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Hi, Marcia! Sorry your weekend plans had to be postponed. I went to the link and that looks like something my whole family would enjoy too some day! Like @SelahG, I just love that movie. 


OMG... that freaky Baby Jane gif! 😱 Gotta say Bette Davis was perfect in that role. Totally became that delusional, bitter, envious, psycho character. 


Are you and Mike watching GoT? I hated all the actual darkness during the war scenes - couldn’t tell who was whom through most of it. Thankful for those still left, but I'm not sure about Sam or Brienne yet. Will be watching tonight, in hopes that Cersei gets her due! 


Mia is the queen of hair accessories - has an entire top dresser drawer full of them. Of course as a pre-teen she can pull it off, but every time she sees me shopping on Anthropologie, she has to see what's new there. Shell clips this time, and I ordered this Raffia headband to keep my hair out of my face: 




I'm into that awful in-between phase since my last cut. Can’t decide what to do yet. 


I saw lots of cute summer dresses, tops, pants, jumpers, skirts, swimsuits, etc. there! 






I don't think your casual wear is so different from mine, and I love your new shades! 😍 


I’m going to wait until after our outlet trip in N.C. before I purchase anymore clothing. I'll be needing some new professional outfits come July. Will have to purge my closet and donate some to the women's shelter. 


Is the Barefoot Dreams line really all that? I've been tempted... That's a sweet gift for your mom. 


Good luck to Mike with the room additions - can’t wait to see you both and little Tyler! Enjoy your weekend get away and happy trails to you. 💕 

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Hi, friends! For any who haven’t heard the happy news yet, Baby Sussex has arrived! A boy, just over 7 pounds and Harry made the public announcement himself. Said that both Meghan and their baby boy came through just fine. I'm so overjoyed for the whole family! Can’t wait to see the baby pics and to learn his name. 🤗 


Our small group of 4 are nearing our destination in D.C. So very glad I'm not driving - speaking of “mayhem” @SelahG! (Hope your aunt is recovering okay after the fall!) I don’t know how my co-backseat passenger is sleeping so soundly. He must have had a hard weekend. 😅 I most dread spending the night here, because I never sleep well in hotels.


@Q-Anu, this conference time is just part of my usual position. I sure love all the clothing items you posted!! I never think to look at Anthropologie - making a mental note. TY! 


I saw a dermatologist for the chin acne. She gave me an RX cream that has cleared it up. I think it was the makeup I was using, plus I have an oily chin anyway. That zone down the sides of my nose and in the crease of my chin. 🙄


Your MIL seems super excited about the move to TX! I am happy for them and your family. I'll try to find the Naots at our Nordies. Would need to try them on. 






Sorry to be late with my wishes for you. Very busy weekend here. Hope you had a great time with your family gathered around!! ❤️


@WaJa61 - a great idea your Will has there! Maybe C.B. could help organize the auction? We'll help in any way we can. 


Yes, I'll be helping out at one of the consession booths on Sat. Hope I can resist the fried dough! I could gain back all 6 pounds I've lost in one day. Love the stuff with berries and whipped cream. 


Your additions to the leftover salmon sounds delish, too! 👍

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Hello to you today, @snappyfrappy! So relieved to hear the Cipro is helping your symptoms. Glad to know too that your IDS has identified the stubborn bacteria and understands exactly why it continues to be so resistant in your case. While I hope you won’t require the IV antibiotic treatments... I'm thankful she seems to believe this plan would be safe and effective for you.


Having a nurse there at home the first time will be good for you and your DD. Nothing like observing a professional while learning something so serious. I trust just as you do that the Lord will help you through this, and we're all praying for you and Shirley. 🙏🙏 


It will be so nice to have your DD home - out of school on vacation soon! I know it's a well deserved break. Teaching is such hard work, and she won’t have to be concerned about leaving you home alone. By the time she must return, you may be feeling much better! That’s my hope and prayer, dear friend. 💗


I'm wishing you and all the moms here a very nice day next Sunday! 




