Posts: 23
Registered: ‎05-16-2010

I have never purchased a clarisonic because I have VERY sensitive skin. Just washing it makes it red and I thought this would be harsh. But, I have finally sat through a presentation and I am really curious about the clarisonic for sensitive skin since they talked about the brush that was for sensitive. So, I am really thinking of jumping on the bandwagon. Do any of you that have one have really sensitive skin-how does it work? Thanks for any help

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Re: Clarisonic Mia 2 05/17/2014

Jump! I have very sensitive skin and eczema. I use the Clarisonic with the acne brush. That brush is very delicate, but the new cashmere brush seems like it would be even better! I use it not every day, but every other day, and when I've been outside and have been working in the yard, or after I exercise for the extra cleaning power. You don't have to use it for the full time and you control the pressure you use. Use a good cleaner for sensitive skin. Mine came with Purity by Philosophy, and I also use Cerave Foaming Cleanser from Walgreens or other drugstores. Jump on it, especially on easy pay! It works to really clean your skin and has helped make mine less sensitive as my eczema hasn't flared like it used to. My make up goes on better, and I have fewer breakouts.

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Re: Clarisonic Mia 2 05/17/2014

If I were you, I'd check out the Foreo Luna before deciding to get a Clarisonic. I like my Clarisonic but I would definitely chose the Luna if I were buying today. It gets great reviews & there are no brushes to replace.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Clarisonic Mia 2 05/17/2014

The Fornea Luna is a better deal. I just ordered it!
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Re: Clarisonic Mia 2 05/17/2014

Yes & Yes re: Mia & sensitive skin! The best purchase ever!!!

RE: The Fornea Luna - never heard of it before. How sanitary can this silicon be after using it multiple times? Clarisonic has many brush heads to choose from. This latest TSV includes the softest, the Lux brush head. You have nothing to loose trying the Clarisonic. If you're not happy, send it back. Can you do that with the competition? Probably not.

Top spas and Tier#1 retailers sell the Clarisonic. Fornea Luna is a" me too," wanna be. Much more expensive than the TSV. Good luck.

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Posts: 341
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Clarisonic Mia 2 05/17/2014

I ordered it after watching review, a few days ago. He always used the sens. brush and showed/told the story of using the normal brush. I gave up on the one that I tried (years ago) because I had broken caps from it. I liked how clean my skin was, but could not deal with broken caps I had from the "normal" brush. This sounds like what I need for my skin. Hopefully, this will be good for my needs.