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Selah, thank you for the book you recommended for Erin! I just found it on the Christian bookstore I shop at frequently. Have placed my order for that in hardback and one e-book version that I can read aloud to terminal patients here, bless them. You are so full of useful information! 


Like the bed rail support bar.. is it working well for your aunt? Is it hard to set up? I could use something like that some mornings. 


Your aunt sounds a lot like me. She may not be quite ready to accept the fact that she and her husband require a little assistance. Had Angela lived, she would have tried to convince me to live with her and her husband. I would not have given into that, though knowing she meant well. The guilt it would have caused me seeing her sacrifice daily on my account would have made me depressed. I'd still be right here, in other words. I thought she'd like the cottage idea until I now see she has mobility issues. She sees you and Rowan helping your parents. Could she be planning to hire a service like Visiting Angels if they move into the modular home? The land is close enough that she and her husband can still visit with your parents. May the Lord guide them! 


Snappy, thank you so much for your prayers for my SIL's BIL. Yes, it's very sad and traumatic, too. He does know that he's been moved and why.. most of time. He had become so unruly at home- even with the nurse who came daily. Annoyed with everything- aggressive at times, which was never his nature at all. He was demanding the car keys, when he gets lost and disoriented indoors. Trying to wander off all over town, as he used to go visit with friends and neighbors. Have breakfast with the guys, etc. It's like his usual routines and habits stayed with him when he first awoke, but then.. confusion set in that naturally made him upset. He was taking that out on everyone and became a risk to himself and others. 😰 I just weep.. and then pray.


His wife is now in a good support group recommended by his doctor. She told my SIL that he's as comfortable as possible there at the facility, but when she visits, she can see his agitation increase. Very painful for her, though she knows somewhere deep down he still loves her as always. 


Smoky is just fine, dear- as mannish as ever. Maybe more so since reigning on the farm. It certainly agrees with him! My SIL sends me many pics she takes with her ph. It helps since I can’t see him daily. 


How are your eyes now? Still improving from the stem cell treatments? I find it amazing, but no such offers to me. I got my new glasses on Tuesday- what a difference! Had not realized how much I needed them until they arrived. 


I was just going by what you said previously about how your DD may have to sell the house, if she retired earlier.. I'm glad that's no longer a concern! One less thing to worry about. You can just relax, enjoy those precious babies and hopefully heal from the UTI. (The IV just may flush it out!) It sounds like she plans to wait and retire on schedule. I waited well beyond that, fool that I am! 😅 But then I so enjoyed working at the school cafeteria. I think it saved my sanity during my time of deepest grief. Everyone has their own way of coping with that. I know you're both trusting in our blessed Lord, so I don't worry for you! 




I just pray for that faith through Grace to sustain you during hard times, when we all sometimes become overwhelmed. For dear Shirley and family daily. 🙏🏻


I hope you're having fun today with Sunny! Happy Mother’s Day to you and the other moms in your family. 💐 Hoping Star's mommy feels better soon. 


With Love!

Ruth Ann

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Dearest Joy, thank you for your love and concern. I'm feeling fairly well lately- a bit tired after my outings (read above). I guess it's the good kind of tired, and I know my time here grows more limited by the hour.. Want to get out and experience as much beauty and time with friends as possible. Yes, the farmers' markets are really jumping here- there, too, I'm sure. The rains will be coming now, so I'll stay in and recoup a bit. 


I'm so sorry your neighbor friend is still undergoing the painful skin grafts! We see such suffering and know we've no right to complain. Thank the Lord for her unwavering faith. That in itself is a free-given gift of Grace. May she soon be healed.


I'm happy for Suz- back to work at what she so loves.. her calling. No reason that Lindsay can’t do both- have a child and adopt another. She's yet so young! Either way, blessings on their future family. 🙏 As Selah hinted.. having little ones may bring her back closer to home. I know you would like that, though you support her in her career choice. Marine biologist- so exciting and important. 


