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Bruising and KTP laser - help!

I just had KTP laser treatment for redness on my face. Now I have some welts and red bruising. Is there anything I can do to cover this? It should go away in a couple of days, but does anyone have any suggestions?

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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

No........and if anybody should be rude enough to ask.......tell them your allergies are bothering you.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

Thanks, Desertdi, that's a good idea.

Anyone have any suggestions on covering the redness? I look like I have poison oak on my face.

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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

I wouldn't put anything ""strong"" on it........maybe one of those neutralizing compacts from Physicians Formula to tide you over (????)

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

I would contact the office where you had it done........I wouldn't put anything on it until you spoke to them. Didn't they give you a care sheet to follow?
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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

They didn't give me anything. I asked if it was okay to use my regular cleanser and they said yes. The skin isn't broken, and the welts have diminished a little today, but it's still very red. I'm not looking forward to going to work on Monday. I hope i'll be able to cover it with makeup. I've had this done before, but it never was this intense.

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Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

On a thread about dermal fillers, someone suggested Amica (?) gel for bruising. Maybe that could help?
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-21-2010

Re: Bruising and KTP laser - help!

Thanks, MarenSeattle. I wonder if Dermablend would work. If it covers portwine stains, it should cover bruises, right?