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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

good morning! the plumber has already come and gone and I finally have my shower completed.

@SleeplessinSD, I have been in touch with several newly discovered cousins through Ancestry but I've found that probably 70% or so of the cousins I've tried to contact don't respond. some have been pretty helpful, others don't have a clue and don't really care.

if your sister hasn't already started adding your family tree to the Ancestry website and actually has an interest in genealogy, that would be the best way to start.  if she's really interested in finding family connections a very helpful tool is a site called Gedmatch. she can transfer her DNA raw data from Ancestry into the Gedmatch database and find hundreds (maybe thousands) of people she shares DNA with. there's a tutorial on the Gedmatch home page and several on Youtube if she's interested.


happy Monday. it's beginning to feel like fall is just around the corner Smiley Happy



“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich
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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

@Hayfield @SleeplessinSD @MariotaMurielle @viva923 @JustJazzmom 


@Hayfield wrote:

MM--So glad to hear that your DD is in remission, I hope that it lasts indefinitely!  Sorry to hear about the devastion in areas near you from the hurricane.  It was so sad to see on the news.  I try to watch as little news as possible these days, so depressing but try to keep informed.  We got 7 inches of rain on Thursday from the hurricane and it was gloomy all day yesterday but the sun is out today and cooler temps.  Your bathroom remodel sounds lovely!


It sounds like everyone is doing well, considering what's going on in the world!  Take care!  



Sorry about the damage in your area but thrilled to read that your DDCis in remission!

Ladies I will bbl

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

MM a relaxing nice shower in your new shower tonight, AHHHH the joy of having plummers to get us up and running again.


MM i think it was my old sisters that did that thingy. she found out we actually have quite a few 3rd cousins hanging around. as far as I knew my parents were the end of the line with our maiden name. somehow i guess there are some of these cousins hanging around. i did email them once but never heard from them or if I did hear from them, they never emailed me back after I sent them a reply.


dh made up home made slow cook lagzana . smells delicious


ok walk time later guys

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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good morning. Fall is here with sunshine. So nice to have a functional shower! @MariotaMurielle .


Had a few crazy days here -- DH has a scratched cornea which required 2 visits to eye doctor 2 days in a row! He's on 2 ointments & a few eye drops for this. We return next week to visit doctor, 


Tonight will be making roast pork with black beans & rice. Going to use one of my green peppers diced in the black beans. 

We had last night frozen mini ravioli with the last of the Stonewall Kitchen Butternut Squash Sauce. It was okay. Could have used maybe more cinnamon or nutmeg in it. 

☼The best place to seek God is in a garden. You can dig for him there. GBShaw☼
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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

as usual not much here


did many chores, did 1st walk, folded and put away morn wash load,large load today. 2nd walk coming up mighty fast.


ok guys later

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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

@SleeplessinSD @viva923 @JustJazzmom @MariotaMurielle @Hayfield 


98535030-86B9-4ADF-8305-026032E36FF8.jpegI'm checking in on all of you. Hope you are well, are not flooded and safe!

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

Hello everyone,


I enjoy reading everyone's posts. I'm so glad Fall is here. It is my favorite season. I've put out a few fall things but haven't put out my pumpkin collection yet. The leaves and brush are starting to change colors. So pretty. Maisy and I noticed them when we went on our walk this morning. 
I have missed going to the hospital with Maisy so much. Yesterday I received an email that a few companies have reached out to Pet Partners, wanting our dogs to go to their offices to give their weary employees a break from everything that is going on. We will be outside and the employees will come by and interact with our dogs to receive some love and affection. I signed up immediately. I am really looking forward to it. 
Viva, I am very sorry to hear that your daughter's husband is so ill again. That is such a difficult situation for everyone. Blessings to you and your family. 
Hayfield, so good to hear from you!

JJM, You made me hungry again. You are in my thoughts. 
Katte, how are things going with you? Has it cooled off any yet? It's still in the 80s here. 
MM, so glad to hear about your daughter being in remission. That's wonderful news! 

Catwhisperer, how are things with you? Is the smoke still so bad? Our sky gets gray from the fires here. SleeplessinSD, I hope your family is doing better. It's such a horrible time to have illness with everything that is going on. I will be so glad when this year is over. How is Max doing? I'm so glad you are able to enjoy your lovely outdoor space. Thinking of you all with love 💕🙏🏻

Guess I'd better get some things done. Take care everyone. Sending blessings to you all! ❤️

~ Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace.~ French Proverb
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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

hey all

just a pop in to say good night, tomorrow all

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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

Good Evening,


@snardy , I love seeing your post! I know you've missed going to the hospital with Maisy. I'm so glad you'll both be able to visit places in need and a break from all that's going on. We have been spending a lot of time outdoors lately. Especially mornings and late afternoon/evenings. Take good care and stay well...


@LTT1 , so nice to hear from you...I'm thankful for you!


@JustJazzmom , I'm sorry to hear about your DH's eye. Sounds painful!


@MariotaMurielle , I shared the genealogy information with my sister. She hasn't started a family tree. I told her about the site you mentioned too. She's so bored with staying home. It would be a good pass time for her. Thanks!


Not much new here. Our weather is supposed to be warming up again. It was nice today. I put out some Fall decorations this morning. It warmed up my house and looks festive. I'll be doing a little more each day. I love Fall!


Waving Hi to Everyone! Enjoy the rest of the evening...

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Re: “2020”~60’s Ladies & Everyone, Please Join Us!

good morning. we had kind of a hard night. there were tornado warnings in the county immediately southwest of us all afternoon and evening and then at 11:00 the tornado siren across the street from us starting going off. there were no tornadoes in our county that I am aware of but we didn't get to sleep until about 3am.

this morning the air feels very heavy and warm, so it may be another stormy day.

@snardy, I know you and Maisy will enjoy the Pet Partners project and so many people will benefit.

sending blessings to everyone.

“All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.” St. Julian of Norwich