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@I am still oxox wrote:

Love the cut - and wow you did it I think it looks great, I am transitioning towards salt and pepper but I am not sure how to totally accomplish this task

I'm too impatient. I just went cold turkey & had all dark dye removed. Many friends have transitioned w/ monthly highlights to blend in the grey. Check out Pinterest. Lots of facts/ideas. Good luck. 🙂

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@tototwo wrote:

Fabulous color!  Fabulous cut!


Congratulations @Shanus!!!!!   It's gorgeous.


(edit to add:  That's the same hairdo I've had for 2 years, and it's the same color as mine -- which is why I love it so much.  We're twins!  Teehee)

OK. I'll take a twin...never had a sister. BTW Ladies, sorry for the amateur attempt at face experience w/ photo shop, other fancy extras. Cutting out a piece of a sticky note worked fine.


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@dex wrote:

@Shanus That is a really cute style and live your color.I think you look very stylish.

Thank you @dex.

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@silver fox wrote:

@Shanus  Do you love it ?   It looks fablous, I also love the style !

Thanks. Think it's something it may take a while to get used to...after all, I've had dark hair for 69 yrs.!!! Clothes and makeup look really different. I don't look as pale as I did w/ dark hair. 

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@birkin baby wrote:



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@bonnielu wrote:

Love white.  I dyed my hair since the age of eleven.  Kept doing it... every color in the book.  Then it would not dye.  Found out I hair was color resistant so I left the dye job up to the beautician.  One day I came down with Vertigo... positional condition that comes and hopefully goes.  I COULD NO LONGER HAVE ANYONE TIP ME BACK IN A SINK AND WASH MY HAIR AFTER THE DYE-JOB. 


Surprise, surprise.  I let my hair grow.  Result... silver white.  Wow, if I had only known.  And this started apparently was I was 40.  Love it, get compliments and admire all my SISTERS with the same color hair....

Only a few days, but so far, I think I can get used to it.

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@vermint wrote:

@Shanus I love the color AND the cut! I'm jealous--wish I could wear my hair that short! Woman Wink

I can only remember one time I tried to grow it to a chin length bob. It doesn't look like it in photo, but it's thick & naturally curly. Having it this short and layered controls the curls. When I tried it longer, my hair was bigger around than I was tall! 😂 


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@DREAMON wrote:



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@marmarbrooklyn wrote:



Love it !!!! I have dark brown hair with silver highlights at the crown and sides . i just got a pixie about 2 months ago . I always style it so all the silver pieces show and always get compliments .You look wonderful . 

I bet yours looks great, too.  

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@SahmIam wrote:

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
