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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

Well thanks to those of you compact members for recommending Project 333 and minimizing your wardrobe. I have been studying the website for three days now along withe "into-mind" and other sites that help you declutter. I have been one busy bee. I have now cleaned out not only every single thing in my wardrobe and my personal possessions, but that of my husband and my whole household and my house not only looks better it is easier to clean, to find things, and nicer to look at. 


I must admit that I am  pretty clean and organized so this was not has hard as it would be for some, but I threw 5 garbage bags full of household items and it feels great. My linen closet is a work of art! I need to do this. I read Marie Kondo's book about decluttering months ago and I have been slowly doing it. Now I just cannot let myself get so far away from the minimalst idea that I have for myself. Mind my idea of minimalism is not the same as some. I still have 40 pairs of shoes--and I need them all! But I wear them all so that is what my idea for less is myself. 


My new strategy is not to buy any clothing until after Christmas. I need a breather and take the time to enjoy what I have and why I have these clothing pieces in my wardrobe. When I do start purchasing the items that I will need to add to my wardrobe as the item wear out I am going to purchase only those things that go with my current wardrobe and I am not going to shop cheap I am going to start buying the best that I can afford. I hope this works for me and stops the madness of having a closet full of clothes that I really do not need and does not really reflect my style.

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

You're welcome.  I'm taking that route also.  I really don't need that much to live on.  I discovered three saucepans & three frying pans & seven lunch bags.  I didn't even realize I had these.  So I gave them away.  I finally gave away all but 3 cookbooks. I think I had 50 of these. 

I'm still getting rid of clothes, it is surprising how much I have.  I'm hoping by November I'll keep only the ones I use.

What really shook me was that a few months back I ending up at the hospital.  High blood pressure, heartburn & anxiety attack.  (I'm on meds & doing better).  But the sad thing was that I was more worried about if I didn't leave the hospital, how are my siblings going to get rid of all my stuff.  I should've been worried about my health!  It was then I realized that even though I've made some progress since joining the Compact, I needed to do more.  

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

I went clothes shopping twice this week.  The first time I didn't come home with anything but I really got an idea of what I am looking for.   Now, it is a matter of finding the items. The second time, I just bought a couple of basics but nothing special. However, I am looking forward to adding a few pieces this year.  I really want to be able to open my closet and love every

thing in it. 


Cookbooks, thanks Islandgirl, you might of given me the inspiration to finally get rid of most of my cookbooks.  I keep culling them but can't really seem to part with most of them.  The reality is, I just don't reach for them. 

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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

I think my Wen purchase may be going back. I got it and wow the smell was horrid. I tried out both the tea tree and fig. Usually, I don't mind straight tea tree scent but this is some other combo that I just don't understand. Of course, once I dried my hair, I didn't have a professional stylist to make me look good like the models on maybe it would look stunning if I had one! LOL. I'm going to use them a few more times before the month is up and return if my opinion doesn't improve. If I'm going to pay $$$ for hair products, I need to enjoy the scent and get good results from it. So if I return it, my beauty purchases for September would be back at 0. Smiley Wink
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

You are all doing so well.  I hope you are feeling better, islandgirl67.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

It has been another week of ups and downs.  I finished a shampoo and face cleanser and have a few more things that are nearly empty.  The starter went out on my car.  I thought maybe we bought a dud battery, but that wasn't it.  The car was towed to my house, and my husband replaced the starter.


The day my car konked out, I was feeling bummed.  After DD practiced her flute, the doorbell rang.  Our new neighbor heard the flute and came over to tell me that she gives flute lessons.  I could not believe it.  I was looking for someone close to my home to give DD lessons.  That made my day.


Since fall is almost here, I went through my spring/summer clothes to look at what I did not wear this year.  If I was just giving something a rest, it stayed in my closet.  Anything else was pulled out and put in a bag for donating in March.  I am also getting together a few fall/winter things to donate now.


And now the really bad news.  I just got home about 30 minutes ago and saw a box on my porch.  I recognized that it was from my MIL because when she tapes a box, she really tapes it.  Nearly the entire box is covered with clear tape.  Since DS's birthday is soon, I thought maybe it was a gift for him, but no.  The box was addressed to me.  My heart sank when I opened it.  More knick knacks.  They are absolutely hideous.

Here are two of them.





Both are 10" tall.


There is more, but this is all I could find online.  I am really annoyed.  Seriously.  I am.  I have put them in the center of the living room floor.  When my husband gets home, I am going to turn on all of the lights and surprise him.  Then, they will be boxed and put in the garage immediately.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

This has been another week of ups and downs.  I finished a shampoo and face cleanser and have a few more things that are nearly empty.  Yay!  The starter in my car broke.  The car was towed home, and my husband replaced it.  Boo to the repair.  Yay to my husband fixing it.


The day the car konked out, DD was practicing her flute.  Our new neighbor heard her and came to my door.  Turns out that she gives flute lessons.  I was so happy.  I was trying to find a flute teacher close to my home but was not having any luck.  This really made my day.  DD is happy, too.


Since it is nearly fall, I went through my closet to look at the spring/summer clothes that I did not wear this year.  The things that I like but was just giving a rest stayed.  The things that I had to force myself to admit that I really did not enjoy wearing went into a bag for donating in March.  I also found a few fall/winter things that I will donate tomorrow.


And now the really bad news.  When I arrived home today, I saw a package on my porch.  I could tell it was from my MIL because when she tapes a box, she really tapes it.  It is covered with clear tape.  I thought it was a gift for DS since his birthday is approaching, but no, it was addressed to me.  My heart sank when I opened the box.  More knick knacks.  These are hideous.  I found two online.  Here they are.




Both are 10" tall.


There are more things but no pictures.  I am really annoyed.  Seriously.  I am.  I have placed everything in the center of the living room floor.  When her son walks in, I am going to have all of the lights on.  Then, I will rebox them and move them to the garage.



Paws and enjoy life.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

This has been another week of ups and downs.  I finished a shampoo and face cleanser and have a few more things that are nearly empty.  Yay!  The starter in my car broke.  The car was towed home, and my husband replaced it.  Boo to the repair.  Yay to my husband fixing it.


The day the car konked out, DD was practicing her flute.  Our new neighbor heard her and came to my door.  Turns out that she gives flute lessons.  I was so happy.  I was trying to find a flute teacher close to my home but was not having any luck.  This really made my day.  DD is happy, too.


Since it is nearly fall, I went through my closet to look at the spring/summer clothes that I did not wear this year.  The things that I like but was just giving a rest stayed.  The things that I had to force myself to admit that I really did not enjoy wearing went into a bag for donating in March.  I also found a few fall/winter things that I will donate tomorrow.


And now the really bad news.  When I arrived home today, I saw a package on my porch.  I could tell it was from my MIL because when she tapes a box, she really tapes it.  It is covered with clear tape.  I thought it was a gift for DS since his birthday is approaching, but no, it was addressed to me.  My heart sank when I opened the box.  More knick knacks.  These are hideous and not small.  Two of them are 10" tall.  I am really annoyed.  Seriously.  I am.  I have placed everything in the center of the living room floor.  When her son walks in, I am going to have all of the lights on.  He won't miss them.  Then, I will rebox it all and move them to the garage.



Paws and enjoy life.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2015 -- September

Here is one of them.


Paws and enjoy life.
Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,800
Registered: ‎10-16-2010

Re: ComPact 2015 -- September