Occasional Contributor
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎03-28-2012

I just bought this product yesterday. Big Sexy Hair "What a Tease Backcomb in a Bottle".

I tried it this morning and I think I really like it. There is absolutely NO combing thru this once you spray it on, but it does give your hair fullness that seems to last.

You have to spray it on underneath your hair and have enough hair to cover where you spray because it does look crunchy. I just sprayed it under my hair, feathered out the sprayed parts and then smoothed my hair on top of that. I didn't tease my hair at all this morning, and I have teased my hair about every day since I was in high school! (I just turned 57)

I think there is a bit of a learning curve in using this, but my first time still looks pretty good.

Does anyone else use this? Any tips on how you use it?? My hair is fine and thin, a little below my shoulders.