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Hi, cute! Good to hear from you and to know your family enjoyed such a warm and fun Thanksgiving. Plus, NO MESSES ... always a bonus. 👍🏼 


I'm super excited for your daughter-in-law having her first novel published!! I found it on Amazon and downloaded it to my Kindle: 






“Growing up in a city on a planet called Zherosha, Amnika is a normal Inersien girl with some genetic anomalies. Her dark auburn hair contrasts the near white blonds of the other children. Her unusual energetic nature endears her to the Natisiens, the gentle giants of the planet. Everything seems ordinary enough until an attack on a staging base starts a chain of events that changes her life forever.“


I wish her much success with it. 🤗 


We're getting an odd thunderstorm here with wicked lightning, so I should sign out and turn my iPad off. Goodnight to you and all of our sweet Q-friends.🌜



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A blessed Sunday to you dear ladies! ❤️


Rowan, thank you for stopping by. I know how busy you teachers are, and then with your volunteer work, too. I bet you were sad to see your sons leave following Thanksgiving. Did Harper come, too? Any word on when she and Daniel will marry?


Gwen was just here and we did the Angel Tree donations online together. I'd never done it that way before, but the weather here is too nasty for me to get out. Want the coats to arrive in time, though actually in some areas, they already need them. She said that she and her fiancé are going to wait until they're both through college to tie the knot. That is wisest in their case, especially his with such extensive courses- all that science. I just hope I live long enough to see it- God willing. Thank you for locating the book written by cute's DIL! Isn’t that something? 😍 


cute, I'll locate the link and share it by email. Try to help spread the word among those Sci-fy fans I know. I pray it does well and she gets an offer to write a whole series. My, what fun your family had- zip lines, lasagna and little Sawyer keeping you all entertained! He's nearly a year old already- how time flies. Thank you for checking in here and enjoy your warm PJs. 


Selah, okay then.. that's a deal! The orders are still coming in and if it's what I think.. a supplies voucher or gift card; that will be most appreciated. Little Anoki is so underweight, isn’t he? 🙁 I knew he was somewhat by the photos Winona has shared privately, but I didn’t realize it was to this degree. I pray he gains as he grows taller and stronger. I will email you when his weighted comforter ships to your house with a tracking number. 


My flare up is much improved now that I'm home, rested and have my rub. Matter of fact, I just ordered more for here and another to be sent up to Tom's: 




Now, even if I forget, I won’t be in that predicament again. One reason I don’t enjoy traveling so much any longer.. have to take half the house with me! This rub may help your knee to feel better until it heals.. or should you require surgery. 


Agnes, I'm so sorry to hear about Michelle and her family's sorrows. I will pray for the Lord's intervention through mercy for her and the baby's healthy lives, and a solution for her poor mother. Maybe with treatment for her, they could better manage together. There are medications for excitablilty and such. Whatever our thorns.. they tend to get worse with age if left untreated. Then some things can’t be remedied at all, and we're seeing this increase in suicide all over the nation. That's just a part of the problem, I know.. people living with such severe suffering that they decide there are worse fates than death. 😢 There is pain, both physical and emotional that is so extreme it can drive one to madness or utter despair. I have seen it twice and I don’t judge them. I just miss them and pray they found peace in the Lord at last. “There but by the grace of God goes I.” Try to keep closely in touch with Michelle. Alienation during turmoil can be so dangerous.


How is your mother since the last surgery? I keep her in my daily prayers for relief and peace of mind. I'm happy to hear you'll have relatives in for the holidays! Did Darrell and Jacob enjoy the tours and activities in CO?


Thank you for praying for me, and all here. Have fun decorating! I have finished my little bit. I decided on the ceramic tree this year after the small live one from the florist died when planted by the gardener last year. Seems a great waste of life for a few days pleasure. I have my wreath, my mother's nativity from the old country, a few candles and my card holder. I can enjoy the decorations, including multiple trees downstairs. 


I will chat more with you soon, when you're not so busy. 


With Love, 

Ruth Ann

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I did the same, @Rowan72 Smiley Happy I also found "Zherosha Chronicles" online; it can be downloaded on a Kindle for free! @bathina, this is something that Mr. Hal (a/k/a "Kindu") might enjoy. It sounds exciting. 


