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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

On the decluttering front, I threw out an old body cream. It had come with a perfume that I bought a couple years ago but I never used the cream. i opened it finally and the smell just seemed off? plus the texture seems odd too. I didn't waste any more time on it, it was dumped into the garbage and then the plastic container rinsed out and put for recycling. Previously, I think I would have at least tried to use it on my feet or something just so I didn't "waste money" on it. LOL Now, I can throw it out knowing that I have other fresh items that I will enjoy using!


Putting on my eye makeup this morning, I realized that I reach for the same eyebrushes eventhough I have a bunch of different ones? I know they are varying quality, shapes etc but I think a good project for tonight will be sitting down and weeding out the definite ones that can be thrown out due to I don't use them nor want to use them.

It is to laugh.  I have a lot of brushes and do you know what I use to apply my eye shadow?  Q-tips.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:
So, I just sat here and ate a full magnum bar and a half. Delicious but a mistake. Not a good way to blow off steam. Oh well, it tasted good. Although, as much as I scream portion control, it doesn't work for me. I really have to try and not bring this stuff home.

Well, I can say that Borghese didn't get me. I thought for sure that painted jar was going to come my way, but I resisted, I look forward to the day where I can buy something like this when I am not overwhelmed and just enjoy it.

On the clothes front, I have been wearing items and if they bug me in any kinda way, donation bag they go. Although, lately I give them to family members first. I thought about what I brought in this year for clothing and I can proudly say, not much. I bought one shirt, some intimates and one pair of running shoes. That is all i think. How great is that. ...and I have been letting things go as I wear them. Same for the kitchen. I bought a small blender and that is it. No DVDs, no CDs, not much of anything else. However skincare and mu and groceries, not a success story, but I am working on it.

I try to do portion control too....but I've learned with some things, I just CAN'T do it. Chips, ice cream - will never be able to do portion control with them. Way too easy to eat too much. It's best that I avoid bringing it into my home.

I have been debating about treating myself to a spa day since it's been months if not over a year since I've done a facial, massage etc. But I read about the Borghese special yesterday and I bought it instead! I figure it will cost 1/3 of what a real spa treatment could cost on the cheap end. Plus I could have multiple treatments.....and I confess, I've always been tempted by the mud love on these forums! I also don't own anything like that for use on my body so I'm not going to beat myself up about the purchase. I plan on enjoying it this summer.


I like your idea about a donation bag clothes idea. I know I'm guilty of wearing something and not 100% loving it or looking that great in it. I have enough other clothes that I should start weeding them out like you. Thanks for the idea!

I have a bunch of Magnum bars in the freezer -- the ones with all the caramel -- and I always forget to eat them.  Weird, huh?  I saw the monster box on sale at Costco, then walked away from it.  Better-half came home with a box for me a couple weeks later when they weren't on sale.  What is the point of that?  I'd eat one right now but it wouldn't go with my gin and tonic.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

[ Edited ]




~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

Argh!!! Doing all my house work today. Found out this morning that Comcast DOES go to my new area in ABQ. Trying to get that set up with Internet and trying to cancel Direct tv before I may incur any penalties. Won't need to call Centurylink then. I always heard about the high cost of Comcast, but didn't want to start off living in my new area with companies that I was unfamiliar with. I hope I'm doing the right thing. Oh, well. Getting rid of old furniture this weekend to DH co-worker and AmVets will take the rest.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

Oh, bee: forgot to add, check out my avatar. Pic of DH and me taken a few years ago in Old Town. In front of statue--forgot who. Will need to brush up on my NM history.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@Oshare-girl wrote:
Aprilskies, did you know they make mini Magnum bars? It comes in a box of six. I just had one and they are perfect for portion control. Because I too cannot resist the call of the Magnum bar.

So I found a tiny weeble or some kind of bug walking in the eyeshadow palette I was trying to pan this year. Ew! This palette is about 3 years old and I was 7 months into using it. I hit pan on 3 of the shadows. I have never done that before. I really wanted to see how far I could get in a year but I draw the line at buggy makeup. I saw this same kind of bug last year in a theBalm blush and I thought it was attracted to the cardboard packaging. But this palette was a Bareminerals 8.0 plastic compact so I figure the bug is attracted to old powders. I used to think that powder products could last practically forever but I saw it with my own eyes. Buggy.

I am going to replace this with my next oldest palette, the Urban Decay Nak*d basics. It seems a lot more powdery than I remember. It could be that it's just getting old, another 3 year old palette. More than ever, I am not buying any makeup until I get this stash down to a capsule collection. To be forced to toss products that have gone bad is no fun. It destroys the thrill of the acquisition.

Aprilskies, yes, when I'm down to my capsule collection, I'll buy a fun item here and there. I'm finding that it takes about 3 months to finish a lipstick that is used exclusively. Throwing in a fun accent piece once a season should be manageable without increasing the stash. Can't wait for that day!

To paraphrase Nancy Reagan, "Just say no to bugs!"

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:
So, I just sat here and ate a full magnum bar and a half. Delicious but a mistake. Not a good way to blow off steam. Oh well, it tasted good. Although, as much as I scream portion control, it doesn't work for me. I really have to try and not bring this stuff home.

Well, I can say that Borghese didn't get me. I thought for sure that painted jar was going to come my way, but I resisted, I look forward to the day where I can buy something like this when I am not overwhelmed and just enjoy it.

