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Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

Good Morning to All! After reading the very positive thread about the Facial-Flex gismo I want to try it myself. However, I have a very old jaw injury that resulted in the "disc" in the right joint of my jaw bone being squished permanently. I have no pain, only an occasionally clicking sound. I really want to try the Facial Flex but wonder if it works the muscles in the back of my jaw or just around my mouth. Thanks for your input on this. I love these Forums, I have learned so much.

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

Hi, FurBabyLover!

I didn't have an injury but my jaw has clicked painlessly for years. If I were you, I'd give the facial flex a try, but start off slowly, just using it a minute or two until you see how you feel afterwards. I was interested to see your thread as I'm starting to really see some signs of aging around my mouth and neck area and had been thinking of the facial flex last week. My daughter had bought and used one years ago. I guess I'll have to search the web or borrow my daughter's, since QVC doesn't seem to offer the device anymore.

I'd love to know what ever happened to the couple that sold FF (Tommy and his wife). Are they promoting the product on infomercials? I'm presuming, like everyone else, they eventually started really showing their age despite their best attempts to stave off the process. Like Linda Evans and everyone else that has some 'keep you young-looking forever' gadget, they've probably been dropped by whomever has them representing the product. FF looked good, though. Best of luck to you if you try it. Smiley Happy

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

There is absolutely no evidence at all that this contraption works. I would avoid subjecting yourself to the potential for injury from a gadget that is bogus.

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

You probably should ask your dentist if it will safe for you.

That being said, I have TMJ which sometimes gets pretty severe. I go to a TMJ specialist who told me not to even chew gum. I even had to quit my job which was talking on the phone all day long. TMJ is a progressive disability and I wouldn't rush it if I were you.

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

Thank you, Everyone, for the very thoughtful input. Great info and advice!!! I think I will hold off on this unit, I don't want to stir anything up with my jaw. Thanks again!!!

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

I can't recall Tommy's wife's name but I do recall reading here on the boards that Tommy passed away.

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Re: Can I use Facial-Flex if I have mild TMJ?

On 4/15/2014 furbabylover said:

Thank you, Everyone, for the very thoughtful input. Great info and advice!!! I think I will hold off on this unit, I don't want to stir anything up with my jaw. Thanks again!!!

That's probably the wisest thing to do---as I've aged, I've been progressively having issues. Last year, I woke up with my jaw locked open and actually had to go to the ER for help getting my jaw back into place so I could close it.