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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

Good Monday everyone.

DD has both kids home sick today 😷😷 with HFM and she has a sore throat so may have it too.

My DBIL got the official all-clear and has been pronounced cancer-free.

Fielding phone calls and texts today from them in PA!


I couldn't have wished a win on a nicer person! YAY🎉 

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

[ Edited ]

oh! so much news. mostly good.

@LTT1, yea for the good news about your DBIL. boo for the bad news about the kiddos and your DD being sick.

that Texas A&M and Alabama game was something, wasn't it?!!

@catwhisperer, it's all good news for you. finally, you will have some help you've been needing for your DH. I can imagine how relieved you must feel. there will be difficult days ahead, we know that, but now you will have a support system in place and someone to call when you have questions or need help. and good for your neighbor, being kind enough to offer his phone number in case of an emergency in the future. I'm sure you appreciated that.


DH has an appointment for additional pre-op labs on Thursday. his surgery is scheduled for Nov. 8.  I have my annual GYN appointment Wednesday. I wish I could send a sub! I do not like having to do that.

@SleeplessinSD, it's a shame about Gloria's posts. with so much petty unpleasantness around these days, it's always nice to see kind, encouraging words.

I got 2 new books from the library today. very different, but both are supposed to be very good.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

[ Edited ]

I'm stopping in a little early. We're going to watch the game tonight. Go Broncos!!🏈👏  I made a pot of chili, it just seemed a perfect day for it. We still haven't got rain, but I don't think I've seen the sun out, and temps are very cool. I love it!😊


@MariotaMurielle, I agree about Gloria's thread. I hesitated putting her full name, just in case the mods are monitoring. It seems most posts pertaining to her are getting deleted. She's such a kind lady which made it even harder to see how she was brought down. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your DH that there aren't any delays in his surgery for Nov. 8th.🙏 Those look like great books. I've heard of Memories of a Geisha, supposed to be really good. Good luck Wednesday. I hate that appt. too!


@LTT1, Oh no! Didn't Lexie have that virus (HFM) before? So common in kids from what I hear. Poor babies! Hopefully, your DD gets better. I can't imagine "Mom" being sick with it too! Yay, on DBIL's good news!!


waving HI to Everyone! I may BBL...depends😉





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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

Good Evening!  Sorry it's taken me a couple of days to get back to you.  I'm exhausted from our vacation, I planned more than I should've.  Next year, DH said "we're going to the beach and be beach bums!".   We had a great time though, getting into Queens was fun!  We had to go over the GW, that's George Washington of course, I can't get away from that guy!!!! and into around NYC into Queens, what a adventure.  We made it to our hotel and DS met us there and then it was on the the restaurant.  I found this great Italian restuarant and the food was the best!  The owner makes his own wine and it was really good.  My grandfather used to make his own wine and it was in big barrels in our basement.  Of course I was to young to drink it and my mother would've never let me have any anyway! The next day it was on to Newport, Rhode Island and the mansions of the very rich of the "gilded age".  We saw 5 mansions in all.  I hate to say this girls, being a tour guide myself and all, but we really liked it when we went through the mansions on our own with headsets that we could listen to, if we want more information, you pressed a button, if you didn't want more information, you pressed a different button.  When we went through one of the smaller homes you couldn't go through on your own and the guide took you through and talked the whole time, boring!!!!!  I really didn't need to know who painted every picture in the place!!!!  They called these summer homes "cottages" and used them only 6 weeks out of the year, The Breakers, the biggest mansion is over 100,000 sq.ft.!  Must be nice to be rich!!!!!  Then it was off to Tarrytown, the Hudson Valley!  The Hudson Valley is beautiful in the fall and we went to FDR's home in Hyde Park and the drive up the parkway was just sooo beautiful, with the leaves turning colors.  Since we were in Tarrytown we, of course had to do some Halloween things, part of Tarrytown was renamed Sleepy Hollow after Washington Irvining's story, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.  We went to The Blaze, a big pumpkin lighted event with thousands of pumpkins lit up in all sorts of scenes, I loved it.  Then we went to The Old Dutch Church to listen to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the guy that told the story was really good and they played an organ and it was really fun!!!  Then it was off to Horsemen's Hollow, where you walked through a maze of ghosts & goblins.  I think the people dressing up were actors from NYC who are trying to make it in the theater, Tarrytown is only about 20 miles from NYC.  Then we drove home and back over the GW bridge.  While we went through FDR's home, he had a picture of GW in his childhood bedroom and when we were listening to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, the story teller mentioned GW too.  Like I said, I can't get away from the guy!!!!!  DH was really sweet to humor me, so of course, it'll be lying on the beach next year!!!!!!

