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Hi today, Snappy! A blessed Sunday to you from a cold and rainy PA. I'm sorry your suspicions were right- you know your body.. and the stubborn UTI remains with you. Hope you're feeling a little better by the time you read this. 


My cold has all but left me now, but I do find I tire easier yet. Dozed off downstairs during movie night last evening. How embarrassing! Can only hope I didn’t snore. 😜 


The shawl arrived Friday and it's lovely! So warm- not itchy at all even before I washed and dried it. A couple of the ladies here asked where I got it, so QVC will be getting more orders for those. 


Yes, I well remember your sweet nephew- how good of you to gift him with the art supplies. I guess it depends on Shirley's scan results as to whether they can come to see you before Christmas Day? Praying faithfully for her- and you daily. 


Sounds like you and your DD are well prepared. I believe I'm finished, other than helping in the kitchen with those things we prepare for the homeless shelter now. I won’t over-extend myself- can’t any longer.. just thankful there are so many willing volunteers here who are in much better shape than I am. The soul is willing, but the flesh is weak. Think I'll stay right here at home for Christmas Day. I'll go to the chapel, visit with a few bedridden residents, then dinner in the dining hall. I'll open my gifts after dinner. That's enough excitement for me and these old bones of mine. 


Take care, dear friend and God's blessings go with you. 




With Love, 

Ruth Ann

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hello all and and update:  My husband is getting better from that sciatic nerve problem, Praise God to answers to prayer.  Please pray for Darla, my oldest daughter who has EDS, and I hear that her PT will soon have to release her because she is not improving, she needs her badly!  Please pray that she improves.  She is 45, and is on partial disablity, only teaches one class a week at the college. Thank you all for your prayers.  

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hello all and and update:  My husband is getting better from that sciatic nerve problem, Praise God to answers to prayer.  Please pray for Darla, my oldest daughter who has EDS, and I hear that her PT will soon have to release her because she is not improving, she needs her badly!  Please pray that she improves.  She is 45, and is on partial disablity, only teaches one class a week at the college. Thank you all for your prayers.  

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Marcia, the Christmas party for prisoners and their families sounds like it's coming right along! You don’t always need a big budget to make for a wonderful celebration. I can just imagine the surprise on the faces of those children when they see Santa saunter in bearing gifts for them! Their parents may be moved to tears. This is so good of your pastor and congregation to plan and host. Bless you all!


I'm sorry I was late to see your message here to me. You probably have enough ideas from the other ladies for your appetizers now. Just in case, though, I emailed links to 3 of mine in the recipe forum at Delphi to you. That's quicker and will take you right to them. 


Can't wait until you get your baby boy home!!! Praising the Lord for prayers answered on your behalf, and this very fortunate child. I'm also reminded of the dream I shared with you here. The one of you and Mike walking and holding hands with a little dark haired boy, down a wooded path. Does he have hair yet? How old is he? 🤗 I'm all a twitter! 


Ooh, that wolf in the photo.. are his eyes really that color, or were they enhanced? Gorgeous creature! I would love to pet him, though I'm sure he would eat me alive. 


I am concerned about Anu, too. No sign of her anywhere, so she must be feeling very poorly. She gets this strep throat yearly. Too bad it struck so early- and at the holiday season this time. She has been under too much stress lately. 🙏 


Joy, your plans don’t sound taxing to you, dear.. you are an Amazon Woman, I believe. To me, it sounds exhausting yet wonderful. Wish I had one-tenth of your energy and strength. You are tiny, but mighty! 😍 


I hope yours and Sharon's families are having the best time together this weekend. So darling how you've kept the mutual birthday parties over so many years. NOT that 58 is old by any stretch, but you've both stayed true to your childhood pact through thick and thin. I hope her husband's health has improved and I pray for her son's safety in the USAF. 


Thanks for all the pics you sent! I love them all, but the sleigh ride is my very favorite. Jodi should be a professional photographer on the side. Such a beautiful, loving family you are blessed with. And that Will- 😅 full of fun, but not full of himself, despite being so handsome. 