In case I don't make it back before then. 


Jacob is making me a surprise gift in his art class. 😍 My favorites are those handmade little treasures. Following church, Darrell and I will FT with our moms as they open their gifts from us. Then he'll make us an early dinner before he has to go to work that evening. I hinted that if there's to be flowers... there's a certain rose bush I'd love to plant in the yard. 😉 


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@DeLaney, thanks for your well wishes on our fundraising festival. I only hope it doesn’t rain! Sorry your weekend plans were rained out, but going for Mother’s Day weekend should prove even more special. I'll read the link to the ranch tonight from my hotel room. 


Very nice sunglasses! I've never heard of that brand. For casual, off duty wear... I usually stick with big and black. 




Yours are very stylish - classy! 👍 


Talbots has some nice (to me) t-shirts on sale. BB&B usually has great prices on quality towels. I need a big sun hat like yours for gardening. I know the shops at the beach will have lots at reasonable prices. 


TY for the recipes and I hope you and your guests had a fun Cinco de Mayo party! 


We're here, friends. Chat with you again soon. 


💗 from Agnes 


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Hello, dear ones ~ a blessed Tuesday to all! I'm nearing the end of a break, with ph interruptions so this will be scattered...


For all the moms here, including those who have helped to nurture, influence, encourage and guide the children of the world ~ including some right here: 




💜 Happy Mother's Day on Sunday! 💜


I'll be missing my own mom, like many of you, but then... I miss her every day. 
We're staying home after church. Our two sons and their families live local, so they'll be here for the cookout ~ with my DILs parents, too. The guys will grill ~ surf 'n' turf. We ladies will get the day off from cooking and cleaning up after. I'll get to play with Gracie and Jax in the pool ~ always a bonus! Our daughter lives out of state, but will call. She's coming home the following weekend for Becky's wedding which we're all attending. She's bringing my gift then, though I've told them all, a card or phone call is just fine if they can’t be here. 
What I'm most excited about is, I finally got them all to agree to have a family professional portrait made together next weekend after the wedding. We haven’t done that since my little grandson, Jax was born. 😊 I'm a happy Mom/Nana!! 


@SelahG ~ how thoughtful of you to buy the bed assist for your aunt. Bless her soul... she's feeling so conflicted, while suffering with pain from arthritis. Your family is so good to help her and her husband, while also assisting your parents. I pray she's healing up okay and can soon settle in her mind. 🙏🏻 


Yes, our DD has finally reached that point, and being so conscious of the need for adoption... they may choose that option. That's how it sounded when I last spoke with her. 


She'll be arriving that Friday ~ around dinner time. She said she'll be happy to help with anyone's hair and nails! (Suz', too) Let @Rowan72 know, please. Up off of our necks is a good idea as the temps are steadily rising. My face ~ whole body ~ needs serious exfoliating before the wedding. May get busy on that tonight.


My SUV passed the inspection! I did order new floor mats that should be better than those that came standard. 


Are you still doing the PT and water aerobics at the Y? My sister has been advised to do both soon, too. Her shoulder still bothers her at night, but there's no infection there, TG. 




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Dear Snappy ~ ah-ha! We caught you late night shopping! 😉 Nothing wrong with that. We all (I assume) have to get dressed every day. May as well be comfy and current, while we’re at it. You can always donate what you no longer wear. I'm sure it’s nice and cool in your AC. I was wrapped up in a heavy throw while watching our show: The Midwives last night. Will keeps it so cold in the house that I sometimes freeze! Then he tries to back it up with science. “Humans only make the beneficial fats in a 67° environment ~ none of the bad stuff. Cooler climes are more preservative.” 🙄 Maybe it's all the shivering! No wonder I can't gain weight...


I haven’t tried the D&C stretch waist jeans yet, but have tried a few others. I must have issues you don't... As I recall, you are tall, so I'm sure they look very nice on you. Every pair I tried tend to work down in the back when I stand up. Just annoys me! Maybe I'm getting the wrong size or rise?? I'm petite, leg-wise, but have a bit of a long waist. 