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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

I've tried to read most of the post, everyone's been soooo busy!  


Helen47--Your anniversary weekend sounded just perfect!  An Alaskan cruise, what fun!  I've never been on one though all my friends that have done one says  how wonderful they are.   When DS was in school at UW he went to Glacier Bay on a expedition for school and had a wonderful time.  It wasn't a cruise ship though it was a research ship.  


Mochahoney--I'm so glad that your DH has finally got a date for his surgery.  I love your front door and stoop with all the fall/Halloween decorations.  I haven't had a chance to put any up since I was planning our trip, so I think I'll just put my fall/Thanksgiving decorations up now and not do the Halloween decorations.  Sleepy Hollow was my Halloween this year.


Catwhisperer--I'm so sorry about the fire and all the problems you've had to deal with but it sounds from your last post that things are looking a little better.  


Lovestoteach--Good news about DBIL being cancer free!  I hope that DD and her two little ones are better by Halloween!  I wouldn't want them to miss it!

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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

Katte--I'm thrilled to hear the good news about your test!  You must be soooooo relieved!  


Retn--I have a friend who has a friend who has a cabin in Door County in Wisconsin and I've seen pictures of the area and it's sool lovely!


All--I forgot to mention the dinner with DD & her boyfriend.  It went really well and we had a nice time.  DH really likes him.  When the bill came he took out his wallet and wanted to pay half but we told him "no" , we were getting the check.  It meant a lot to me & DH that he offered and didn't just sit there.  He talks just enough, not too much.  My DH is not a big talker and he seems very similar in personality to my DH.  This is funny, he's from Ohio State and they were playing a game and he would check his phone for the score every now and then.  DD announced that she's getting a dog!!!! We weren't thrilled, but that's how it goes.  It hasn't been born yet, she's put a deposit down on a Corgi, if you don't know what a Corgi is, it's the kind of dog The Queen likes and has some.  They're small.  I don't know why she wants a dog, she's not home all that much.  She check with her landlord and her roommates and everyone is "on board".  Her boyfriend told us "I tried to talk her out of it"!  Good luck with that!  DH hopes it's not going to be a "deal braker" with him, he's such a nice guy and all and a dog is a big committment.  We had a golden and we have two large crates, we crate trained Hallie, and she wants the crates.  I told her that they may be too large for a small dog and she'll have to put a large box in 1/2 of the crate.  I did tell her to look into pet insurance, we didn't have it with Hallie and when she got sick we had over $3,000 in vet bills.  I love dogs and I, of course said, we'd watch the dog when she went out of town but I really wish she hadn't decided to get a dog.  She said that she thought about it for a long time, probably about 5 minutes!!!!

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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

[ Edited ]

@Hayfield, We were posting at the same time. Wow! What an exciting/fun trip! Sounds like you did a lot in one week. I can see where it was exhausting; in a good way. If I ever make it to NYC, I'll want the name of that Italian restaurant. And, of course, have some of that wine! That's funny about the tours ( and poor "George"😊) being a guide you'd know best. I think the headphones are a great idea. Never would have thought of that. I remember now, you still have a week of vacation left, right? Relax and enjoy! Traveling, even a short trip, wears me out nowadays...Ha! I think your DH has it right for your vacation next year. Laying out on the beach sounds like a pretty darn good idea!

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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

Helen47--Yes, it is funny that we're posting at the same time!  I usually try to post in the morning and I meant to post this morning but got lazy!  Enjoy your last day of volunteering for 2016!!! Go out for some margarita's!

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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

Welcome back @Hayfield!


Did you end up taking one of the LI ferries to Newport? If so, how did you like our rural area?


Sounds like you had a terrific time -- we visited FDR's home & library this past spring and we really enjoyed going through the library. For those unfamiliar, it's a separate building from the house on the grounds. I guess you saw their tombstone too. Were you able to eat at the Culinary Institute of America restaurants?


A great vacation is when you need to take a vacation again! LOL.

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: 60's Ladies~We Hope You'll Join Us!

stopping by to wish everyone a cozy night.

what a fun packed trip you had, Hayfield. welcome back.

here's a Biloxi sunset.

have a peaceful evening y'all.


“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich