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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

To stop wasting my money on various products & start using Retin A. Literally, that's what the poster wrote, and she was right!

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

There have been many suggestions and now don't ya know, I can't remember them all.  The most recent is the Laura Mercier undereye setting powder and a while back I read a number of posters use baby shampoo to wash their brushes.  It's great and makes washing them so easy.  CeraVe night moisturizer, CT flawless filter, E.L.F. putty primers.  Thats just a few.  I get so much good tips, information and recommendations from so many on this board.  Thank you to all!

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

In 2008 at the height of the downturn, I found myself out of work .  I had no $ to get my hair done and had a job interview to go to.


The Beauties helped me put together a look without spending a dime,  put my hair up and helped with what to wear. 


One poster said to "look in the mirror and talk yourself up because no one else will." "You're all you got." It's advice I'll never forget.


I did just that and landed the job.

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

All my facial products go on my ALL parts of my eyebrow.  I didn't know you weren't supposed to?  I'm a little confused.  

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

[ Edited ]

My memory is shot.  I can only think of one thing but I'm sure there is more.

Color WOW.  It's a dry product that  you brush onto gray areas of your hair.  I'm brunette with a little gray around the temples.  What a difference it makes!!  So (again) thank you to whoever it was that mentioned the product AND that it was on sale (somewhere) lol

eta...Great topic!

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

[ Edited ]

@tucsongal: I, personally use it only on the last half (outside)  of my brows. If I remember correctly , the OP mentioned that sometimes women think their brows are disappearing  and that the exfoliation helps simulate growth?

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

@clarika wrote:

To specifically use your facial exfoliant on your eyebrows - especially the ends.

Whether I use and AHA/BHA, reinol cream or regular facial scrub - I always remember to do the brow ends.

Thanks to whom ever mentioned it first!

I've never heard of exfoliating your eyebrows.

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

I use a microneedle roller across my brows when I do the rest of my face. That exfoliates the skin where the brow hairs grow plus it stimulates hair growth, too. Microneedling can also be done on the scalp to help stimulate hair growth there also.

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

Thank you @SilleeMee 

I think I will go ahead and order the Petite version.  😃

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Re: Best Advise You Received From This Beauty Forum

Alpha lotion, helps my dry feet.You know who,reccomended it!!SilleeMee.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.