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Re: Any Kind Of Skin Care Acid Is Suddenly Burning My Face!

@grammarqueen , if I were you, I'd take a good long break and use a mild rice cleanser.  Instead of acid exfoliating,  try Polyte Washclothes. I LOVE them, buy on Amazon.  One side is more textured, other is softer...honestly, that's all you need with a good non drying cleanser.   I especially love Shiseido ENRICHED SOFTENER,  after my cleanse...that hydrates so well, you may not even choose to moisturize after.   I just started Tatcha rice polish,  which is very nice if you feel you want something to exfoliate.   They have a sensitive skin one too.  But, I'd take a lonnng break if I were you.  Sounds like your face wants a break ,and be baby gentle  😉 

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Re: Any Kind Of Skin Care Acid Is Suddenly Burning My Face!

If you use tretinoin (Retin-A), that causes the epidermis to become thin and somewhat fragile. Retin-A can cause skin to become sensitive especially to exfoliation because there isn't a normal thickness of the outermost layer of the skin where that protects the dermis. Whenever the epidermis is compromised, for instance with Retin-A, skin is prone to get irritated more easily. Best thing to do is not exfoliate too often to avoid getting irritation, redness and inflammation.

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Re: Any Kind Of Skin Care Acid Is Suddenly Burning My Face!

I do wonder if we are doing too much,exfoliating,be is chemical ,or not.

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Re: Any Kind Of Skin Care Acid Is Suddenly Burning My Face!

@goldensrbest wrote:

I do wonder if we are doing too much,exfoliating,be is chemical ,or not.

I just don't think you can go wrong with gentle & daily. Unless your skin is sensitive. Or, you are young.

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Registered: ‎09-12-2010

Re: Any Kind Of Skin Care Acid Is Suddenly Burning My Face!

I'm sorry you had such an experience...not a pleasant one at all. I wonder also about the need to use an acid exfolliant 3 to 4 times every week. I think we sometimes can forget that our skin is delicate and if overworked in any way, it will rebel. In your case, it sounds like your skin is telling you to stop doing what you're doing. My mother always told me to treat my facial skin gently and like my best friend, and a dermatologist backed that up by telling me I was overdoing it with the nightly MIA scrubbing years ago. My skin was a, swollen and broken out. I went back to gentle products and gentle care of my face and have never needed anything else since then. I'm 75 and my skin looks very nice. Best of luck to you.