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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Happy Monday ...


Labor Day brought a break from my Monday treatment schedule. Good thing, I can use an extra day to recover. This one, as I said earlier this week, knocked the stuffin' out of me. Although, as I wrote this, I was thinking about "The Velveteen Rabbit" and how dearly it was loved despite its appearance. As I've said, I'm so grateful for my friends who're right there to help.


Kat ... when is your surgery? If you mentioned it, I missed it. I want to make sure you're in our healing/prayer book ... with your permission, of course.


Love reading all your posts.

Another community of friends.




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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Martie,   How sweet of you to think of me and have me in your prayers.  Thank you.  My surgery is Friday, Sept. 25.  This is my last week of some free time except for blood tests.  The following week 3 different doctor appts., PC, Orthopedic and Pulmonary and going to hip class at the hospital and a special blood test for infections.  I stilll have some things to get together.  There is always so much paperwork.  I hope you are enoying your weekend.  Take care and thank you again for being so thoughtful.

Cat HappyCat Happy

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

[ Edited ]

Spammom,  So good to hear from you.  a friend of mine whose daughter is a lawyer had some dental work done.  I am not sure how long after she was in pain in her legs and one day nearly collapsed and could barely walk.  She was seen by a couple of doctors and they could not find anything but finally she went to one more dr. and she had an infection that settled at the base of the spine (infection from dental work).  She had surgery and ended up being okay but she was lucky.  I hope you are suing the dentist.  I was immediately informed from my Orthopedic surgeon's office that all dental work must be completed prior to surgery because an infection can get into the prosthesis that will be placed in my hip.  More people need to be aware of dental work/infections and upcoming surgery.  I am so very sorry that that is reason for the loss of your leg.  I sincerely hope you are adjusting and doing well.  Thank God you are still here.  I hope you have a chance to visit more often on the board.  I do wish you the best in your recovery.  Take care.

Cat HappyCat Happy

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

we had a very pleasant, quiet day here. no special events since it wasn't really a holiday for us. when we were working we would have been enjoying a day off from work, but now we are enjoying a day off from work every day Smiley Happy.

I hope all is well with everyone.

here's a sunset at Crystal Springs, Mississippi.

special hellos to all our friends here, and wishes for a peaceful evening.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Finally, everybody is settled down and content! Activity will begin again soon to repeat the cycle of the last few days.

Will catch up soon-- hopefully everybody had a pleasant Labor Day Weekend💜👏🏻😎

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Hello ladies, just found this topic yesterday. I used to visit the BE forum regularly but never ventured to any others. Since the change I don't bother with BE forum anymore. I stick to Mineral Madness, but this seems like a nice place.

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Good Afternoon Ladies ~ I promise I have not forgotten about you, and I do plan to introduce myself to those who have no clue who I am.


My husband is out of town, one of my Son's broke his hand, and never told me, and never went to get an xray...until 2 weeks later!  So, my mind has been a bit preoccupied, and I feel kind of scatter brained.  He has an appointment this afternoon to find out if the hand can be set after 2 weeks, or surgery.  I got a feeling that it is started to heal, and they will have to break, and re-set.  He's 27, and lives a few hours away, so I seem to always be the last to know anything important......


I'm going to go through the thread this evening, and read up.  I love all your beautiful graphics.


Again, thanks for welcoming me, and I will try and do much better real soon!  Mistic

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Sorry to see the summer season come to a close; will miss my pool and sitting outside but can't wait to decorate for the fall season and watch the trees change colors. Have start going thru the fall bins to check and make sure everything is in good shape(OMG maybe have to check out new items at my favorite stores). The air in the fall has a certain smell and my kitchen will be smelling  sweet from all the baking and roasting of all the fall vegetables. Can't wait.

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

Good Afternoon Everyone,


It's a beautiful day here in the mid 70's.  I love this time of year!  I will be getting out my fall decorations this week.  I usually have the house decorated by now but I'm a little behind this year.  I have my new mercury glass gourd and pedestals.  They will be such a nice addition to the mercury glass pumpkins that I got last year.  I saw a young black bear loping across the neighbor's yard this morning.  It was heading toward our ravine.  I'll have to watch Maxx outside.  He's a 10 pound Bichon but he thinks he's a big feisty lion!  He would pick a fight with a bear.  Our mellow lab Sam, on the other hand, would just ignore it.


Mocha, Whew!  Your weather sounds almost unbearable with that heat and humidity.  Stay cool!  That chocolate pie sounds so good.  Thanks for always posting the peaceful pictures.  I love them.


Loves,  I'm not on Facebook, so I didn't see the picture of your little angels but I know they must be cute!  Hope all is going well.


Helen, The Labrador picture was adorable!  I loved the Labrador day.  I know you enjoyed your visit with the girls.  Did you do anything special?  How was your volunteer day?


Mistic,  I'm sorry to hear about your son's hand.  I hope it heals soon.  Thanks for stopping by.


Sapphire 25,  Welcome!   Stop by again.


Special prayers going out to Martie, Spammom, RetRN, Kat.  Forgive me if I missed anyone.  Blessings to you all!

~ Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.~ French Proverb
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For September!

hi everyone. I've been working really hard tor the past 2 days to get my bedroom closet reorganization project finished and I'm 90% done. the only thing left to do is to get my husband's shoes rearranged and that won't take long because he's not a shoe nut like me.  I pulled out enough stuff to fill a box to go to Goodwill. the towels and sheets have been condensed and rearranged. I got my shoes arranged by type...clogs, flats, sandals, pumps, boots.  it looks so much better.                                                             whenever I rearrange/reorganize a closet or room and end up with more space, it feels almost liberating.

Snardy, I really wish you could post some pics of your mercury glass pumpkin, gourd and pedestal and other fall decorations. do you use photobucket? maybe you could watch a YouTube tutorial or something and learn how to do it. oh my goodness, bears in the yard? I know you will be keeping a close watch on your sweet doggies.

Loves, I know you have your hands full right now (pun intended Smiley Happy ) with all those squiggly babies. I'm sure it takes teamwork to manage them so thank goodness your DH is with you.

Hayfield, did you say you are off all week until Thursday? (or maybe that was last week?). if not, I guess you were back to work today. Im sure Mt. Vernon is beautiful in the fall when the leaves start to turn.

Helen, I think this was your day to work, right? I hope you've had a great day, whether you worked or not. I know you enjoyed your time with the girls.

Fancy, still walking and swimming? I hope the heat and humidity is phasing down for you there.

Martie, I've been thinking about you and hoping you are doing well. I can't imagine what those treatments must do to you, but please know you are in my prayers.

catwhisperer, is it humid where you are too? I'm just so ready for cool, crisp air and bright, clear skies. the fall allergy season has hit full force and today has been especially bad for me. I think I've almost used a whole box of kleenex today.

Kat, I hope you and Ava are doing well. are you doing better with your hip since you got your new pain med?

Mistic, I hope your son's hand will be OK. he probably didn't tell you because he didn't want you to worry, but now that you do know, of course you're going to worry. especially since he didn't get it looked at for 2 weeks.

Sapphire & tishkins, welcome to this thread. come back when you can and tell us about yourselves. you are welcome any time.

Spammom, Shorelady, Puddles: I'm sending you special hellos and hoping you are well.

here's an Enid Lake, Mississippi sunset for you. have a peaceful evening,y'all.



“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich