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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Lurker checking in. I had to replace my cable box twice this week. Ended up watching tv on my iPad. Downside doing that is that I can't post or read emails while watching tv on iPad . Very happy I have tv again. Please say prayers for my parents and their dog Barney. Barney, the antisocial dog, is in bad shape. He's only nine. He had trouble jumping on the couch last night. They thought maybe he pulled a muscle. Dad came home to find that Barney fell down and couldn't get up. He asked our neighbor to help him take him to the vet. They had to muzzle him and carry him to the vet. He has spinal damage. Smiley Sad it may be inflammation , but it's looking like he's paralyzed. He could stand up, but he falls when he tries to walk. Both front legs and one hind leg are affected. The doctor gave him a shot of prednisone and a shot of pain meds. They also gave dad two pain injections to take home and use. They are taking him back to the vet in the morning so he can be observed (no 24 hr vet in their area). If he's not better by tomorrow afternoon, Barney will be put down. Parents are upset and so am I. It's so sudden. Mom could barely tell me what happened. Barney hasn't drank any water and hasn't used the bathroom. He's crying so mom and dad are sitting with him. They take him to the vet at 8:30. They've never put down a dog. On top of all this, they moved moms car to get Barney in the truck. Dad forgot and backed his truck into moms car. I'm crying right now so I may not post too much tonight. Please keep them in your prayers,
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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Hi all. Back to nice weather.

Still hurting, guess that won't stop anytime soon, not the related issues.

Went to Ulta, sniffed a Philosophy scent, big no. They did have the Katy Perry scents that were in the flyer but I didn't test them. Quick walk-through, not really in a shopping mood.

makeup, hope Barney is okay. You might want to read the posts here that you missed.

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

makeup: You and your family are in my prayers. I'm hoping that Barney is OK. Things took some time when Pepe was paralyzed. There was no medication that made him better overnight.

desi: what phil scent did you sniff and why was it a big no? Sorry you are still in pain.

My day started with me waking up later than I wanted to. I went into the kitchen and got a bowl for my cereal, turned around, and saw Bella do #1 on the dining room carpet. I quickly grabbed the steam vac, the big one and ran it. Thank goodness I got it up when I did, because, as usual, the dirty tank wasn't emptied (DH's- gotta love em). DH came home for unrelated issue, emptied dirty tank, refilled cleaner tank, and the vacuum broke. Yay!

It was at that point I decided not to make zucchini bread. I boldly assumed that if I did, the house would probably blow up.

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Pepe's mom, oh boy, not your day for sure. Good thing you caught the little stinker in the act. Wise decision not to bake given how things were going, no tempting fate!

I can't remember if it was Inner or Living. The bottle at Ulta was almost empty and smelled like it had turned. I can still smell a little on my wrist and now it doesn't smell bad, but the initial spritz did. No idea if the bottle had gone bad or if that was how it smells.

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Here I am once again, a "drive-by" poster these past few years it seems. My heart is in the right place, but I guess I let my life get in the way. It's still been challenging, just like almost everyone else. In any case, it's good to reconnect, dear old friends.

I haven't been able to keep up for the last many months, so I read back a few months. First:

Desi: What the heck? You car was hit by an 18 wheeler, and jumped the guard rail? It was a short little sentence you posted, but boy my veins turned to ice at that point...I was so happy to see that you and DH were generally in one piece, but man, that's a big shock to the body, all around. Ribs are an awfully painful injury, with no real treatment. Last time my husband injured his ribs, they no longer wrapped them. They said they found it discouraged deep breaths, encouraged shallow breathing, and could lead to pneumonia, or something to that effect. So for him anyway, they did nothing but meds, and a pillow for coughing. I don't know how you are sleeping... I hope you're trying to stay on top of the pain, it can be a doozy. (I don't envy you having to find another car. I also have a very hard time sitting in most of the newer cars. And getting out of them. Good luck and hope you find a great one.) Other than the obvious, I hope all else is well with you, DH and your boys.

