known they existed. I usually have my self imposed price limits so I still cant believe I spent so much on just a few items. So, it is time to break the habit.  Usually I watch at night, when I am watching tv or cant sleep.    


I am ready for June.  Although, there is no need to wait until the first of the month to incorporate better habits, it feels like a fresh start.


I hope everyone is doing well.



Funny you should mention youtube beauty channels.  I was searching for some tips for women over 40 and ran across one that was hilarious.  She must be new to making videos because when she was doing her eyes and commenting, the camera was recording from her nose to her chin.  Tears were flowing from laughter!!  That is something I would do.

Paws and enjoy life.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

@just bee wrote:

And now, back by popular demand...


Hey, all you HEPcats and HEPdogs! We had discussed making the Healthy Eating thread a monthly jam session, so I just went ahead and did a little improvisation. This is an invite to our crazy crib where you can come and break it down! I say we go 18 karat on this and really swing. If healthy eating’s not your bag, no problem. But if it is, I dig.


It’s cool, I’m booted, let’s jump!


Piano Cat

So are you inviting us to join HEP?  My DD isn't here to interpret your post.

Paws and enjoy life.