On the clothes front, I have been wearing items and if they bug me in any kinda way, donation bag they go. Although, lately I give them to family members first. I thought about what I brought in this year for clothing and I can proudly say, not much. I bought one shirt, some intimates and one pair of running shoes. That is all i think. How great is that. ...and I have been letting things go as I wear them. Same for the kitchen. I bought a small blender and that is it. No DVDs, no CDs, not much of anything else. However skincare and mu and groceries, not a success story, but I am working on it.

I try to do portion control too....but I've learned with some things, I just CAN'T do it. Chips, ice cream - will never be able to do portion control with them. Way too easy to eat too much. It's best that I avoid bringing it into my home.

I have been debating about treating myself to a spa day since it's been months if not over a year since I've done a facial, massage etc. But I read about the Borghese special yesterday and I bought it instead! I figure it will cost 1/3 of what a real spa treatment could cost on the cheap end. Plus I could have multiple treatments.....and I confess, I've always been tempted by the mud love on these forums! I also don't own anything like that for use on my body so I'm not going to beat myself up about the purchase. I plan on enjoying it this summer.


I like your idea about a donation bag clothes idea. I know I'm guilty of wearing something and not 100% loving it or looking that great in it. I have enough other clothes that I should start weeding them out like you. Thanks for the idea!

I do not know how I made it through the day without buying the Borghese TTV.  I wanted it just for the scrub and cream.  Everyone raves about them!  They were also showing different uses for the jar after it is empty - a holder for brushes, cotton balls, cotton swabs, or a candle.  It could store long lip glosses, too.  Maria said to apply the mud to our feet.  I am going to try this because my feet are dry.  Please let me know what you think of the kit.  The price is much higher today, but it is likely that Evine will have the kit at a special price during a future event.  I've noticed they do this a lot.  Maybe I'll be able to pick it up then.  Enjoy!

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@just bee,  I'm trying out the new apparently operational options (does that sound right?) like the "@" thingy.  You're supposed to get notified in your notifications (makes sense to put it there) that you were mentioned in my post.  Pretty cool, if it works.


Anyway, your teaching history sounds a lot like my niece's.  She opted not to have children of her own (she's another "dog person".)  She started her career as a school librarian, but when they phased those positions out, she became a first-grade teacher.  That lasted one school year.  She couldn't stand the little darlings.  Various reasons, but one of the ones that struck me was that she said they were germ-carriers--she was home sick more often that year than ever before or since. 


And as for your better-half buying you goodies after you had decided not to yourself, another case of separated at birth.  I've often been tempted by some particularly tasty chocolates I like when at the grocery store, but opt out (shouldn't be eating sweets at all for medical reasons).  Then what happens?  Not a week or two later my husband brings me home a "treat"--those same candies!  Great.  Now I have to eat them since I can't have anything like that in the house--I have no self-control whatsoever!



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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@FindingMyJoy wrote:

On the decluttering front, I threw out an old body cream. It had come with a perfume that I bought a couple years ago but I never used the cream. i opened it finally and the smell just seemed off? plus the texture seems odd too. I didn't waste any more time on it, it was dumped into the garbage and then the plastic container rinsed out and put for recycling. Previously, I think I would have at least tried to use it on my feet or something just so I didn't "waste money" on it. LOL Now, I can throw it out knowing that I have other fresh items that I will enjoy using!


Putting on my eye makeup this morning, I realized that I reach for the same eyebrushes eventhough I have a bunch of different ones? I know they are varying quality, shapes etc but I think a good project for tonight will be sitting down and weeding out the definite ones that can be thrown out due to I don't use them nor want to use them.

Yesterday, I used a jar of face cream on my body.  It was sitting in my cabinet because I knew after the first time I used it on my face that I did not like it, so I put it aside.  When I woke up this morning, my skin was dry.  The cream did not keep my skin moisturized for an entire day.  I am going to try it as a hand cream since I reappy hand cream throughout the day.  If I still do not like it, I'll throw it out.  It is a huge jar but was super cheap.  $5, I think.

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: ComPact 2015 -- 6/15/15 through 6/30/15

@just bee wrote:

@aprilskies wrote:

Just bee, I see you were an English major. You must cringe at my grammar and punctuation at times. I don't take the time and sometimes think, I know a comma belongs in there somewhere. Lol.

I went off to a university at 17 and double-majored in very marketable things: English and Theatre & Film.  Minored in Art. Why?  Because I was 17.  Threw a teaching credential into the mix because I thought I'd teach high school English and Theatre and direct the school plays.


Another op'nin', another show
In Philly, Boston or Baltimo',
A chance for stage folks to say hello,
Another op'nin' of another show.


I thought disliking children would be an asset, but being trapped in a room with 40 to 50 of them at a time proved too much for me.  Who were these creatures who didn't care about the difference between a noun and a verb?  Student teaching was enough for me.  Today I could work in child psych if I wanted to but I don't.  Kids are scary.  But, hey -- it's a job of the future if anyone's interested! Woman Wink

There was a student teacher who was about to graduate in DS's high school Spanish class.  DS told me that the ST had been in the classroom only a couple of weeks when he decided he did not want to be a teacher.  It really is a tough job.  I could never do it.

Paws and enjoy life.