I'm LOL at your Will! 😂 Using “science,” is he? I'll put it to the test. I'll turn my AC way down and see if it makes any difference in my weight and blood tests. Tell the sly one I have my own theory.. he knows if you're cold enough, you'll be more tempted to cuddle up with him. 😈 I closely watched him watching over you 😍 while you were all here. He doesn’t fool me for a minute! 


No one that I know has done more for God's children of the world- of all ages, than you! Don’t argue with your elders, little clay pot. 😘 Your willingness to serve the Kingdom is infectious. 




To you, yours and all here who observe. 


With Love!

Ruth Ann





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Marcia, are you wearing anything under that big straw hat?




Keep it up, and Tyler will be having a baby sister or brother before he's out of diapers. 


Yes, take LOTS of pics at the Lonesome Dove ranch, and be sure to say “hello” to Woodrow for me! ❤️


Seriously, congratulate the young man growing in the Lord through the ministry program in securing a job and housing! 


I love what you wrote here about “fear.” The media sure loves to use it to their own ends.. ratings, by trying to keep us all worked up. It's a mind killer as well as a spiritual stumbling block. Keeping my eye on the finish line. 


Happy Mother's Day, sweetheart! 💐 


Anu, thank you for your kindness to me- always, and the lovely bird and flower pic! So deeply appreciate your prayers for Erin and her family. I hate it for her, too, but I'm believing the Lord will provide and help carry them through this trial. 


I'm so glad for your inlaws who are obviously acclimating well since their move from CA to TX! (Love your state avatar, btw.) He loves to golf, she loves to shop.. it's a win-win! So nice that your family can enjoy time with them now, so much more conveniently. You'll be with your mother and father soon, for the VA/NC trips. Enjoy it all, and Happy Mother’s Day! 💐 


Agnes, you just had to post that strawberry funnel cake that I can't unsee now! Where will I get one? 😩 


Glad you're safely back from D.C. I'll pray the weather is nice there for the festival and your Mother's Day 💐 plans. Can't wait to hear what Jacob made you! Those were my favorites, too. I still have two that Angela created in school. 


Tell Darrell he can get the same results, for the most part, by using your convection oven. Of course it uses more electricity and heats the whole house up, but until you find another air fryer. 


Hilo: I'm thinking of your brother and son who are both facing surgeries this month. I hope you can let us know how they get along. Prayers for you, too, dear friend and sister- as well as Jubilant. 🙏🙏🙏


With Love!

Ruth Ann


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Hellooo in here! Had an early day before I start packing for our weekend adventure. Wish I could show you BabyGirl in her cowgirl hat! 🤠 Mike got Tyler a tiny one, too—he'll have no part of it! 😅


Thankfully this weekend's forecast is looking great. Sunny skies and up into the high 70s tomorrow—80° for Sunday! Wishing you all the same for your Mother's Day or just weekend plans. 




🌼 Whatever they may be! 🌼


@Q-Anu, thanks for N.M. Eileen Fisher tops tip! Saw and ordered 3 cute ones there. Love your top and flower pots. Will check that sale out soon. Could use some new outdoor seat cushions. Smart headband, too. Very Nefertari! 


I wouldn't personally say that Barefoot Dreams is “all that.” You can certainly find similar items at less cost. What I have were gifts from Mike and his family. His sister (who tipped him off) really adores the line. If you're interested in the prayer throw; I didn’t find it here, but on their site. Just checked; it's still available. 


Yes, we're watching GoT. . . 


Worst. Kept. Secret. Ever.

Now we see why Ned didn't even tell Cat the truth. Too many people knowing and it all goes to Hades. He couldn't/wouldn't put her in that position, and successfully protected Jon until Sam and BranEyeRaven put it together.

Dany's whole life has been too consumed with the idea that only she is the rightful heir. She just can't course correct. For all her warmth and humanity, she definitely has a Marie Antoinette side to her. 

I don't think Jaime believes he deserves happiness. He's tormented, tortured by years of bad choices, and just so ready to walk away from the best woman for him. He'll likely perish with his sister.

Amazing acting by Gwendolyn. Brienne has always broken my heart.

Missandre was a dead woman from the time they fished her out of the water. Way to go out like a loyal badazz, tho--“Dracarys!”

