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Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

If so, what does it smell like? TIA!

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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

My opinion-- At first spray reminded me of Summer Grace, dry down was different. I thought from the description I would pick up a rose scent but I don't. I was expecting a more floral scent. It won't be a re-order for me. Sorry not much help.....

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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

I tried it at Nordstroms a few weeks ago, and I really enjoyed it! I like it enough that I would definitely purchase it if I didn't already have a ton of other fragrances right now LOL! However, if a free bottle of Celebrate Grace landed on my vanity, I would have no problem using it right away! {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

I came in to the store without wearing any other other lotion or fragrance, so I could really give Celebrate Grace a good trial. I also had not read a description of the notes yet, so I wouldn't have any preconceived impressions. After I tried it, I read the description of the notes, and I noticed I did not pick up all the notes they listed. But regardless, I still liked it just the same.

I continued to smell it on my arm throughout the rest of the day (long lasting!), and I felt it reminded me somewhat of Living Grace. I picked up other notes, a sense of freshness and a very pretty floral. It wasn't a dupe of Living Grace in my opinion, but it was close enough to be a "sister".

Living Grace is one of my favorites, so I think that is why I really connected with Celebrate Grace. I want to go back and spray it on again, and see if I can pick up the Summer Grace notes (I love that fragrance too!). I have been wearing Living Grace for about a month straight now, just in the mood for it, I guess. So I figure that is why I really picked up on the similiarity. Smile

Hope you get to try it in the stores soon!

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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

Thanks cal-gal and grits!

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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

The Q has a duo of this for $69.00 and 3 EZ payments, I may just have to try it!

philosophy celebrate grace duo with carton

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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

Got my Celebrate Grace, and I really like it ............ a little musk, with floral!

Occasional Contributor
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Re: Anyone tried the new holiday grace fragrance - Celebrate Grace?

Ended up returning it. Didn't last.