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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

Ggod Morning!


DH and I just got back from our walk. We took Max. He's so funny. When he's had enough and tired, he just stops dead in his tracks. He turns around and heads for home. Of course, we get him back on course and he continues. He does have a mind of his own. The weather is warming up a little here, although still pleasant. It's opening day for the SD Fair at the Del Mar fairgrounds. We're planning to go but will probably wait until next week. 


@Hayfield, We have been back East. We went to Boston for our 40th anniversary and travelled to Maine. We went in October, and it was beautiful. We want to someday visit New York and Washington DC. Hopefully, we'll do that sooner than later. Enjoy your weekend off. Sometimes having no plans is a good thing!


@JustJazzmom, sounds like you're having a great trip. So many fun, interesting sights. I don't think I realized you'd be gone this long. I'm glad you're having good weather. I hope you're taking lots of pictures!


@katte, I'm so glad your visit with your doctor went well. I don't blame you for being nervous about the defibrillator procedure. I would be too. Your quality of life is the most important thing, though. Try and stay positive and strong. you know we are all here for you....🙏


@MariotaMurielle, we had a bird nest in one of our hanging plants a couple years ago. I loved this plant, but I had to let it go so as not to bother the nest. Eventually, the birds flew away and I got another plant. Good luck with dealing with the nest as far as your garage door. Hopefully, it won't be a problem.....


Waving Hi to Everyone and wishing all a happy, healthy start to another weekend.  BBL!😊❤️

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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

Ha! This is Max after a long walk....(this is not our Max😉).



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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

[ Edited ]


What a beautiful picture of the blue water to start June!

So glad the news was positive because the doctor mentioned that you will feel better afterwards!

Eating at your favorite Mexican restaurant sounds like it was fun.


I forgot to mention here that at last pedi, I got everybody's fav color... STRAWBERRY MARGARITA!!!

We should form a group here "Sisterhood if the Traveling Pants --the Margarita Diaries." LOL




I love that you all have a new little friend (the bird)! Looking for updates on the little bird's nest!

We have dark skies and thunderboomers, but nothing severe.


Next manu/pedi I will get this look, I think:




~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

Just now we got a FT call from the littles.. 

BTW... LaLEXI!🎉 is excited! She is going to get "dance shoes" to take lessons beginning in the fall! Very exciting!


Now I lost my train of thought...




Your trip sounds like such an enjoyable one... good weather and interesting sights!




Max is such a doll! That's funny that he calls a "halt" to the walk when he is DONE! 

"No dogs on this sofa" LOL-- who is the owner here?


Waving "hi" to all our friends. Will check back to see who I may have missed! Have a nice evening!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

@LTT1OPI Strawberry Margarita is one of my faves too. 


I have an old neutral on my nails Covergirl Sand Castle.

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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

@LTT1  I was going to get a pedicure today, but I've decided to get one tomorrow.  Who knows, I just might throw in a manicure too.  Smiley Happy  I stopped by HR at  the Hospital  to update them on my situation.  It was so nice to see everyone and they were thrilled to see me and thought I had come in to volunteer, but I told them I would try and volunteer next Wednesday and they had no problem with that.  They just don't want me to overdo it.  I did a few errands including stopping at Frys, Target and Petsmart. I was a little tired when I got home, so I've just been resting this afternoon. 


Wishing everyone a wonderful, relaxing evening.  I will check back later. ........


I will look for that nail polish you mentioned (Strawberry Margarita).  It sounds really pretty. 

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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

today was pedicure day for me too. I always get Strawberry Margarita, but today I got a deep red. just wanted a little change. I had a funny little moment at the nail salon. well, it was funny...only to me. I didn't realize until I was in the pedi chair with my pants legs rolled up that I had forgotten to shave my legs! I didn't even think about it until I looked down and saw little sprigs of hair all over my legs. instead of being embarrassed, I just had a good, secret laugh and thought...oh well. my pedicurist pretended not to notice Smiley Happy.

I mentioned to DH today that maybe we should remove the nest-in-progress, since it could become a problem when we are not home and need to leave the garage door down. he said he would rather just let them build their nest. we are seldom both gone at the same time, and if there are babies in the nest, we'll just leave the door up even if we both leave the house.

I can't believe it's Friday already. this week has gone by so fast.

here's a Mississippi gulf coast sunset.

have a peaceful evening y'all.

Image result for Gulf Coast Sunset


“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!



Where @MariotaMurielle@'s picture was situated on her post, right before this post, the picture cut off the first letter of the left side. So it read "pedicure hair" instead of "pedicure chair"


I thought there was a new hair-do that people were wearing while getting a pedicure!  Thanks to wonky website.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

Good Morning!  It is beautiful here and we have no plans!  Oh, my car needs cleaned out, maybe I'll do that today! Didn't do much yesterday, some laundry, etc.  We're still working on the hall bathroom but I did order the bathroom vanity light fixture and a small hand towel bar yesterday from Wayfair, I love Wayfair!  I needed a light fixture with six lights and Home Depot only had fixtures with 4 lights.  Wayfair had so many to pick from and good prices.  We had a large towel bar with a small hand towel on it, so I found a 9 inch towel bar for a good price.  When you spend over $49 shipping is free too!  


SISD--Well, you really need to come to NYC or the DC area and sooner, not later, both towns require a lot of walking!  Our dog, Hallie would just dig her claws into the sidewalk and not budge when she decided the walk was over.  We always had to turn around and go back home when she did that.  She was funny and I miss her!


Justjazzmom--You got perfect weather for your trip, that's always a plus!  


Lovestoteach--I haven't had a manicure or pedicure in about 6 months, I used to get them all the time and I need to get back in the habit, I'll be wearing sandals soon.  


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Re: 60's Ladies and Everyone~Please Join Us For The New Year!

Mochahoney--I forget to shave my legs too but the hair seems to grow the most on my knees!  I shave my legs more in the warmer months and forget to do it as often in the winter months.  


Lovestoteach--I forgot to ask, are you watching the Penguins?  I  thought since DD is living in the Pittsburgh area that you're all Penguin fans too! DH has been glued to the TV.   If you get to the Pittsburgh area over baseball season try to get to a game, the stadium is just the best.  We went a couple of years ago, you walk across a bridge to get to it and the stadium has the most beautiful view of downtown Pittsburgh.