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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

I gave in and ordered the Clarisonic TSV.  My 67 year-old skin has been very neglected and is extremely dry after this winter.  I need to start taking better care of my skin and will give this a few weeks to see if it makes a difference.  It comes with Clarisonic cleanser but I'm wondering what all of you have used that helps with dry skin and is anti-aging - since I'll have to purchase a cleanser eventually if I decide to keep this.  Also, need advice for a good moisturizer.  Thanks all. 

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

Oops, I just decided to cancel my order after reading all your reviews.  I was just too chicken to spend that money even though I know I can return it.  Knowing me, I wouldn't be faithful in using it everyday anyway.  So, I'd still like advice for a good cleanser and moisturizer for dry skin that is anti-aging.  Thanks in advance. 

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

@gfpdem wrote:

I thomk some posters are missing the point-no one is arguing that advancements havent made things better-but rather that there is something to "too much of a good thing". Cell phones are lovely for emergencies etc. but is it healthy for self esteem and independence to be tethered to someone else 24/7? The same is true of most things. There is always a balance. There is something beautiful in simplicity. I appreciate what the OP is saying.

great post @gfpdem!

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

I have once again resisted the Clarisonic. At times it has looked tempting but I am making a concentrated effort to simplify and consume less, so still a no-go for me

Recently I started using a washcloth to apply my Cetaphil cleanser on make-up free face and was surprised how difference that made.

I just don't want or need another gadget that needs maintenance, will break, and clutter the countertop.

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

I thinkit's great that there are so many choices out there today for us to figure out what works best for us.  Whether you like the Clairsonic or just a regular face cloth to clean your face, the important thing is that it works for your skin and your budget and with each of us sharing what works for us, helping each other make those decisions. 

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

@jaxs mom wrote:

@gfpdem wrote:

I thomk some posters are missing the point-no one is arguing that advancements havent made things better-but rather that there is something to "too much of a good thing". Cell phones are lovely for emergencies etc. but is it healthy for self esteem and independence to be tethered to someone else 24/7? The same is true of most things. There is always a balance. There is something beautiful in simplicity. I appreciate what the OP is saying.

LOL cell phones now influence self esteem? LOLOL 

Look at any teenager or adult for that matter, who's been bullied over text. Of course devices that now consume so much of peoples time and attention affect them as a person. We are what we see and are bombarded with everyday. And unfortunately, it isnt all that laughable.

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

Enjoyed reading everyone's comments. Never said not to use Clarisonic. Do understand the fascination with glowing skin. Been told look younger for my 58yrs. That's with Salt n Pepper natural hair. Attribute this to! NOT being obsessed with aging. Along with staying out of the sun and always using sun protection. Twin sister used to bake for hours in the sun people think she's my Mother. Previously, Post commented take care of your body and your body will take care of you. Firm believer, Fresh is best along with water and proper rest and exercise. Do enjoy several products from QVC. Variety is the spice of life! What works for me might not for you. Clarisonic works! Never said it didn't. Do use and have years, Sonic tooth brush. But! If tomorrow had to go back to manual wouldn't stop brushing. FYI Happened to visit the Clarisonic site. There's a special that's tempting me to try again. Love the floral brush.
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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

@Hayfield wrote:

I thinkit's great that there are so many choices out there today for us to figure out what works best for us.  Whether you like the Clairsonic or just a regular face cloth to clean your face, the important thing is that it works for your skin and your budget and with each of us sharing what works for us, helping each other make those decisions. 

I agree. The good thing with new products is that it offers people options. I have several different cleansers and products to remove makeup and like them all.

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

@jaxs mom wrote:

@Carmie wrote:

When I was a teen back in the early 70"s, I washed my face with a Skin Machine.  It looked almost exactly like the modern Clarisonic.


Everything old is new again.... With a higher price tag.

All those did was spin in circles, they didn't clean with sonic technology. Similar to how the old electric toothbrushes spun in circles and the new ones use sonic technology too. 

Yes, the Skin Machine did spin in circles and it worked.  I own a Clarisonic and I don't feel it cleans any better.  I stopped using it on my face, but I have the long handle that can be attached and I LOVE it for cleaning my back.

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Re: Before Clarisonic....There was....

@Sweet_Serenity wrote:

Smile Smiley Happy

 @Sweet_Serenity  why start a thread and then clear what you wrote? What you wrote was how you feel.    Yes, there may be disagreements, but, if you feel you need to erase your comments, your feelings on something to please others..... how sad for you in life to live that way.