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The past couple of threads posted about how awful her hair looked. And I will agree it was not one of her better hair days (but we all have them) and lately it's been in need of some styling. Sooooo this morning I'm going to give her {#emotions_dlg.thumbup} on the new hair style. It looks very very very nice. It's a great look!

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I agree! Amy's hair looks nice tonight hosting the DMQ show. You can see her entire face and the bangs are not hanging in her eyes. Her face is too petite and those bangs are too long on her.

It's actually nice to see Amy hosting a jewelry show for a change rather than the other typical 2 overnight hosts who routinely seem to get them all. Cannot and will not watch those other two.

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On 2/5/2015 TrailBlazer05 said:

I agree! Amy's hair looks nice tonight hosting the DMQ show. You can see her entire face and the bangs are not hanging in her eyes. Her face is too petite and those bangs are too long on her.

It's actually nice to see Amy hosting a jewelry show for a change rather than the other typical 2 overnight hosts who routinely seem to get them all. Cannot and will not watch those other two.

Thanks for agreeing. It really does make a huge difference. She's too pretty to hide behind those bangs. And it is nice to see her do a jewelry show. If we are thinking of the same ""other two"" well I refuse to watch them also.

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I have to say she looks fabulous! When I first saw the bangs in her eyes, it scared me and I turned the channel. Tonight she's back to her beautiful self. Good for you Amy!
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Love the haircut also! She is soo pretty

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On 2/5/2015 sparklestar said:
On 2/5/2015 TrailBlazer05 said:

I agree! Amy's hair looks nice tonight hosting the DMQ show. You can see her entire face and the bangs are not hanging in her eyes. Her face is too petite and those bangs are too long on her.

It's actually nice to see Amy hosting a jewelry show for a change rather than the other typical 2 overnight hosts who routinely seem to get them all. Cannot and will not watch those other two.

Thanks for agreeing. It really does make a huge difference. She's too pretty to hide behind those bangs. And it is nice to see her do a jewelry show. If we are thinking of the same ""other two"" well I refuse to watch them also.

I can't believe anyone would refuse to watch a show simply because of the host. Are you bothered THAT much by a host or 2?
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Amy has always looked fantastic.

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Registered: ‎06-30-2014

I totally agree with LipstickDiva!

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On 2/5/2015 LipstickDiva said:

Amy has always looked fantastic.

Valued Contributor
Posts: 638
Registered: ‎05-20-2014

Totally agree! her hair looks so pretty, and so does she!

I love her energy, her sweet personality, and the way she relates to everyone.

Great Job, Amy!