Poor Raeghal, that was nasty. Woman Sad

I'm happy for Marian and her sons to be well out of Houston. I saw the most recent flooding footage. It must bring back terrible memories for them. A safe and blessed Mother's Day to you both!

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@agnesann—many thanks for the shirt and towels tip. I was trying to remember the name brand towels they used to (and hopefully still do) carry at BB&B. They're absorbent, but dry super fast. I think it was you who first recommended them. Can you recall the brand? 


Hey, big, black shades get the job done! (Even when you're off-duty.) 😎


Sorry your air-fryer bit the dust. I dunno what brand Joy has, but we've been lucky so far with the Bella 5.3-Qt. Stainless Steel Air Fryer. Most small appliances have a short life span if used frequently. That was a wedding gift, used 3-4 times weekly and still going strong. 


Hope your mom is progressing along toward wellness. Enjoy your FT with her and Darrell's mom. Best wishes with the festival and Happy Mother’s Day to you! 

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@WaJa61—SCORE! Happy you'll finally be getting that family portrait made. Perfect timing, since everyone will be dressed in their finest for the wedding. Mom was suggesting it's time we have one made, too. It surprised me, since she hasn’t wanted to do that since my brother passed over. I'll set it up for her soon. I know you're missing your dear mother, even more than usual. These holidays hit hard. . . Still, I think it's so nice how you include your DILs and their moms, too, in the festivities. No one has to choose! Enjoy!! 🤗


We're treating our moms to dinner and their gifts this evening. I'm so glad they get along well. No nasty competition or awkward silences. 


Glad to hear your sister's shoulder is healing with no infection! PT should help her regain total range with less pain. 


You're welcome for the recipes! Yes, we did enjoy them. Hope you will, too!


Thanks for the No Yank Tank tip! I'll check them out. Sounds good for working outdoors, horse and ATV riding—or hiking! 

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@snappyfrappy, that was such a generous and bold thing to do. . . giving your son and DIL your car. I think I may have cried a bit. I'm sentimental about certain things, and I know your husband drove it, too. You're right though. No point in it going to waste, when I'm sure they deeply appreciate it and will maintain it nicely. It stays in the family! Yes, we have the custom plates here, too. I'd like to spell mine out for you—give you a giggle! Not safe here, tho. 


Your DIL remains in my prayers. It's awful to live with chronic pain, so I'm thankful to hear her knee, at least, is healing nicely. Awww, poor Sunny is still a restless sleeper. Hope that didn’t interfere with your visit yesterday. I know how much these mean to you, and it's so good for her, too. You're thinking her parents may decide to have another baby too soon? You may get two great grandsons! You'll need a bigger lap soon. 😉


Star is so funny—a puppy! How precious is that? Her dad just may surprise her with one of those, too. Our Dexter loves the babies. Mike calls him an old mother hen. When either start to cry, he lets out one soft “woof” to alert us. If we don't react immediately (like on the toilet, etc. . .) he'll come track us down, with a more urgent “woof!” He also wants a little of whatever they're having in his bowl. Certain things he can't safely have—we have to fake him out. He thinks he's their big brother! I'm just glad he's not the jealous type. 


Sorry Star’s mom never seems to feel well. Is this pregnancy considered high risk? I know you mentioned that a cesarean birth was already planned. They don’t readily do that here any longer, unless there's risk factors. I pray everything goes okay. 🙏🏻 


Right! Don't look the baboons, or most any wildlife in the eye. Males especially view this as a threat to their dominance. Most zoos are safe, tho. . . when boundaries are respected. I bet Star was beside herself among all those baby animals! Who can resist them? 


Now you have me curious on what they plan to name the baby, if a boy comes. Of course you can't say! Maybe it holds some special meaning to the parents. I like the tradition of honoring family members with the names, so long as it fits the child and is current enough to not cause teasing, etc. Mike's first choice for Tyler was “Wallace” after William Wallace—the Scottish warrior depicted in the film, “Braveheart.” He does have a bit of Scot in him, but no direct link to W.W. that we know of. Everyone would have called the child, Wally. 😜 As on “Leave it to Beaver.” I couldn’t abide that one. 


