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Re: If you need some some happy inspiration..

@I am stillkeeper of the  wrote:

I know many remember Rory Feek from Singers Joey and Rory Feek.After  Joey passed away Rory was raising a little girl with down syndrome and finding his way with his loss.He ha a blog called  This life we live. He did an interview with Jenna Bush  about his children's book , she visited the school and children whiched opened on their property only a few days before. Whs66t a beautiful thing, turning challenges into joy!His blog is very human, he talks about his daughters coming out and his finding his beliefs at odds,dealing with loss,finding strength.It is so wonderful to see him with his schoolhouse in pictures,his life moving forward ,his dreams taking shape.I hope you are able to check it out and feel some hope today,hugs love,MaryAnne

Yes, I remember Joey and Rory Feek. Awesome gospel singers. I followed their journey and what wonderful family they have. I have their Joey + Rory Inspired CD.