By the way, I hope everyone reads everything regardless of the names in the paragraphs. It's just a way to answer specific questions or comment here and there.


Cute t, I am very happy for you and your DH that your Texas son and family were able to visit you on Thanksgiving and that you went to your wonderful grandson's home, too. What a memorable time for everyone. Sounds like Ruth Ann and I need to consult your granddaughter (who bakes like a boss) about the flour to use in shortbread! You have an amazing family. 


@bathina, my mother was like yours when it came to visits, especially holiday visits. I try to be like you (relaxed, no expectations, do what you want) because I disliked the pressure so much and remember the negative effect on everyone. 


@Q-Anu, the bar exam in February!! WHOA!! I know you will be glad when THAT'S in the rearview. I planned to take the exam in July (decades ago), but one of my law school professors said to try it in February and treat it as a practice exam. Here are some "tips" (that you maybe already know). I took a short course called PMBR to prepare for the multistate. I had never taken a "prep" course before, but PMBR I would take again in a second. The practice exams were invaluable. There was also a prep course for the state (essay) portion, but I didn't find it as helpful. I barely looked at the state prep materials because our PMBR instructor said if you get a decent enough score on the MBE, the graders won't scrutinize your answers all that closely (since they can't read EVERYTHING everyone writes). He said to throw down all the issues you see and to use liberally the "buzzwords" for that particular area of law.


The MBE practice exams were wonderful. I don't think I really understood Evidence until the practice exams. If you can't do the PMBR course, try to get your hands on old practice exam books.


The first MBE question was about larceny, and I'd just started the test, so I could hardly see because there was too much light in my eyes and my heart was beating through my chest. It tripped me up a little bit. I had to stop and breathe deeply. I decided to take Mr. PMBR's advice and go through the questions I could answer more easily, then go back to the more difficult ones.


One question I returned to later was a question I STILL wonder about! It was about the defense of necessity -- someone had to cut someone loose while mountain climbing. I was prepared for that area of law, but I could not decide between two answers. I wondered if it was an "experimental" Q/A they stick in tests. I finally picked one answer after intense analysis, but wasn't sure. After the test, I asked my friends about it, and their responses were "NO!! AAIIEEEEE!! STOP!! I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT! I DON'T REMEMBER IT!!" lol. So, if that one comes up on a practice exam, please tell me the right answer! Smiley Very Happy Please keep us posted on your prep and, of course, we'll be sending you test-warrior vibes and (((hugs))).


Thanks for explaining the connections to @bathina. It helped me, too, because I did not read the Kindred Spirits thread and I also was gone from "hello" for a long period.  I would love to see your Dad's face when he sees the fishing boat gift. No tapshoes yet! I'd be afraid I'd slide somewhere to another broken bone, but I'll do it in my head! 


Ruth Ann, guess what? Your shortbread recipe tastes the same -- maybe better -- than the House of Shortbread! I think you are right about the flour. I looked through the threads here. There are some Turbo Bakers, and most recommend King Arthur Unbleached All Purpose, which is what I bought yesterday so I can make another batch. But after I put the first batch in the freezer, DS came over, and I asked him to taste. He said (very enthusiastically), "This is great!" I think when I tasted the baked fingers, I had already overdosed on the raw batter so my taste buds were "off." I have since had a piece (OR TWO!), and it is delicious. I even tried one bite of House of Shortbread, then a sip of water, then your recipe shortbread, and I think your recipe is a tad saltier but that's it. I can't wait to make it again with the King Arthur. (P.S. The Turbo Bakers also recommended White Lily, but I couldn't find it in unbleached. I found Self-Rising White Lily, but I didn't think that would be the right choice.) Meanwhile, I have osteopenia, so I thought it would take forever to heal, but that didn't happen! I have discomfort in my shoulder and some difficulty putting on a sweater or jacket on that bad side, but I don't care! I can drive! Smiley Happy 


I have to stop here, but will return shortly!!  Heart



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@MsLomo- you just made my day! I'm so glad the shortbread recipe passes the test by both yourself and your DS! Some baked goods, including breads are improved by freezing. Rarely do I ever see White Lily flour on the shelves around here any longer. Can’t fanthom why. It's wonderful in delicate pastries, cookies, soufflés, etc. King Arthur is our number one go to brand, which we'll use to make the shortbread hopefully tomorrow! The big kitchen has been tied up by those making baked gifts and goodies for Christkindlmarkt. I'll squeeze in there since our shortbread cookies would be good for either or both. 😉 I'm not top tier with seniority here and if I had the counter space in my own little kitchen, I'd prefer to test them out privately first. We can decrease the salt to our taste, and I really should anyway. I retain fluids while living with congestive heart failure. I will go to the Recipes and Kitchen forums to find the thread you mention. Likely lots of tips there that I can share. 


