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Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

Has anyone noticed that the midnight spot and all throughout day has Josie Maran cosmetics scheduled? Would they do another one so soon?



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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

I want a super size of that body milk stuff


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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

Last month's tsv included the body milk so don't think it will be that. Maybe the skin dope?

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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

It's tanning products

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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

@jackthebear wrote:

I want a super size of that body milk stuff


Super size & more @jackthebear   the single favorite Josie product yet for me.

My arms are loving it!

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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

Another one? Its like the My Pillow!

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Re: Another Josie Maran TSV 3/04?

She always does her tanning TSVs in March. Most likely this is tanning.