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Re: 60's thread for June!

... coffee for you,mixed with love and affection .Have a beautiful day


Mochahoney, I am so blessed.  Health has returned 100% and life is moving along on this side of the pond.


loves, glad you are home safely.  So happy little Lexi is feeling better.

“A little Consideration, a little Thought for Others, makes all the difference.” Winnie-the-Pooh
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Good Morning Friends,


It is beautiful outside this morning and no storms are forecasted!  What a wonderful day for a wedding!  Thank you for your good wishes for our DS on his wedding today.  


Due to the recent storms we've had, our grass is knee high.  DH is mowing again today.  I can't complain about the rain because so many others need rain so badly.  


As I write this, wild turkeys are gathered around our bird feeders gobbling up the seed on the ground.  They are huge and it always amazes me to see them fly!  We have had as many as 17 turkeys at a time.  The mothers bring their babies.  They are very cute with their fuzzy feathers.  


KatCat, I hope you are doing well today.  Glad you are getting some rest.


Mochahoney and Helen, thank you for your good wishes for our DS!  Helen, I am still having trouble with my IPad and posting.  I am on my laptop again.


Hi to Puddles and Loves and Mochahoney and everyone else!


Have a beautiful weekend everyone!  Blessings to all



~ Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.~ French Proverb
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Hi Ladies,


Helen, Mocha and Snardy,  Thank you for your kind concern.  My MRI scan is next Friday.


Today I am going out for an early dinner with my friend.  No rain today.  It's sunny for a change, a slight breeze and feels about 75.  I was able to change the polish on my toes so they are a deep red but the small toe next to the big toe is blue on both feet for the 4th of July.  I think as we age we go back to childhood and frankly don't give a darn what anybody thinks!  Sometimes I like to have some fun.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

kindness is strength
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Hi! Yes, we are home safely and LEXI is great... So is the baby!🙏
On the other hand, hoping I did not catch her virus... Probably just a nasty cold😷
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Well, I am going to give this new fangled way of reading and posting a try.  Just taking my chances and hoping things will turn out okay.


I cannot figure out why they had to change things.  I dislike change, especially when I feel I have to start from square one and re-learn everything.   I wish they would let us know why it was mandatory to change things.


It is great being down the shore.  It may never be the same, but it is still a relaxing place to be.  The weather has been a bit on the cooler side and has been raining on and off the last few days. 


I am experimenting with font sizes.  We'll see how that turns out!


I have been peeking in to see how everyone is doing.  For now I just want to send a big hello to everyone of our wonderful ladies here, and I hope that some of our posters who seem to be missing can find their way through this maze.


Take care and enjoy the rest of the weekend!





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Re: 60's thread for June!

shorelady, it's good to see you here again. I know your stay is bitter sweet but hope your remaining time at the shore will be more sweet than bitter. this new forum has us all a bit irritated. I'm getting more used to it but I do not find it as easy to navigate as the old forum and that makes it less enjoyable for me. I agree with you, why mess up something that was working just fine? I know everything changes, but why such a huge change all at one time? I was thinking at first it is just my age that makes this change unpleasant for me, but I've seen comments from people of all ages here who aren't happy with it.

loves, don't get sick! especially, don't get what Lexi-bug had. you probably just need some rest. I hope that's all it is, anyway.

snardy, by now I guess your DS's wedding is over. I'm sure it was beautiful. when my daughter got married last Novemeber I was a wreck from worrying about everything but finally relaxed enough to enjoy it.  I guess it's a little different when it's your son and you aren't responsible for most of the details.  I think everyone would agree that we ould love to see some pics.  if you don't want to post any here, come over to our private group on Facebook and join us there.

Helen, I have found that using my Macbook is way easier here than using my iPad. maybe you could haul your Mac downstairs ( oh wait, is it even a laptop?) to make it more convenient for you and see what you think. I hope you are rested and feeling well, and enjoying your weekend.

