Valued Contributor
Posts: 572
Registered: ‎01-10-2014

Hi Everyone. Is BGT CC considered to be a seasonal or a core? I am just wondering because I know it has some special ingredients in it that are not in the other core CCs. Thanks!

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I believe it is a core formula.

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Registered: ‎07-05-2012

It's a core CC because it's a permanent addition to the line, unlike the seasonals, which are only available for limited periods of time. It does contain the added amino acids/treatment ingredients similar to the seasonals, and it contains rice proteins (the other core CCs contain wheat proteins, with the exception of POM, which contains soy protein). The seasonals, like POM, contain soy protein.

Hope this helps!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 22,957
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

It's considered a core formula. If you're thinking about getting a gallon next month, be sure to order early. I have a feeling it's going to go fast. You'll be able to sign up for A/D and another one will be shipped in December.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 572
Registered: ‎01-10-2014

Thanks everyone - you cleared up my confusion.