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I just received a 6 piece beautyblender set that was on sale for $33 and looking for input from ladies who love these sponges. I’ve purchased knockoffs before and I can see a major difference in the texture and lightweight if the BB. My Sephora knockoff was very dense and did not wash or dry well at all. These are very fluffy and lightweight and not as dense.

Any tips for use? Seems the original beautyblender absorbs a little less liquid foundation than a brush and needs to be replaced every 3-6 months (?) so will certainly give these a try for a while! I have been using bare minerals complexion rescue lately with a little heavier concealer under my eyes (Bye Bye undereye or CC cream by It) so hoping the beautyblender can help smooth out my skin without removing any of the lightweight complexion rescue!
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I read somewhere that to clean them, rub them on a bar of soap. It worked for me. I don't use them anymore. I use a brush that came with something I bought from IT Cosmetics.

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@Mrsq2022 wrote:
I just received a 6 piece beautyblender set that was on sale for $33 and looking for input from ladies who love these sponges. I’ve purchased knockoffs before and I can see a major difference in the texture and lightweight if the BB. My Sephora knockoff was very dense and did not wash or dry well at all. These are very fluffy and lightweight and not as dense.

Any tips for use? Seems the original beautyblender absorbs a little less liquid foundation than a brush and needs to be replaced every 3-6 months (?) so will certainly give these a try for a while! I have been using bare minerals complexion rescue lately with a little heavier concealer under my eyes (Bye Bye undereye or CC cream by It) so hoping the beautyblender can help smooth out my skin without removing any of the lightweight complexion rescue!

@Mrsq2022   I've purchased the Beauty Blender and dupes and still like using brushes or fingers better. I think the sponges waste product and they really need to be washed each time after use unlike a brush. I've tried the sponges w/ liquids, stick foundations, creams & concealers. Brushes still get my vote.

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I got one of those sponges in a beauty box and threw it away---took way too much time than my fingers did--except--- I finally found a concealer that does its job for my dark eye lids and in the nose corners where it is purple,  and it said to use a damp sponge to apply---went to TJ Maxx and found the same sponge by another co. for under $4 and now use that damp with my concealer for truly great coverage------my fingers didn't work well at all but this sponge does.

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They can be washed a few times before you have to throw them away.You have to rinse them very well and squeese them a lot.

I don't wet them,I just spray Mac prep and prime  on them.I get a flawlless application with the right foundatio.

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Last night I was watching a few minutes of the beauty report and they had a rep on demoing a new foundation made by was a kit with that sponge also and some setting type spray.  The rep explained how to use the sponge correctly...she said you MUST get it completely wet until it enlarges with water.  Then squeeze it out well...this way when you use it the sponge doesn't soak up so much foundation but instead will lay down the foundation easily.  


So I tried my BB sponge again this morning using my Revlon ColorStay foundation dry skin formula (been using this for yrs.)  ....I did exactly as she said and it worked really well.  I admit I had been squeezing mine in a towel to really get the water out before applying so that was incorrect.  


Now with that said I do feel a brush is the easy way to apply and I have several of those that I use most.  BUT this worked out great today.  


As for cleaning it....I think you need to clean it properly daily...I let mine air dry after use and clean it later in the day when it's dryer.  I use a tiny bowl...put a tiny amount of olive oil in it and rub the sponge in it (the part I used and has most of the foundation on it) then I put a nice nickle size amount of DAWN anti-bacterial dish soap and do the same thing...those 2 together breakdown the foundation.  Finally I add some HOT water and it usually just comes right out.  I rinse and squeeze it out until no more soap and let air dry.  



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@Bibione wrote:

They can be washed a few times before you have to throw them away.You have to rinse them very well and squeese them a lot.

I don't wet them,I just spray Mac prep and prime  on them.I get a flawlless application with the right foundatio.

BB will last for months before they break just need to clean them correctly daily.

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@Mrsq2022  - I use the Real Techniques beauty blender and I have to say that it's faster than using a brush and the end result is an air brushed look. 




1) After washing and squeezing out water, squeeze blender in a towel to get as much water out as possible.


2)  I wash the blender in the morning while I'm in the shower.  Since I'm already in the shower, it's not an extra step to wash it.  I use Dove on my body and the blender too. 


Hope it works out well for you.