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On 8/25/2014 rnmom said:

This week is the kitchen and it's going to be a really busy week for me, so I know I won't be able to get the kitchen totally done. We have lots of cupboards and a big pantry, so I'll be behind in this area, but I hope I can make it up during one of the other weeks or at the end.

I understand . My pantry is so packed I can hardly get into it. It looks like days 2 & 3 will be quite the challenge.

If anyone wants a link.

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On 8/23/2014 aprilskies said:I am having a hard time getting motivated but I need to. I really need to tackle my paperwork. I really hate paperwork. I think I will start back up in the winter though.

Here is a link to Spring Cleaning 365 (paper clutter this month). It has helped me out a lot!

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Registered: ‎10-21-2011

Say it isn't so! Our Compact thread was all the way back on page 5! Where is everyone?? Come back! Come back!

Anyway, here it is, the end of August.

Purchases: 1 bottle of essential oil

Used up: 3 bars of soap, 1 trial size moisturizer, 1 toner, 2 trial size conditioners, 1 hair texture, 3 votive candles and 3 jar candles from stockpile.

Donated: household/kitchen stuff went to Goodwill, and paper to the Church's Day School recycling program.

I've been following the 91 day de-clutter challenge. It hasn't been very hard so far, but I think next week is the office. That is my worst, worst area! {#emotions_dlg.scared} But, maybe that room will show the most impact when the week is up. I just hope it's not an impossible dream.{#emotions_dlg.blushing}

See you in September...See you when the summer's through.. (I guess I'm showing my age now).

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I am still committed to cleaning out this stash, but stll find myself wanting to buy new items. I did finish a 32oz bath wash. Auto delivery? How could I possibility think I needed more stuff every 90 days--insanity. Thank you all for being here.
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Goodness, page FIVE??? {#emotions_dlg.scared} Thanks for rescuing us!

I have had a good month. I did not buy much, only what I needed - new moisturizer. I did not use up much either so I guess I probably broke even. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I've got a huge bag of too-big, like new clothes ready to go to consignment when they start accepting fall clothes. It will have to cool off a bit before they will start.

Posts: 42
Registered: ‎06-05-2013
Hello! I didn't use up many things this month and I caved on a Today's Special on the other channel and bought a few items I had been eyeing on clearance. I did continue the 91 day challenge and cleaned all of the cabinets in the kitchen. I have a decent pile to give away again. Quick question, could someone tell me how to enter a line break on the iPad? When I hit enter, nothing happens. Thanks!
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Hello all, I hope everyone had a great summer. I cant believe it is over.

I actually pulled some kitchen appliances and other things and will try and take them to a consignment shop and see what happens. Although, I have to do it soon because I am starting to waiver. More toward October/November I am going to start to take some of my collectibles and see what they would sell for, if at all. Letting go is very tough, not so much for the "things" but the fact I really didnt even enjoy them. Oh well.

No product impulse buys in August. I really havent even been tempted and if I have, it wasnt strong. I used a few items up and it felt great. Its been a couple of months. I am even getting through some bar soap. I dont have a ton so I am not overwhelmed but I was just not using it. I do have to start using some other things. I just cant seem to get motivated to do treatments.

I hope everyone has a great Labor Day.

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On 8/31/2014 kns110 said: Hello! I didn't use up many things this month and I caved on a Today's Special on the other channel and bought a few items I had been eyeing on clearance. I did continue the 91 day challenge and cleaned all of the cabinets in the kitchen. I have a decent pile to give away again. Quick question, could someone tell me how to enter a line break on the iPad? When I hit enter, nothing happens. Thanks!
I am sure there is better way of doing it but here is what I do. ...and you can see above how it works out. So, after the end of a sentence with no spaces, here is what I do, just type

, again with no spaces before or after. I

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Bye for August, friends! Good month. Hope to see you next month. Er, tomorrow.