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Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

Has anyone tried this product?  It's similar to Smashbox's new Photo Angle liner, but Benefit was first.  I got a sample of brown liner with my Sephora order.  I don't think I like it.  I put it on an already made up face, so I will try with a fresh face and do it more carefully, but I found the application awkward.  It's also easy for the liner to be gloppy I think.  Is gloppy a word?  My spell checker isn't yelling at me.  Anyway, what did you think of this liner?  Is there a learning curve where you find your groove and like it more as you use it?

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Re: Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

[ Edited ]

No, I haven't tried this product. Brown liner is tricky IMO though. I find a new liner has a learning curve but when it is very awkward from the beginning it almost never gets better for me.

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Re: Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

Well, I tried it again today on a fresh face.  I have to be more careful and take more time when applying and it's still awkward, but the color is very nice and has good staying power.  I wouldn't buy a full size, but I think I will like my sample size well enough.  In any case, it's fun trying new products I wouldn't have otherwise tried.

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Re: Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

@Stargazer77 wrote:

Has anyone tried this product?  It's similar to Smashbox's new Photo Angle liner, but Benefit was first.  I got a sample of brown liner with my Sephora order.  I don't think I like it.  I put it on an already made up face, so I will try with a fresh face and do it more carefully, but I found the application awkward.  It's also easy for the liner to be gloppy I think.  Is gloppy a word?  My spell checker isn't yelling at me.  Anyway, what did you think of this liner?  Is there a learning curve where you find your groove and like it more as you use it?

Hi Stargazer77! This Benefit Liner was on Sephora's list of top returned items, so you are not alone. 

Posts: 57
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

I tried a sample of this.  I did not like it.  When you put it on it balls up on the end of the applicator and gets everywhere.  I felt like it was very messy.  Get the IT gel liner in the pot.  It is soooo much better and easier to apply!

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Registered: ‎04-09-2011

Re: Benefit's They're Real Push-Up Eye Liner?

Ugh!  I did not like it all.  It's one of the few things I've returned.  I bought it at Sephora and returned it after using it once.  It was way too difficult to use and I can't imagine trying to use it before work when I'm often pressed for time.  There may be a learning curve, but I wasn't willing to fuss with it.  I'm sticking with my gels and pencils.