doglover: If you get a chance to read, know that I'm thinking you of your DH and a speedy recovery from what is ailing him. Sounds like you have been very busy lately. I saw the pics of your cats and critters, and of course your lovely yard. You really have a handle on things and I admire you for it. I do love your suggestions for scents and makeup etc. And while I haven't kept up, I use some things that you mentioned prior to a few months ago. Thank you so much. Also I checked Recipe Swap, and see you still post some recipes there. On my old (crashed forever) computer I have probably copied in a file 1000+ recipes from the Swap, from posters from years ago, and even have a back up my son made me. But he cautioned me that the malware that doomed that computer may well be carried over onto the computer that took it's place, if I try to upload the recipes. I try not to think of it. Many of those folks are long gone, and all of that work...I do have a lot of yours that you had since reposted after my computer crashed, so that's the good news from that.

pepe's mom: I loved reading of all you do at the shelters, and the nice things you do for the firemen and officers. Makes life so much richer doesn't it. I'm sorry that you're still dealing with the day in day out of the neck and arm and back issues. Seems like it's always something. I can so relate to the trips and falls. Just last week I fell out of bed in the middle of the night. I went to get up in a hurry, and my foot landed squarely on a sleeping cat, right beside the bed. So, I quickly lifted the foot, but a body in motion and all. These make for great set backs, don't they. I also fell UP the stairs on the very last stair a few months ago, and went flying. Who does THAT? Same law of physics applied...this time like a propulsion. Sheesh. Sorry to hear your Boo Boo is having health issues. Hug Pepe and the rest of your crew for me. If my big boy didn't want to be the only 4 legged "man about house", there would be a menagerie of geriatrics here. I love older pets, I don't know why, I guess they're my speed at this point, and maybe because I can relate to their aches and pains. Who am I kidding, I love them all. Thank goodness the "almost squished kitty" objects!

makeup: Congrats on all you've accomplished. Sounds like you and your furbabies are doing very well. Sending good thoughts regarding your folks and their dog Barney. It's amazing how our animals can rally. I'm hoping that's the case this time, for all of your sakes.

Jan: I didn't see much posted here from you from the point that I started to read, but I do hope you're feeling a lot better. Not much fun being sick or in pain. There was a book I heard of years ago that was titled something like "I've been down so long, it looks like up to me". So that's kind of a premise I like. In my case, I have some new "normals" and if I can keep ahead of the intolerable, and somehow make it tolerable, I think I'm doing pretty well. I hope you are doing pretty well right now also. And loving your life in Florida. Take care.

Bonnie: Hello Bonnie! Sounds like you and your family have been doing well. Great to hear.

In relation to beauty, my son brought me to Ulta awhile back for Mother's Day, and he got me another RT brush, (love their brushes) and another small set of brushes from Echo Tools for eyes. Also a very pretty sparkly Zoya Magical Pixie Dust nail polish. When I was leaving I sprayed one of the Philosophy fragrances on me, and thought, meh. It was either Love Sweet Love, or the newer Love Swept. Or it was another one. It was such an after thought, as I'm on a big no buy, and I don't want to tempt myself. After I was home for awhile it morphed or something, and wow, it was REALLY pretty - I kept getting lovely whiffs, and it stayed and stayed. But which one was it? Never got back there after Mother's Day. It's going to drive me crazy, as I haven't found any other new scents I like from sniffing the little things in the magazines. My luck, Philosophy will discontinue one or both. I wish I had more beauty related things to report, but not this time. Oh, if anyone knows of a good drug store hair detangler, I'm in desperate need. If it's not drugstore, but will last a long time, that's good too. My hair has changed and although still thick (and longish), it's bushy, dry and frizzy, I wake up with multiple knots and felty hair that is almost impossible to comb. What the heck? I have no idea what to do about this. I have to wear a very loose pony to bed otherwise it would be worse. Can't tighten the pony, because if it lands at neck level, it messes up my neck big time. So that's my newest quest.

