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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

@LTT1 wrote:

Who can come up with the correct interpretation of this?


rudolf report card.jpg

Rudolph the red-rosed reindeer, he went down in history.

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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

[ Edited ]

@MartieHugs wrote:

@LTT1 wrote:

Who can come up with the correct interpretation of this?


rudolf report card.jpg

Rudolph the red-rosed reindeer, he went down in history.



~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

[ Edited ]

WHO REMEMBERS? (a 60's memory) (see 60's memories on Facebook if you want more ideas to share... we played this with the brothers at the dinner table on Thanksgiving after we ate)

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

I've had a busy day of doing laundry and watching bowl games Smiley Happy

but seriously, I did cook a delicious supper of purple hull peas, turnip greens, corn bread and barbequed pork chops. it was so good that DH told me to relax and he cleaned up the kitchen!

hope everyone is doing well.

Kat and Martie, you are both in my prayers for healing and strength.

special hugs to all our dear friends here.

here's a Vancleave, Mississippi sunset for you.

have a peaceful evening y'all.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

[ Edited ]

I spent most of the day getting boxes from the garage and organizing my decorations. I always say I'm not going to do too much but I probably will end up doing more than intended. I had to go to Lowes for cords, batteries, etc. My DH went over to our sons house to watch football, so tomorrow we'll see what we can get done together. I also stopped at Pier 1. They were having a great sale. I found a wreath for my door; 30% off and I had a 10.00 coupon!


LOVES, is that Bullwinkle? I remember the cartoon with, I think, a squirrel? named Rocky. Wow, that's a "blast from the past!" I have to admit, I couldn't figure out the report card one. I think mainly cause I didn't know that was a reindeer at first! Lol! Yay! @MartieHugs, for getting it!


SNARDY, we have a living room, dining room combined. I'll be decorating there and our family room. We put a tree in our front room and one on the landing of our stairs. I'm trying to decide if I'll do the one on the landing this year. Right now, I'm thinking no. We will get together with my extended family on the 19th at my niece's house for Christmas. We'll do Christmas Eve at our son's house with our immediate family. Seems to work out best this way, since I have such a big family. I'm so glad to hear you'll see your DGD again soon. I know you're looking forward to it. I think the Broncos play the Patriots tomorrow? Well, you know I'll be rooting for your team😉! Go Broncos!!


HAYFIELD, I haven't played Trivial Pursuit for a long time. Ha! Yeah, I guess "Tammy" was before your kid's time! I liked that song. Wasn't there a movie too? Our son came back yesterday. When does yours go back? I'm sure it was great having all your family together. Did you start your decorating?


MOCHAHONEY, I was watching Rachael Ray and she had a lady from Butterball answering questions. One was how long to defrost a frozen turkey. According to her, 24 hrs. for every 4 lbs. So, I'm so happy your DD was able to find a fresh one and that her first turkey dinner was a success. Sounds like you and your DH had a great day too. Like I think SNARDY said, now it's on to Christmas!


I forgot to say Hi to NCBandwagon. It's always nice to see her here. I'm so worried about KAT, and hope to hear from her soon too. DH just got home, so I better wrap up. I'm sure most of you have already gone to bed already. Hopefully, sleeping peacefully😴❤️


Good Night Everyone....

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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!


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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

That Rudolph quiz is so cute. I was looking right at it and thought to myself "boy did he ever go down in history". You'd have thought the light bulb would have come on!
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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

Good Morning!  It's raining this morning and I can feel it in my bones!  As I get older that just keeps happening.  DH & DD got the boxes up from the basement yesterday and started decorating.  I have a tradition Williamsburg colonial style house, I do live in Virginia after all!  When we first moved into the house in 1987, I took a trip down to the Williamsburg Pottery and got 9 small wreaths to go into each front window.  I also got some gold ribbon the kind with the wire on the edges and made bows for the wreaths, then I put a candle in each window and we put a big wreath on the front door and a spot light towards the front door to light up the house.  I also have a lampost that I put garlard around the pole with lights and another big gold bow and outside decorating is done!  I don't have to take the bows off the wreaths every year and remake them since the wire on the edges of the ribbon keep them in shape, I just have to "puff" them up a little.  We used to do much more outside decorating put we stopped doing that as we got older.  The tree is up in the corner of the famiy room, next to the firplace.  The ceiling is high there and we have a 9 ft. tree that we got a couple of years ago, I love it put it takes forever to put all the ornaments on it.  I then put a few other things around the house, put again, less than  past years.  Today DS wanted a big breakfast, he requested waffles and sausage.  I'll make the waffles from scratch, it's not hard.  I don't buy pancake mix anymore since we hardly every have pancakes or waffles. 

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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

Helen47--You sound a little like me, doing a little less decorating.  DH & I were commenting yesterday how we doing have the same energy we had 30 years ago.  You plans with extended family and your own family sound wonderful.  I rarely see my DB at the holidays, we got together last year and it was wonderful.  I talked to him on Thanksgiving and he and his wife are heading down to Floriday today and they'll be there until the end of February, he's having knee surgery in April.  With my DB I take what I can get as they as.  It's not that we're not close, it's just that holidays aren't as important to him as they are to me.  I had to learn not to take it persoanlly.  You really scored with the new wreath, 30% off & a coupon!  I always feel like I've won the lottery when that happens!


Mochahoney--It's nice when DH's show their appreciation of a good meal by doing the dishes & cleaning up! 


Lovestoteach--I love Rocky & Bullwinkle, my favorites when I was a kid.  Those kind of games are the best. 

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Re: 60's Ladies~Please Join Us For November!

Helen47--I forgot to answer your question, DS is leaving early tomorrow morning.  He's getting the bus about 10 minutes from us, which makes it so convenient for DH to drop him off on his way to work.  It's been great  having him home.  I go up to NYC on Dec. 8-10 but decided to stay in a hotel instead of with him.  It will be nicer for me and more relaxing.  I'm looking forward to it.  I'm not sure when he comes home for Xmas, he'll probably be here about 4-5 like he was at Thanksgiving.  I see him a lot between Thanksgiving & Xmas but too much the rest of the year.  I'm glad that he think holidays are important, not like my DB!