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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

hello all

winter is still with u today. winds are whipping us at 60mph or higher. we had snow squalls yesterday with some heavy snow fall but ALL MELTED quickly. today it is super sunny. have to bundle up to walk. we have wind chills today.

there is a low pressure east of us and high pressure west of us pushing against each other and we are caught in the middle. squeeze play.

had to sign on thru chorme today could not get in any other way.

ok guys later.

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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good Morning,


I think I can safely say it's looking like Springtime here. There isn't any rain predicted for the rest of the week, so hopefully, it will stay this way long enough for us to dry out. 

I saw my eye doctor Friday. While I'm still having some bothersome issues, I don't have a detached retina, which was a concern. She wants to see me again in a week for another checkup. I had absolutely no problems with my previous cataract surgery, so all of this is new to me, and I just want to put it all behind me.

I talked to Snardy over the weekend. For those that remember her, she's very ill with Covid. Please say a prayer for her. I hope Everyone here's doing well. There's really nothing much new out my way. With the nice weather we'll have this week, we're looking forward to just getting out and enjoying some time outdoors.





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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

[ Edited ]

hi all.

I had my first post-stent cardiology check up today. I saw the NP, and will see the doctor next visit. everything looks good, EKG, BP, labs, etc.

@SleeplessinSD, I'm so sorry to hear that Snardy is so sick. I will add her to my prayers. glad to hear you're a little better. hopefully when you see the doc next week there will be even more improvement.

sending big blessings to all.

here's a Union county sunset.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.





“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

super sunny day here. warming up, the winds have subsided way down. almost nice outside. got up early so got my walk in early today.

not much else. later.

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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good late evening! It was a beautiful sunny day with temps in the 50's today.  QVC forums were down today, so I just got in.


I got my Moderna Spikevax today. Decided to get it in the opposite arm that I had the previous ones. So far so good.


Sorry to hear Snardy is so ill. Hope she gets over it without any problems. 

Tomorrow I call an orthopedic surgeon about my hips. Not sure when I'll have an appointment. Want to be evaluated to see if I need hip surgery. 

I've putting off this call since January. Now that things have calmed down here, I can focus on this. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

Ezra said "I love you Grammy" today for the first time. I'm sure you know it melted my heart. Heart

I've been through an ordeal for the last 2 days trying to get a prescription filled. when I got my stent the doctor prescribed an anticoagulant, something I'll have to take for at least a year. the clinic gave me a 30 day sample free, and a coupon to buy refills for $5. when I went to the pharmacy yesterday after my appointment they told me the website for the coupon had been hacked and they couldn't process the coupon. without the coupon it's $600, using my insurance it's $400. long story short....the drug company no longer provides samples. I went online and got approved for the drug company's patient assistance program but it would take a week or more to get the medication and I only have enough to last until tomorrow. after going back to the clinic today to pick up a different coupon (which also didn't work because I have insurance) they finally changed my prescription. it cost me $5 using my prescription coverage.

it's really infuriating that a medication costs $5 with a coupon but costs $600 without one. what sense does that make?

that's the end of my hissy fit Smiley Happy

sending blessings to all.

here's a Long Beach, Ms. harbor sunset.

have a peaceful evening, y'all.


“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

@MariotaMurielle  - if I had a grandchild and she/he said that to me, I'd be a puddle on the floor and the child would have me wrapped around their finger the rest of my life.  LOL  Don't even get me started on the state of prescription meds.  A friend of mine needs a certain medication and it's costing her hundreds of dollars a month and that's with insurance!  It's so infuriating what these big pharma companies charge.  



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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

not much going on today

did hang out today but it is to cloudy for drying well outside. will check in a bit and see if i have to take down and throw in dryer.

got walk in early, not much else. later guys

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Registered: ‎11-01-2010

Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

[ Edited ]

Good Afternoon!


We just got back from a Costco trip. It's been a while since we'd been, and well over 200 dollars later, I don't know what's for dinner, lol!  Anyway, we've decided to go out for a quick bite after all is put away. I hope Everyone's having a good day!


@MariotaMurielle , I was so happy to hear your check up went well. As far as all you've had to deal with to get your prescription filled, I think your hissy fit was in order. That's crazy how the cost went from 600 dollars down to 5 dollars.  I'm glad it all worked out. Sad, though,  how people are taken advantage of. The good news is you always have little Ezra to melt your heart and brighten your day!

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: “2024”, Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

one of those days today

a full pail of water fell off my cleaning cart onto the carpeted floor in the computer room. took over 2 hours to get that mess cleaned up. my rug doctor helped tremendously.

ok guys later.