I've been watching some new shows. I think, in some cases, I have harder core taste than some of you. My favorite shows of the recent past were Call the Midwife, Game of Thrones, Newsroom, The Blacklist and The Vikings on the History Channel (which was very gory, even for me.) There are quite a few more. Oh yes, Witches of East End. I LOVE that show. My boys, well not so much. Also a CW show I was watching about Mary Queen of Scots, "Reign"- I loved that one also.

Well, my old scent and beauty and "just stuff" friends. Time to go. Wishing good health and healing to all of us. So glad to catch up a little with you guys. Take care until next time. I see my Rose of Sharon is finally blooming. Feels a little fall-like today in my neck of New England. It's going to be a great day.



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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Laylla, hi, thanks so much for posting! I was just thinking of you, maybe your ears were burning! Sorry you fell due to kitty-interference and up a step. Seems like some of us have a knack for falling in unexplainable ways.

Yep, I-95 North headed to Kittery, got as far as Salisbury. You probably know the area much better than I do. I still don't know what happened, hope I get to find out. Wouldn't wish it on anyone. I will say, might want to avoid Portsmouth Hospital if you can. They missed the fractured rib even after all that imaging! I was strapped to that gurney for 4 hrs, that alone half-killed me. The nurse didn't even help me up when I was finally done, sheer agony. I was so dizzy after all that time strapped flat like a mummy from ankle to the top of my head. Anyway, I knew something was wrong.

So a week later, the local hospital had to repeat all the x-rays and CT scans (with the dye I never wanted, yet again) to find out I had a fractured rib. You are right, they don't wrap it or do anything except encourage deep-breathing (which I also wasn't told at Portsmouth.

Hope your family is doing well. I know it's hard for you to post, but please give it a shot whenever you want to connect. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Sorry I didn't get to read any posts but will try and catch up as soon as I get more time, still lots to do.

pepesmom, I didn't get any of your e mails so is why I never replied. I do get from Desi without a problem.

hope everyone is doing okay, will read more later.

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

Hi all. Lovely day out.

Doglover, so happy to have you post! Call and get the med. straightened out. Maybe they reduced the dose for home, maybe not. Glad DH is home and hope you get more rest now.

I'm sure it's been a terrible couple of months, here's to things improving!

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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

This is my first time posting here. Desi, I hope you feel better. I fell down a flight of outside wooden stairs once and the pain was unbearable so I can imagine how you feel. Heal quickly & take care.

Here are a few products I recently started using. Neutrogena Pore Refining facial cleanser. Really cleans you skin, minimizes pore size and does NOT leave a film in the sink. I was using two other brands of cleansers but they both were leaving too much film in the water & sink. I absolutely love Laura Mercier's almond coconut milk body butter & spray fragrance. It smells so good to me and the spray fragrance is a nice size bottle for the money. Not too long ago, I purchased Laura Mercier's Crème Smooth foundation in a jar. I say it is med. coverage but very lightweight and has a beautiful finish and you only need a tiny amount. I apply with a damp facial wedge sponge. P.S. Laura Mercier has free shipping on any order until 8/31.

Wishing you ladies, a good night's sleep. Sweet dreams.

kindness is strength
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Re: August Scents and Common Sense

KatCat, welcome and thanks for joining our slow thread!

Wow, a whole flight of stairs must have hurt pretty bad too, hope you totally recovered. Hope I do too.

Thanks for the recs., they sound great! I used to use a Neutrogena cleanser I loved, so natch, it was discontinued. I think many of their products are really very good.

Always wanted to sniff Laura Mercier fragrances but hate dept. store fragrance counters, so haven't checked them yet. The foundation sounds great too. Right now I am mostly using IT CC Cream when I want a liquid type foundation. I have a bathroom full of not bad but not quite "it" foundations.

You sleep well too, and please come back and chat again.