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Has anyone heard anything about a Beauty Bash for this year?  I thought they announced it in the summer.

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Posts: 1,543
Registered: ‎03-27-2010

@Bookplate I'm not seeing anything on it either.


I was just looking at my orders for last year & see in August I ordered the beauty box/video access package & received them in September which I think was when the video access package was.  I know some didn't like the video access part but I really did as I think they were available for about a week after & I could go back & doublecheck/view again if needed.

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Posts: 1,415
Registered: ‎08-19-2011

@colleena wrote:

@Bookplate I'm not seeing anything on it either.


I was just looking at my orders for last year & see in August I ordered the beauty box/video access package & received them in September which I think was when the video access package was.  I know some didn't like the video access part but I really did as I think they were available for about a week after & I could go back & doublecheck/view again if needed.

Thank you!  I am probably just a bit early then, assuming the tradition continues.

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Posts: 1,750
Registered: ‎10-25-2016

@Bookplate wrote:

Has anyone heard anything about a Beauty Bash for this year?  I thought they announced it in the summer.

It was announced some time at the end of July of last year. 


We could purchase the box that included the ticket then too in July, but the beauty box wasn't sent until around mid-Sept. if I remember correctly and the Bash was somewhere towards the end of Sept. I think?


I can't remember the exact dates on these things--box being shipped and when the date of the Bash was.

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Posts: 1,750
Registered: ‎10-25-2016

@colleena wrote:

@Bookplate I'm not seeing anything on it either.


I was just looking at my orders for last year & see in August I ordered the beauty box/video access package & received them in September which I think was when the video access package was.  I know some didn't like the video access part but I really did as I think they were available for about a week after & I could go back & doublecheck/view again if needed.

I enjoyed the Bash, and I also liked that we could go back and view what we missed on video for several days afterwards.


I made the most of the whole experience that way. Smiley Happy