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Registered: ‎04-30-2012

A question for professional stylists.

Is there ever a situation where you would advise someone not to get hair cut in layers? I have been cutting my own hair for a long long time but in the past people would refuse to layer my hair (always had long hair) saying my hair was not thick enough yet i thought the purpose of layering was to help give your hair more fullness and body? My hair in not thick but its definitely not thin. it is average but i admit it is very baby-fine.

I am currently growing out my bangs and contemplating getting my first professional cut in a long long time and really do not want to fight with the one cutting my hair lol

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Re: A question for professional stylists.

I have perfectly straight baby fine hair and every stylist always cuts it in layers.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: A question for professional stylists.

I am not a stylist (at all!) but my hairdresser will not put layers in my Kelly Ripa bob. She says because I have baby fine hair but I have a ton of it. She says if you want layers go somewhere else. I am not sure if she is kidding as she says it with a laugh but my gut tells me she is serious.

Wrong is still wrong just because you benefited from it.
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Registered: ‎08-26-2012

Re: A question for professional stylists.

I take several pictures for ideas then my stylist tells me what my hair would most likely do in that particular style. I would suggest get a trim from a possible stylist so she may get a feel for how your hair responds. Also gives you an idea of your chemistry together.