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60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Happy May, Happy Spring....Come and chat with us and let us get to know you. You are welcome here.

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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Thank you for getting us started in a new month Bobbisue. It is and raining here, so I am staying in for the day.

Hope all you ladies are feeling better and slept well last night.

I'm finishing up some leftovers today and will be making chili later. No news to report.

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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Hi ladies. Hope everyone is having a terrific day and not experiencing any bad weather. The storm moved through the panhandle of Florida early this morning, bring drenching rains and flooding to Pensacola and Tallahassee. But so far, we have nothing. Just heat and humidity and about 90 degrees, So, needless to say, we are staying in out of this heat.

Bob is taking a nap, and I've been doing laundry. My feet are beginning to hurt, although my knee seems a little better today. If one problem gets better, then another flares up! So I'm going to get off my feet and lay down for a while too. I didn't sleep well last night at all, so I am very tired today.

'll try to check in later tonight to see what everyone is up too.


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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Good Afternoon Ladies:

Just a quick update. We just got back from DH's doctor's appointment. We don't have any definitive answer regarding treatment. They need more testing to help them decide. Unfortunately the simplest answer would have been surgery, but I don't think they are leaning in that direction.

Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts. Please do keep them coming. You are all so very special to me. Your kindness and caring means so much.

Please take care.

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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

GOOD AFTERNOON FRIENDS.....thought I'd stop in for a minute. I think I caught a bug; I've been dragging since yesterday. Haven't even got dressed today. No appetite or energy. No big deal, I'm sure I'll be better by tomorrow. SPAMMOM, looking forward to hearing how your appointment went today. Keeping my fingers crossed you'll get some answers. SHORELADY, prayers and good thoughts for you and your DH being sent, MOCHAHONEY, hope all is good for you and your family. Take good care. H2be, thinking of you and sending hugs and good thoughts at this difficult time. CINDY, isn't it the truth? If it's not one thing it's another. Nobody warned me getting old would be like this! (-; it's hot here too; I'm staying indoors too where it's cool. Hope you can rest up. BOBBISUE, thanks for our new thread. RetRN, enjoy your chile; sounds yummy. A big wave and hello to ALL my friends.....wishing a great rest of the day to everyone! Be back soon!! Helen
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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

ooops. I just posted on the April thread because I didn't see this one. it has been an absolutely beautiful day here today. since the storms left it's been clear skies and cooler than normal temps. of course the cooler weather is just a fleeting thing, since the forecast says it will be in the 80's by Friday. we were so fortunate that we only had tree limbs down and no structural damage that we can see so far. if I may ask, please pray for the people affected by these tornadoes in towns around me here in central Mississippi. one small town, Louisville, had 9 fatalities ( probably 10 since they are still searching for a missing child) and a staggering amount of damage. people will be struggling for a long time to put their lives back together.

have a peaceful evening.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to post a quick update. Home again. Lots of storms, but no tornadoes.

Thank you for your prayers & encouragement. I have an appt. with my doctor here for follow-up. Waiting for one more report. Please continue your prayers.

Spammom, I think of you often & my prayers continue for your complete recovery, as well as for you Shorelady & your DH, and your DH Helen, Cindy, Bobbisue, Puddles and all of our posters with health issues.

Helen, I hope you are feeling better today. Please rest up & take care of yourself. You have been so stressed due to your husband's surgery & now your body is probably telling you to relax & re-charge. BTW, the pillow is not working out for my husband, but it is for far, anyway. I still don't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time, but I don't wake up with a sore neck or headache since I have been using the pillow. Even though, they were fairly expensive, I'm happy that I made the purchase.

Stay safe, everyone.

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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Good Morning, Ladies. Prayers go out for the people on the East Coast from Florida to up north. all the flooding is really tragic. I was watching GMa this morning and could not believe the devastation. Stay safe everyone. Hopefully, this is our last day of rain but we are only expecting showers this afternoon.

Big hellos out to Helen, Spammom, Bobbiesue, h2be, Mochahoney, RetRN, Shorelady, Cindy and everyone else. Happy May to all of you.

kindness is strength
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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Hello ladies...I'm glad you all found the thread.

I continue to pray for those here in need of healing. Shorelady, I hope you find out something soon. Waiting is terrible. God bless you and DH.It is cold here today. 48 right now. Hope it warms up.

I have errands to run today. May make a pot of chili.

Everyone take care and have a good day today.

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Re: 60's ladies and all ages come and chat for May....

Just stopping by to wish you all a happy May!

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh