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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

On 9/28/2014 kathie66 said:
On 9/1/2014 just bee said:

New month, and soon a new season. August went by so quickly -- that <em>had</em> to be a record breaker. So, after so many months (years?) of ComPacting, I see the most success by stopping the flow. By just not introducing new items, I can see and feel the difference.

Biggest success? Resisting the urge to overbuy beauty items. I feel that I've finally reached the point where I can do without. I have assembled the items that work best and that I use most. Life is easier.

Unfortunately I still have all the items I'd collected before I "enlightened" myself. Still applying the "one-by-one" rule. It works.

What has made the biggest difference for <em>you</em>?

Hi All!

About a week ago I had answered bee's question in a long post and when I went to post it I lost it. So frustrating! So I'll try again in a short post!

First of all welcome to the new compactors!!

The biggest difference for me has been this thread and all of you! I love the accountablity and the comaradry. I love not being judged when I mess up, being supported when the urge to buy becomes strong. Hearing of all your accomplishments makes me feel so good! I love rooting for all of you and the knowing your rooting for me too.

I love that you all get it, and know how hard it can be. So thank you ALL for this journey that we are sharing together. Thanks for all the tips and encouragement. And bee a special thank you to you for leading the way and always being there no matter how busy you are. My heartfelt thanks to you all!! Hugs, Kathie

Isn't that the worst? You type out what looks like The Great American Novel, hit Submit, and POOF! Gone. Get into the habit of typing your longer posts into Word, then copy and paste them into the forum.

It's always good to hear -- or read -- how you're all making progress and how your habits have changed. Collecting was a habit. Clutter was a habit. Shopping was a habit. Now that you're addressing these habits, you're just developing a new habit. It gets easier because it starts to feel normal.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

I have such a stash of shoes, but lately, they are falling apart on me. I wore a pair yesterday that really looked like new, but when I was coming out of church, they started falling apart. This has been the only way for me to part with shoes. I will have to travel with a spare, just in case. They were close to 30 yrs old and were a replacement for my prom shoes that fell apart. Everyone has their own way of decluttering. I won't be buying any shoes for awhile. My husband just laughed, and he has been so supportive of all my stash. He did notice that the shoe boxes are dwindling in number. I certainly admire you ladies that can part with stuff. I feel like someone is wrestling me to keep whatever I pull out and think about getting rid of. One day at a time... Thank you ladies for being here. I rely on this thread so much; it is such a lifeline.

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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

On 9/29/2014 Beauty$Junkie said:

I have such a stash of shoes, but lately, they are falling apart on me. I wore a pair yesterday that really looked like new, but when I was coming out of church, they started falling apart. This has been the only way for me to part with shoes. I will have to travel with a spare, just in case. They were close to 30 yrs old and were a replacement for my prom shoes that fell apart. Everyone has their own way of decluttering. I won't be buying any shoes for awhile. My husband just laughed, and he has been so supportive of all my stash. He did notice that the shoe boxes are dwindling in number. I certainly admire you ladies that can part with stuff. I feel like someone is wrestling me to keep whatever I pull out and think about getting rid of. One day at a time... Thank you ladies for being here. I rely on this thread so much; it is such a lifeline.

It is to laugh! A few years ago I had to go to a meeting and I thought I'd wear something other than pants. What I needed to finish the outfit was a simple pair of white shoes. I remembered I had a "new" pair of Mushrooms I'd bought in the 80s. These were plain white on a comfortable gray rubbery wedge. I found the shoes, slipped them on, got into the car, and drove across town to the hotel where our group had planned to meet. It was a hot day and I had to walk across the parking lot. As I was walking I had this strange sensation that I was shrinking.

I was. The wedge on my shoes had started crumbling, disintegrating. Awkward! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

Thank you, Bee. I never feel alone when I come to this board. LOL

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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

On 9/29/2014 Beauty$Junkie said:

Thank you, Bee. I never feel alone when I come to this board. LOL

We got your back.

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
Posts: 24
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

I don't post often, but read this thread almost every day.

I follow the mantra's and what really clicked for me was the One Room Challenge. I started in my son's room (they have both moved out after college), and completed all of the bedrooms. We replaced our hard wood floors, and when I had to empty the bedrooms, I decluttered, repainted, and put only the things I loved back.

I have been asked to consider a promotion which would require me moving. You all don't know how relieved I am that movers won't be horrified by the amount of "things" I have.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the support I get here, whether you know it or not, this thread helps a lot of us "lurkers". Thank you!!

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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

On 9/30/2014 Vianney said:

I don't post often, but read this thread almost every day.

I follow the mantra's and what really clicked for me was the One Room Challenge. I started in my son's room (they have both moved out after college), and completed all of the bedrooms. We replaced our hard wood floors, and when I had to empty the bedrooms, I decluttered, repainted, and put only the things I loved back.

I have been asked to consider a promotion which would require me moving. You all don't know how relieved I am that movers won't be horrified by the amount of "things" I have.

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for the support I get there, whether you know it or not, this thread helps a lot of us "lurkers". Thank you!!

Yes -- the ORC! Good to hear it worked for you. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

~My philosophy: Dogs are God's most perfect creatures. Angels, here on Earth, who teach us to be better human beings.~
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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

Well the end of September is here. Checking my stockpile I can see a lot more came in than went out.

Purchases: 10 bars of soap (Better Half doesn't like the 13 Dove Shower Wash that we have){#emotions_dlg.glare} , 1 deodorant, 6 hand soap, 4 jar candles, essential and carrier oils

Additions: 82 tubes of toothpaste (given to my Better Half)

Used up: 1 hand soap, 1 cleanser, 1 moisturizer, 1 scrub, 1 serum, 1 cleansing conditioner, 3 votive candles, 2 jar candles

Donated: 25 toothpastes to the shelter, household items and clothing to Good Will, recycled paper to the Day School program

That's about all I can think of right now. October will be a fresh start. I will continue to try to de-clutter the old, unwanted items, and try to stop the tide of items coming in.

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Re: ComPact 2014 -- September

I still can't believe it is September and it is almost over! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

My month was great with no unnecessary purchases for anything. I had to buy facial moisturizer & body lotion. I got drugstore versions of both.

I'm looking forward to October; hopefully it will bring cooler weather. I will probably buy some fall clothes before the month is over. Last year's fall/winter clothes are too big and are waiting to go to consignment when it cools off a bit.

In October, I plan to continue using what I have & replacing only when necessary. I'll need one or two things next month but I don't expect to spend much on beauty products. the only thing I can think of that is almost empty is my leave-in hair product.

It really took some effort to stop watching beauty presentations & buying new things to try but it really is nice not feeling the pressure to buy all the time. And it feels great not getting stressed out over purchases I really don't need.