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I just tried their foundation and I like it.  Seems like a lighter coverage item.  Anyone use their skincare?

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I used their skin care when they first came to the Q, it's as good as or better than most of the higher end skin care the Q sells. At my age though, I prefer Dr. Denese.

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I love their serum.

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Yes, I have used different things from Algensit over the years and have been very happy with it.  My always go to with them is their complete eye renewal balm.  Also their Genius Vitamin C serum is in my rotation.  Other things I have tried and liked.  Their original serum I used when I was younger.   I have sensitive skin and they were one that I could tolerate and wouldn't break me out.  I

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@blackhole99   I also like Dr. Denese's line.  Used it for many years and I still use some of her products.

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Posts: 19,690
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Their foundation is very nice, light coverage perfect for summer. I tried it in Ulta and really liked it. I also really like their Serum, it is the concentrated serum that they first brought to QVC......I haven't tried any of their other products, other than a sample of the genius cream which wasn't big enough for me to form an opinion one way or the other.......