It's in the high 70s and sunny here today. Most of the pollens are spent, too. I can go out mask-free! I hope your DD can check on the apricots before the critters finish them off. I love apricot on chicken, pork ~ occasionally lamb. Delicious on biscuits or toast, too! The fruit groves should all do well in CA and here in VA, too this year, after so much rain. 


Thank you for sharing in my happiness at Lindsay and her husband’s decision to become parents! It will be their first child ~ yes MINE! 😍 Gracie is my first born grandchild by our oldest son, James and his wife, Suz'. She can have no more safely and isn’t healthy enough to consider adopting either. The systemic lupus... Jax, our little grandson, we have through our youngest son, Caleb and his wife, Jodi. They will have another (or two, according to him) in the near future. I look at these darling grandchildren and try to imagine them becoming parents some day! I can only hope to live long enough to see that materialize. You must see bits of everyone in your great-grandchildren! Are they coming to see you on Sunday? I bet Star will call her GG if they can’t make the trip. 


Glad the Cipro is doing its best against those stubborn bugs, and you’re feeling better about the possibility of the IV intervention. Few things are as bad as we fear, and I'm sure they can give you a mild sedative if you experience any panic. That claustrophobic feeling. I do know just what you mean, though... In your particular situation. What next should it come back? My aunt who had to move from Louisiana to South Carolina following the floods is in the same shape. Different illnesses, but she really requires 2 surgeries at least. She has just turned 79, and they fear performing either on her now. They're trying to help her maintain by treating her many varied symptoms. Lindsay (who lives nearby) was there to visit her recently at her cousin’s house. She doubts that my aunt is even bothering to keep her scheduled appointments, or take some of her meds. Will and I will visit soon. She's my father's sister and I naturally hate to see her suffering so. She can’t hear too well over the phone, but she told me: “I'm okay, honey... just waiting on the Lord now.”  


Your IDS will tell you how often you can safely have the IV treatments. I imagine it's different ~ case by case. They’re working on newer antibiotics according to Suz's internist. Hopefully, they'll develop something less risky to fight resistant bacteria that will help you both! 🙏🏻 


Sorry you don't care for the name that the kids are considering for a baby boy. At this point, they may change their minds several times yet. I wasn’t crazy about Jaxon either, but it’s a family name on her father's side and he has my maiden name for his middle name. I've gotten used to Jax now and it seems to suit him. 😊


Have a wonderful Mother's Day, whatever your plans! 🌷


Love you dearly, 

~Joy 💜 


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Thank you, @DeLaney for the recipes! The kabobs are so easy that I'll ask the guys to add them to our Mother's Day cookout! I may just make the cupcakes myself. Did y'all enjoy them? I love lime! 


Hope you found your towels and t-shirts. Jodi got us all some of the No Yank Tanks from Duluth. Have you tried those yet? They really do stay put and they've added lots of colors. 


Yes, Sat is the school fundraiser festival and I pray it goes well. Enjoy your family trip to the ranch. Sounds like such fun! BG will have a blast and Tyler will be all eyeballs. 😍 Taking everything in. 


I could use another pair of shades, too. H'mmm... liking yours so much that I'll check them out online. 


@Q-Anu ~ ITA with Marian, and I'm a big Pierce Brosnan fan. It seems the best he can manage is the Col. Sanders accent! 🤣 I suppose they're trying to cram everything into this last, short season with all the time jumps. Sure is annoying, though! I get mental whiplash trying to keep up.


You found some pretty flower planters, as well as fashions! I'll check out the sale. 


The pic from the botanical gardens is sublime! 


Yes, Jax has a foal now and his mommy has the pics. She rushed here for the delivery which went so fast. I'll have her email you with some pics to tide you and Mia over. 😘


Suz' is back to minding the phones and otherwise helping to manage in the office 3 days a week. Back to teaching children’s Bible-study, too. So far, so good. 🙏🏻 Thank you for caring. So glad that you and the rest of your family didn’t get sick! 