Bless you, as you continue to heal! Osteopenia didn’t slow you down one bit, PTL!! I'm so grateful for the prayers answered on your behalf. Sorry for the bit of shoulder pain. I wonder if my rub (see above) might help to relieve it. If you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients. My physical therapist massages that in following my “exercises” twice a week. Then I rub it in where ever I ache in between sessions. I really am surprised at the difference it makes, since all other ointments and rubs failed me. I have very advanced RA which has partly disabled me. I told Tom about it, as he has some osteoarthritis but he doubts most everything. Chooses to soldier on with just a heating pad in the evenings. I did, too, until I couldn’t..




If anything can help slow down the progress and safely bring some relief, I say, why not try it? He's as bull-headed as Smoky sometimes. 😺 


Can’t speak for others here, but I always read every post made to this thread, whether it addresses me personally or not. It's hard to address everyone at once- there's no need to pressure ourselves trying. I even continued to read the thread once a week or so after we KS ladies stopped posting here during the technical troubles. That's how I knew of your and Snappy's health concerns and let the others know that prayers were needed. Recall you had to leave for a time, too, as life often demands.. As Anu told bathina; if you're unclear on anything just speak right up and ask! I finally met the KS ladies and their families in person last summer during their latest traveling reunion. Before that we emailed and occasionally visited by FaceTime. My grandniece, Gwen has that service on her phone and “hooked us up.” It's all Greek to me how these things work, but it's wonderful! 


I know Anu is going to appreciate and value your advice on taking the bar! How kind of you to share your knowledge. I want to help her, but beyond praying.. I'm at a loss as to how. All I know it's corporate law through the firm she already works in as a legal assistant in Dallas, TX. Bless her soul. She went to business college following HS in CA. Then married Logan and had the two children (Nathan and Mia) so stopped there with her education until they got older. I admire her for picking it up again. It's more stress than I could have ever managed. Some very strong, intelligent and loving ladies here- ALL. Including your dear self, of course! ❤️


Thank you and enjoy the rest of your Sunday. I will return with the shortbread results soon. 


With Love,

Ruth Ann

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A brief message to all here on behalf of Marcia/DeLaney who said I could share here some happy news until she can write everyone personally. I didn’t want to say anything without her permission yesterday, and I don’t have everyone's email addy.


She and Mike were here to officially enroll for the private, permanent adoption process through our church's program! I'll leave the further details to her, but the chances are very promising and they are both elated!!!


They arrived early yesterday, saw to their business with Suze  and the director, then stayed at Joy's overnight. We all attended church together today and they bonded more with some of the birth mothers. Joy made us all a delicious brunch and she with William are driving them to the airport now. I bet Marcia doesn’t sleep a wink on the plane or when they land tonight! 


Thank you all for remembering Michelle and family in your prayers. They sure do need them, and I will be keeping in close touch with her, Lurky. Understand just what you're saying. I'll explain more later. Casserole is ready to come out of the oven and I doubt I'll have time to sign back in tonight. 


I’ll be checking out cute's DIL's book on Amazon tomorrow! It may be age appropriate for Jacob who loves sci-fi! 


Happy Hanukkah to any here who are celebrating! 


See you all later!

❤️ from Agnes 


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Dear Agnes, I am crying so hard about Marcia that I can barely see to type. I am so happy for them!! They must be walking on air. So joyful and humbling the way life unfolds ... the connection through your church's program! Church together today ... and Joy's delicious brunch to cap it off. Smiley Happy Angels are singing. Many thanks to Agnes, Marcia, and Mike for letting us know this amazing news! Heart (Happy sobs)



Ruth Ann, I've mopped up enough (teary grin) to respond about the shortbread. I did a little more research, and the consensus online is that "a wee bit of salt" is necessary. I am going to reduce the salt to 1/4 tsp and see what happens. I think it will be WONDERFUL. I have the same water-retention issue, so I believe we have to reduce the salt for health reasons. I didn't know that the taste of baked goods improves with freezing, but good to know!