Kat, I can just imagine how cute your toenails look. you're doing better than me in that department. for some reason I find painting my toenail very hard to do, or at least hard to get it done well. I thought of you today when a young teenage girl came to our door selling candy to raise money for her school.  she had her toenails painted bright pink, except her big toes that were painted a pretty turquoise. so cute.

sending out warm thoughts for all our dear friends here.

this is a Mississippi sunrise instead of a sunset, but beautiful just the same.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's thread for June!

I had a nice dinner with my girlfriend (her husband was on a golf outing with his buddies) so we enjoyed a leisurely early dinner.  I stopped in at Walmart and found a pair of cotton pj's for $9 and change.  They are baby blue with little kitty faces on them.  I love cats.  I ended up leaving my cane in the shopping cart.  I am going to call to see if anyone turned it in tomorrow. 

Good night, ladies.



kindness is strength
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Just about ready to turn out my lamp; thought I'd drop a few lines before I do...

MOCHAHONEY, you're right. I should bring down our Mac; it's a laptop so would be easy. I'm just being stubborn. I hate having to change what I'm used to. I know I'll do it though. Mainly I'm curious as the difference to my IPad. I do like the color and size of the font in your posts. Very easy to read. Thank you for the beautiful sunrise...such amazing colors. Hope your weather is cooling off some. It was dreary and overcast here today.

LOVES, I do hope you're feeling better by now. I think your resistance may have been low with how busy you were at your daughter's and then, of course, being in closed conditions on the plane never is good. Hope you got plenty of rest today and you take it easy until you're better...sending healing thoughts.

KAT, I'm so glad you were able to get out to dinner with your friend. Sounds fun. I hope someone at the store found your cane and you can pick it up tomorrow. Your PJ's sound cute with the kitty's and love how you polished your toes for the 4th. Ha! You're so's fun, and at our age who gives a "flying fig" what anyone thinks?!!😉👍 hope you're feeling better; in less pain and have a great rest of the weekend.

SNARDY, thank goodness no rain today. I'm sure your son's wedding was beautiful. I can't wait to hear all about it. I had to laugh when you mentioned the turkeys around your place. My brother lives in Sacramento and turkeys there are protected and roam freely everywhere. Took him a while to get used to it. I hope your good weather continues and, again, best wishes for a long and happy future for the newly weds!

SHORELADY, I've been thinking of you and was so happy to see you stop by. I'm glad you're able to enjoy and find peace at the shore even though at times I know it must be difficult. We're all here for you whenever you have a you, these changes to the forums are making me crazy. Hopefully, it will get easier. Right now; it's not fun. Take good care, dear friend.

Tomorrow is our GS's birthday..he turns 20. he'll be by in the morning for breakfast. I'm making his favorite; baked French toast. I'm sure he'll stick around until we all get together for dinner at his favorite restaurant. Should be a fun day. I'll try and be back sometime in the evening, depending on what's going on.....Good Night Everyone!
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Re: 60's thread for June!

[ Edited ]
Hard to believe we are moving into July...
Using an iPad (please refer to my discussion strand re: Apple Rant) so this post will not be very fancy!
Thank you, Helen, for reassuring me that this bug is due to fatigue from grand children! I believe you are right because after sinus rinsing repeatedly yesterday, the infection seems to be under control!😷
I can urge those with repeated infections to have this surgery!
Helen, you are always so kind! I never hear any complaints from you-- I hope you are well and will feel free to share if you ever need to!
I value all of you here so much! Have been having "Forum Withdrawal" ever since about the beginning of June! 💗💛💚💜💙
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's thread for June!

Good afternoon, ladies.


We have sun again!  What a treat!


Helen,  The baked french toast sounds wonderful, please share the recipe.  I hope you have a wonderful day!


loves,  Glad you are safely home and you must be so proud with your grandchildren to love.


I need to call Walmart to see if anyone turned in my cane.


Enjoy your Sunday, ladies.


P.S.  Have you noticed all the easy pays on the Q now?  Now they need to lower their Clearance prices!!

kindness is strength