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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Beekman Apricot Tea Bounty Box (Seasonal)

@lulu2 wrote:

@sunshine45 wrote:




i LOVE the sweet grass scent......not too overpowering, but very refreshing. a very unique scent. i also like the apricot tea scent.

i have never tried the oak moss or the fig leaf.

thanks for the heads up @fluffysmom.

I sent my sister the special value in Sweet Grass and she loves it.  We tend to like the same scents so I am looking forward to trying it. The only sent we didn't care for was the Fall box, Sweet Autumn Clematis.



so far, their only scent i DONT like are their rose scents. i dont mind getting them in the bounty boxes because i know a lot of people that DO like those scents and i can gift them. it is quite overpowering to me.


i have not smelled the sweet autumn clematis.


let me know how you like the sweet grass. Smiley Happy

i also like the fresh air scent. i think tha fresh airt and the sweet grass are nice for both men and women.

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