@agnesann ~ enjoy your stay in D.C. and have a safe trip home! I have a feeling we'll both be binging on the fried dough treats. Hey, it's only once or twice a year that we get those! 😋 


Jacob's ruling the roost... no need to worry! 


Everyone have a nice week. Duty calls here, so I'll see you again when I can. 


Love & Blessings to All, 

~Joy 💜



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Hi DeLaney, I gave my car to my son and DIL on Saturday.

They were both here for a little while. He came today with a paper for me to sign so I can have the personalized license plates I paid for. They are quite popular out here, maybe everywhere.

He had to get a new battery. He's been driving it ever since. There's one paper he has to file absolving me of responsibility should he have an accident. He told me that would be today or tomorrow. And DIL has to sign so they own it jointly. I thought I'd cry and be depressed, and maybe I will, but now I just feel relieved. It just sat out there with a dead battery

While they were here, we talked about the girls and the new baby on the way. And I should thank you for praying for her because she is doing very well after her surgery. She is driving now and it's her right knee. She doesn't use the crutches. Does use ice. Has so much back pain from arthritis. She takes care of Sunny full time and is planning on bringing her here on Thursday for a visit unless her nap time conflicts. She's not a good sleeper at all. DD#1 is planning on being here also.


Star knows where the baby is. She doesn't want a brother or a sister, but does want a puppy. LOL.

Her mommy never does seem to feel very well and is having trouble keeping anything on her stomach except liquids. Yet they went to the San Diego zoo which requires a lot of walking. Star loves tigers, and babboons. Are there 2 Bs in that word?? Anyway, there was a little baby one that got loose from it's mommy and went right up to the window which made Star a happy girl. People are not supposed to look them in the eye since they view that as aggressive behavior. It would be just lovely to have a boy, although I hope they change their mind about the name they have in  mind. I know my GS would love to have a boy, but they would be fine with another little doll baby like Star.

I think next year we just might have another one as a sibling for Sunny. They were speaking about boys names. They no longer want the one they would have used had she been a boy.

I really appreciate your prayers for my sister. She is dealing with thrush. Hubby had that. Same sort of treatment. Not sure just when the next phase of things begins. I know the radiation comes before another PET scan. My heart aches for her.

I'm giving the Cipro the full 10 days. If I am doing well enough, I'm then to go back to Doxy twice a day along with the medication designed to make the bladder either more or less acidic...forgot which..... If that fails, it will be IV. As I say, after that, I'll still be old, female and have a non functioning bladder. None of that is today's problem.


Blessings on you,

snappy Heart

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Hi Anu, I remember that your mom had the IV treatments. She's a lot younger than I and it sounds to me as if she had much stronger or at least different medication.

I'd be at home giving it to myself and be able to be up and around doing anything I needed to do.

The doc knows surgery is out for me as is the very idea of self that's a real downer. She knows I couldn't do that.

Someone on another thread said that as we get old they don't cure anything, just help us manage it while we are here. That sounds about right to me.

Anyway, today I'm okay and that's all that matters.


There's been no mother's day talk. I don't like surprises at all, but I imagine my son's kids will be there for their mom. On Thursday my DIL plans on bringing Sunny here to visit and DD#1 is coming. Nap time could change that as could rain.

Enjoy your youth...



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First let me say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rowan! If it was the 4th, it's the same as my son's. He was 65. And tomorrow, my GD will be 34. Lots of spring birthdays here.


Hi agnesanne, the doctor tells me my problem is that I'm old, female and have a non functioning bladder. Baring a miracle, I don't see that changing. DD got me cranberry tablets which I need to remember to take. They contain probiotics which I don't like to take, but will.


Yes, DD will be happy when school is out, but vacation is shorter this year since they are changing the schedule for next year. School will be back in session in mid August and out in May, but that will be the time when she plans on retiring. I pray I live long enough and have the health I need for her to make it through without her concerns.


Hi to everyone. Issy, cute, bath...missing you dear ones.

