Posts: 51
Registered: ‎03-30-2010
I'm looking for a tough acne and blackhead treatment for my 13 year old son. He's starting to hit puberty and is being riddled with acne. He also has done very large blackheads in the crease of his nose that we can't get out. I've been looking at Proactive, but am not sure. My sister uses that and it bleaches her bed pillows. Any suggestions? Thanks!!
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Good idea to take him to a dermatologist! Doctor will  suggest the right treatment,before you waste money and time on stuff that doesn't work,or even makes his skin worse.

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If you don't take him to a dermatologist you can risk adult acne and other problems such as bad scarring.  The right treatment can keep him from having large holes in his face.

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Re: Acne/blackhead help

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I have heard very good things about Proactive products. I have just started using Glamglow for the same problem with very good results. As people have said here, going to a dermatologist, not a primary care is a good idea.

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The best advice I can give you is to make an appointment with a really good Dertamalogist.  There is so much that they have out now to help kids.


A few years ago we were having some yard work.  The contractor brought his son with him and he just turned 14 yrs old. It was summertime and he worked with his dad during the summer months.  


He was so shy and was very self concious and struggling...All because of his severe acne.  The poor kid was loaded...Not just a breakout here or there on his face, it was very severe and even on his shoulders and back area.  


After a few days of getting to know him he started to confide in me.  He was Russian right from Russia...He said all my family said I will grow out of it?  They don't understand how hurtful kids my age can be?  I hate it!  I hate the names if get called... 


I spoke to both he and his dad and gave them the name of a wonderful Dertamologists.  I told the father this doctor can help your son skin.  And I left it at that...


Three months later on a Saturday my doorbell rang and to my surprize it was the boy with his Mother thanking me for the name of the dertamologists.


The boy's face looked amazing and he hugged me and started crying.  He said, school started 3 weeks ago and already a girl likes me...And I just smiled.  Both the mother and the son hugged me again and said from the bottom of their heart "Thank You".


This is a very rough world we are living in...Kids bulling...Kids dying for being bullied...Our society is in such a sad state.  


Anything you or anyone can do to help a kid...Weather it is advise or just providing a listening ear...Be there for them...Many partent do not know what goes on at school after they drop off their child....It is sad, but it is true!   



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My son had severe acne, cystic acne....I took him to dermatologist and his face at 22 has zero scars. My son did have to have procedure where they would stick needles in his face to remove the pus, sometimes up to 100 times per visit. It was an ordeal but he has a beautiful face and skin now. Do not waste precious time trying over the counter products, get him to the doctor:-)
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I suggest trying Paula's Choice -- they have a skin care line for acne.  He needs benzoyl peroxide & salicylic acid which is in her 2 week trial kit if you want to sample it before purchasing larger bottles.  You can read reviews of customers who've tried these products.  I've been using PC since 1995 -- fragrance free, no animal testing, color free and products guaranteed for 90 days.  The salicylic acid (which is BHA) will help with blackheads, whiteheads.


Then after that suggestion, if your son's acne is so bad and he is self conscious, please get him to a dermatolgist.  Our sons were on accutane (that was back in the 90's).  It really cleared up their skin, but it does have side effects.

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My daughter used those Biore strips for blackheads & said they worked very well.

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@Bellabutterfly That was awfully nice of you.

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Registered: ‎02-20-2011

Re: Acne/blackhead help

[ Edited ]

Go right to Walmart and buy their brand, Equate, of Proactiv. It's a three piece kit and costs under $12.


There are also a few other brands of Proactive-type kits there for under $20.


You'll need to purchase a few white washcloths and white hand towels and yes, the peroxide in the products can slightly bleach your pillowcases.