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Registered: ‎11-09-2011

Re: Beauty with Benefits - Email

@Fifi noodles   First, let me just say that I think your screen name is great!  It made me smile.


So our Beauty With Benefits gift -- let me say WHAT A DISAPPOINTMENT IT WAS.  If you were "lucky" enough to receive the bag o'goodies like I was, boy, what a letdown it was.  To say that the value is $180 is, ahem, an untruth...a the mark.  What I think happened is that they ran out (shame on them) and just tossed any old junk into the bags.  The only full-size product I received was some Aveeno conditioner that I could have bought in the grocery store, and I think possibly the Wen ReMoist might have been full-size.  That product is small anyway so who even knows.  Mostly there were a handful of teeny-tiny samples tossed in.  A few of the items, honestly, went straight into the trash.  There is another thread from about two weeks ago where people posted their actual contents.  Honestly, I would have been happier with the $10 credit.  This promotion was an absolute bust.