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Wasn't sure whether to post this in Beauty or Health. It's impacting my makeup, that's for sure. I suspect I may have a blocked tear duct or something. I am going to make an appt. with my eye doctor. My left eye will water just on the outer corner. And instead of a normal tear running down, it pools upwards onto my eyelid. This, of course smears and ruins my eye makeup. I've been using the same exact cosmetic products before with no problem. I have no redness, swelling, etc... It's random, so not sure about seasonal allergies. I do wear contacts; I'm also suspecting those. When it starts, it will tear up all day long. Very aggravating. It leaves a white patch on my upper eyelid where everything gets melted off. Anyone else had this before?

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I worked with a lady that had that happen. Her eye was very watery, and an opthamologist can correct it. Hers would reoccur from time to time.
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Thanks, that's how this is doing. It's not necessarily every day. Been going on since earlier this year.

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The lady I worked with would dab at her eye all day with a tissue. She had the minor procedure done about 3 different times during the 6 years I worked with her. Good luck to you, and see an opthamologist. Have a great week. I have chronic dry eyes, and it is miserable.
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I had one many years ago and my eye doc told me to put a compress on it, as hot as I could stand and it cleared up in no time.

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I have not but, and I am not trying to be funny, my cat had a blocked tear duct which required surgery. It's good that you are seeing your dr. You should stay away from the eye makeup until you find out what's going on -- just a suggestion. Good luck.

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I have this problem and my eye doctor told me the only way to correct this would be surgery. No thank you I will deal with this. It isn't an every day occurrence but on cold days my eyes would water like I was crying. And there would go my blush and some eye makeup. So I know what you are talking about.

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DS's had to be corrected with surgery when he was very small. I have one that blocks from time to time, and I can stop it by actively massaging the lower corner of the eye frequently until it clears out. Might not work for a lot of folks, but it does work for me. Suggestion came from a doctor.

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I had this many years ago and the eye doctor flushed it out and it cleared it up. Didn't need surgery.

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An eye doctor would be ideal to assess your particular situation. I would not try at home treatment.