I'm pacing myself, sweetie. Don’t worry! You try to do the same, please. ❤️




With Love,

Ruth Ann

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Posts: 1,714
Registered: ‎08-01-2013

@gloriajean: thank you, dear for the update on Linus- such wonderful news that he continues to improve! 


I have been wondering about Darla, and it's heartbreaking to hear that the PT is thinking of dropping her. Since she still needs her, I can’t possibly reason as to why! Is it some insurance coverage matter as many are having? Sad enough that she had to go on disability at her young age. She certainly deserves the help, though and I'm thankful it's available to her.


You can count on our prayers for her, as we offer this “mountain” up to our Lord, Jesus Christ. 🙏


How are the twins? I bet they are excited about Christmas this year. I know it's bound to be bittersweet for you, after just losing another sister. I send you hugs across the miles and offer prayers for your peace during this holy season. 




With Love,

Ruth Ann

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Posts: 1,714
Registered: ‎08-01-2013

@Issy379: you are really on a roll now! 45-minute dash through Ross and done!! If you get the weighted blanket for yourself, let me know if you enjoy it. I agree with you and Snappy on those Kringle bags- they are a life-saver to me. Merry Christmas, dear lady! ❤️ 


@Rowan72: thank you for the good news on Selah's knee, the dinner party- and Winona's gifts arriving safely! Sorry your new phone isn’t capatible with this site. I sure know the feeling.. I want to try those Chicken Artichoke Bites, too. I can’t even remember the last time I had artichokes, but I love them. I know you'll be glad to enjoy some time off from teaching soon. Relax and enjoy this blessed season! ❤️


@agnesann: LOL at the bird! He's playing hard to get, the rascal! Jacob will do a fine job- no doubts there. This just may be his niche for future employment. Pet Daycare, or possibly veterinary work, like Jodi. 


Your appetizers are so cute! Love the reindeer and Ginches. So will those kids if Marcia can manage it all. Yes, Anu's Mia enjoys cooking and decorating- entertaining, like Joy! Anu has said Joy rubbed off on her during the very first visit to VA. She often calls her “Martha III”. 😂 I think it's cute! 


Relax and enjoy until your guests arrive. I know you'll make them feel right at home. 


Merry Christmas to bathina, cute, MsLomo and All! ❤️




With Love,

Ruth Ann


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Posts: 1,795
Registered: ‎04-17-2013

Prayer list updated: 


Darla for continued care that aids in pain relief.

Anu for recovery from strep throat.

Selah for healing of her knee.

Agnes' mother for spinal pain relief.

Michelle and family for health and harmony.

Cute's GDIL for recovery from thyroid cancer.

Snappy for a cure from chronic UTIs.

Shirley for continued remission of colon cancer.

Suzannah for correct treatment of lupus symptoms.




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Registered: ‎04-17-2013

Many thanks to each of you who contributed recipes, and ideas for appetizers for the Prisoners and Families Christmas Eve Party! 


I'm ready to roll these out! Yes, ALL of them! I even found strawberries at the grocers. Really blew my mind, so Grinch Kabobs are meant to be there. 😍


Be back soon,

—Marcia 🎄


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Hi Ruth Ann:  Snappy doesn't seem to have been posting much on Widows lately either.  I'm sure like me she is slowing down on a lot of things she used to do regularly.  One of my biggest blessings though is to still have an active mind.  In fact, my daughter often tells me "you're dangerous"  meaning I'm still able to memorize and probably to  analyze much too much. .  My main computer activity these days is talking to my sister and brother every day on Facebook who in their 70's are having their own share of health problems.  A joyful and happy Christmas season to all my friends who are always in my heart.  Will check in again soon.



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Email me more about your concerns when you get a chance.  Forgive me for not being in touch for such a long time.  No excuse except that it seems I'm constantly busy with people off the computer more than ever.  So many deaths and illnesses of people. ,many who  have been part of my life for years.  My prayers for Darla!


Blessings from Lois