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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

Helen47--That picture of Mount Vernon is about 3-4 years old and I may even be in it as I was working that night.  I saw  Amway written lightly in the upper left hand corner.  I'll never forget that night, it was in early December and luckily the weather was warm and we had over 3,000 Amway people on the estate at night.  If you look to the left through the colonade you see a building, that's the tent they put up for the event. On the right side behind the other colonade you can see a really big tree.  It's the pecan tree that they took down a couple of years ago since it had gotten too big and was a threat to the house.  It didn't date to GW's time, so they took it down.  I was a big job having that tree taken down and fun to watch the men do it.   It was a really fun night as we rarely have that many people on the estate for evening events.  I'll never forget it. 

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

Lovestoteach--Thanks for be able to be in touch with someone who knows Kat, like you and everyone else, I'm worried about her and thinking about her.  I do hope she recovers.



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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

@LTT1 wrote:

Tricolor has gotten back to me regarding KatCat. Maybe I will know more in a few days. From what I am gathering, she doesn't have any family to look in on her. Smiley Sad

Good morning good friend. I sent Kat an email yesterday and still no word. She normally responds very quickly to emails so I am wondering if her health has been jeopardized. I will let you know as I hear something. Actually I have not heard from her for several months. Shame on me too for not sending an email to her sooner. No excuses. She really has no family who watches over her.

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

good evening ladies ...


i have had so much on my plate this week.  i am happy to say that i am staying afloat with it all because i am RIGID about getting my sleep, my nurtrition and my exercise.  BUT.    in addition to my brother taking a turn for the worse, i have some additional family crisis that is weighing heavy on my heart.  somehow, we will all get through all of this.  some of us will live very different lives, and then we know that we will lose my brother.  it is going to be very hard to have any kind of a holiday this year.  but i will have a holiday of some sort. 


i will check in now and then, but i expect that my posts will be few and far between.  at least till after the holidays.  


wishing you all the best.

keep a seat warm for me, k? 



ps:  mocha, the eagles are saving my tail.   i find it SO RELAXING to watch the nest.  and if harriet ever manages to lay an egg, well ... that will be divine intervention for me! 

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

[ Edited ]

@fancy pantsy, I'm so sorry to hear you're going through difficult times, but glad you're making yourself a priority and taking care of yourself. sometimes we need to take a deep breath and realize we're doing as best we can and pray it's enough. We are all here for you to listen and offer support whenever you need us. There's always a seat here waiting for you❤️🙏 Prayers for you and your family...


@corismom1, I do remember you saying you spent winters in New Orleans. That sounds wonderful. Men never understand our need for extra clothes when packing; their needs are usually much fewer. I hope you'll still be able to stop by from time to time. It's so nice having you back. 


@MariotaMurielle, I can't wait to hear what you found at the craft fair. I've usually been to at least one by now, but so far, no plans. Yes, they did bring victims to the hospital my sister is at. It all happened so fast and people are still reeling from it. So sad to think none of us are safe anymore....


@Hayfield, when I saved that photo of Mt. Vernon, I really didn't look close. Amway...wasn't that the pyramid scheme? I did have a coworker heavy into it. He swore he'd be rich someday and retire early. They did have good products. The tree they took down was beautiful. It's nice to imagine you working there that people! I know this was a difficult day for you, remembering your Mother. I'm sure she is looking down smiling and very proud of you. ((Hugs))


@Tricolor, Thank you for letting us know about KAT. It seems she should be able to get some sort of assistance through the hospital where she had the surgery. Maybe she went to a rehab facility. I'm worried about her sweet cat Ava too. Hopefully, you'll get a reply to your email. Please let us know....

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

I got my "tuneup" my hair cut in a bob. My sister arrives tomorrow....I'm excited!



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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

[ Edited ]

Helen, I LOVE your haircut and the color. it's so cute!

both of my friends canceled on me for the craft fair, but I went anyway, by myself. DH stayed home with the Princess. I actually enjoy going to those kinds of things alone, so it was all good. there were a lot of beautiful things, handblown glass ornaments and bowls, pottery, handmade jewelry. there is one vendor who is there every year who makes Celtic jewelry. really pretty pieces. I was looking at his things and saw a ring I liked, so I asked to try it on. it fit perfectly. it was a sterling silver band ring with intricate gold and silver wire inlay and a red gemstone cabochon in the center. I thought the stone was a dark red garnet. when I asked him how much it was (thinking that if it wasn't expensive I might treat myself) and he told me that the stone was a ruby, the gold wire work was 18K and the price was $800. I thanked him and gave it back to him. I have so much jewelry that I hardly ever wear anymore and there's not a thing I need, but it sure was pretty.

I left without buying a single thing, but I enjoyed looking at everything so it was worth it.

Fancy, I think it was just last night (or very recently) that I said I hoped your family drama was over. I see by your post tonight that it's not. as you said, some people live such different lives. but just focus on taking care of yourself, protecting yourself from emotional sabotage. I am so sorry about your brother being worse. I pray that at least he can be made comfortable and that you and his wife can find some peace with that.

about the eagles, I'm so glad you are enjoying them. I can't imagine why Harriet hasn't laid any eggs yet. it's well into the season, I think. (I know it's not from lack of being fertilized, if you know what I mean Smiley Happy ).

Hayfield, anniversary dates of the loss of our loved ones are always hard. but, you're right. living well and taking good care of yourself is a great way to honor and remember her.  about the tours, I can't imagine 3000 people in one night. how many work there with you to handle those tours? I hate that they took down that huge tree. it was beautiful. I hope they made some use of the wood instead of just discarding it.

DH took Princess Daisy to the vet today just for a check up. she weighs 3lbs & 13oz, which is down about .5 lb, even though she eats pretty well most days.

I'm sending special thoughts to all our friends here.

here's a Mississippi gulf coast sunset for you.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.



“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

I had a really fun day celebrating my 60th birhtday, DH took me and a couple of my good friends to the Tamale Festival in San Antonio then to a casual dinner with a few margaritas at a local burger joint. My kind of fun. I spoke with my sister and my son today. I think this 60 thing is going to be OK.

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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

@srpete wrote:

I had a really fun day celebrating my 60th birhtday, DH took me and a couple of my good friends to the Tamale Festival in San Antonio then to a casual dinner with a few margaritas at a local burger joint. My kind of fun. I spoke with my sister and my son today. I think this 60 thing is going to be OK.

srpete...sounds like you had a great birthday with family and friends. Here's to many more!



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Re: 60's Ladies.....Please Join Us For December!

@MariotaMurielle, my first thought about that ring was being worried buying it if something went wrong with it, like losing a stone or something like that. When you buy from a well known reputable jeweler, you could return it. But, you said this vendor is there every year with nice things, so it would have been fine, I'm sure. It sounds beautiful, and ruby is my birthstone. I love rings, so I know I'd have been tempted too. Like you, though, I know I wouldn't have bought it. I just couldn't justify it, especially this time of year when I have so many gifts to buy. I'm glad you had a fun day. I'd have gone by myself too. I really like my new haircut. My hair was getting long and unruly. Hopefully, this will be easier. 