My heart aches for Shirley, too, Snappy. Just so much for one person to endure. Thrush now, as well. 😔 Chemo, like many drugs tends to throw off the proper PH balance in the mouth, just as it can elsewhere and result in yeast or other fungal infections. I know you will keep us updated on her progress as we all continue to pray for her best in the Lord Jesus.


Well, indeed. . . Nothing quite like the all too blunt observation. 🙄 As though one is unaware of their own age. Could have been said better—kinder, but I'm grateful the IDS is taking your feelings into regard with your potential IV treatments. Pity it is that Cipro has risks and tolerance factors, since it fights your infection and eases the symptoms so well. Physicians are so heavily regulated now by the government, their “owners,” the insurance companies, etc., that they many times must second and third guess themselves before prescribing anything. We badly need both a new class of antibiotics/antivirals and pain management drugs. They're coming—being clinically researched. If you need to be administered, even briefly to the closer hospital. . . I pray your healthcare will cover the cost. I would perhaps pay out of pocket, were it me, (if affordable, of course) before settling for sub-par care elsewhere. You can check out hospital ratings online. 


Praying for much healthier and brighter days ahead for you and all your loved ones, my sweet friend. ❤️




Christ's bessings over you always.


Have a beautiful Mother's Day! 

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Hello, @Rowan72! We understand, of course, why you can’t be with us here more often. No need to apologize. Just so grateful when you can drop by. 


Thanks so much for seeing to all the reservations, etc. for the upcoming KS-Fest! 😘 How thoughtful of you to make time for us, while being so busy. 


Okay, if you were laughing at yourself in the swimsuit, that's a different thing altogether. I will always laugh with you, but never at you. I don’t find you “ill proportioned” at all, btw. Honestly! Swimsuits as any other garment can be, tho. 


Those are super snazzy shades! I didn’t know QVC sold them. Knew about the readers. . . Sorry the metal bars are worrisome for you. I haven’t noticed that with these yet. Naturally, I probably will now! 😃 


Yay! Glad Joseph is bringing his gf—better yet; that they're still an item.


Belize? H'mmm. . . Could Daniel have tipped Chay off over Easter? He's not characteristically one to BS. He knows something. 👆🏻 


Thanks for my first Mother's Day wish and those gorgeous, glistening daisies! I'm wishing you a wonderful day, too, along with Selah, your mom and aunt! 🌼 


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🤣 @LurkyLoo! Frolicking with those birds and bees (okay, butterflies) has you feeling frisky with spring fever! Good!! 


You're all set for a hot date with that stunning new outfit, too! 😍 Must be high-time for Reuben to make that trip to PA! He'll be jealous to hear this about Woodrow, but if I see him lurking about; I'll pass your “hello” along. 


Thank you—I'll tell the young man. ❤️


Have a beautiful weekend. 


I'll see you all when we return! 😘

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Hi ladies.  Just jumping in here to let everyone know that I am doing okay, and I wanted to thank all of you for the wonderful birthday wishes.  It was a very nice birthday weekend.  I went shopping and picked up some little "pretties"--2 kimonos, 2 silver rings, one chinese jacket, 4 necklaces and 2 scarves.  Simone gave me a fabulous rhinestone bib necklace---BTW, she has a little puppy (female) yorkie.  I named her CoCo Chanel. 


Happy Mothers Day, and it is especially poignant for Delaney.  I just love hearing about all of the babies.  Little Elijah is doing well and thriving.  Such a handsome boy.

I saw the pictures of Baby Archie, and he is beautiful.  The name is kind of growing on me.  



My shopping friend has officially moved back to New Jersey.  She and her son drove across country, and it took them 5 days.  We talk on the phone and text each other, so I am not feeling the loss as profoundly as before.  All in all, things are good.  Love all of you, and I will return soon.


Hi Snappy, Cute, Bathina, NAES, Selah, Rowan, Lurky, Agnes, MsLomo, QAnu, Waja and Hilo.