I would like to get the Deep Blue Rub. Thanks for that recommendation! Do you buy it directly from the company name on the container? There are some on eBay, but I don't know that I trust eBay for medical supplies.


@SelahG, I think your plan regarding your Princess GD is most excellent. What a kind and compassionate child. I would like very much to help with plans for the children. Somehow I will find out the details outside of this forum so I'll know where to send a contribution. Bursitis? Oh, how painful, and not being able to walk around and cook, etc. -- so difficult. You have a very strong and loving spirit. You KS Ladies are something else! 


@snappyfrappy, it sounds like you have a plan for easing the discomfort of the UTI symptoms and to keep it at bay. I am hopeful for you that it will work. It sounds as if DD#1 took it in stride about the Disneyland rental house, but it had to be disappointing that it didn't quite work out as planned. How does the Marie C food work? Is it frozen food that you get from the grocery store? Or do you order it from the Marie C restaurants there? We don't have Marie C restaurants here. Wish we did. They have frozen meals at the grocery store here, such as chicken pot pie -- delicious-looking photo and description on the box -- but unfortunately too much sodium for me. I have to stick to "Blake's" chicken pot pie that is lower in sodium. I really like the idea of catering a holiday meal when there are many people coming to dinner. Less stress! Yessss!


@bathina, I mean to add that Hal may like that Cute t Kindle book when he's older -- probably not at soon-to-be 8-year-old level, but, then again, with Hal, i'm not so sure about that!  Smiley Happy


I've got to sign off again. Happy dreams tonight, everyone, especially Marcia and Mike! Heart

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Hello, dear friends! 😊




Agnes, thank you, dear for sharing Marcia and Mike's happy, promising news! I will be praying that this process all goes well and smoothly. I'm overjoyed at the prospects for some very lucky child, as well as for the entire Delaney family! Happy you girls and your families got in a little visit, too. Bless Joy for her endless hospitality! Glad to hear her DIL, Suze is apparently feeling better, too, after her most recent lupus flare. 


MsLomo, isn’t it wonderful? 🤗 Such a nice way to start off the week with joyous news! I shed a tear, too- of gladness and thanks. My guess is that things must be improving in BG's family and she will be back with them soon. That's ideal, though a challenging transition for all. 


My PT orders the large quantity from the company at a reduced rate and gave me a sample to begin with. I have purchased the rub from only top-rated sellers on eBay, with good expiration dates and it was just fine. You use your best judgment, though- I do know what you mean. This time I happened to be at Etsy anyway, so I ordered it from there. You can read of the ingredients there, and you might want to start with the smaller 4 ounce tube to judge if it benefits you. I like that it moisturizes, too, without being greasy. It does have a scent of wintergreen that gradually fades, if that would bother you. If you try it; I hope it helps your sore shoulder! 


I went down early to the big kitchen, but I didn’t get the “worm.” I can’t complain, though, because the ladies are down there making the small, individual gluten-free fruit pies for the children's hospital. Everything was set up for that, but they told me tomorrow will be fine for making some shortbread! They seemed delighted. I know many residents here love it. We can put some in gift baskets. I agree with you on our personal stash- reduced salt for our health. I like that option better than reduced servings. ☺️ 


Oh, I love Blake’s pot pies! Both the beef and the chicken. Very tasty and the crust isn’t so tough like many. 


Have a good day and I'll let you know about our shortbread. I'll be interested in how yours with less salt turns out, too. We'll start with the original amount, then I'll suggest we adjust down on the next smaller batch.


With Love,

Ruth Ann



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Hi girls......just checking in to let everyone know that I am okay.  I have been busy at work and running around for the holidays.  Have almost all of my shopping done. 


So glad to hear about Delaney's wonderful news, I, too, am shedding tears of joy.


Hi Snappy, MsLomo, Cute, Agnes, QAnu, Selah, Rowan, Bathina, Lurky, and all of the fabulous ladies who read here.


I will be back later to give you a full report of my activities.  Until then......take care.

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Just to let my friends here know that even tho your loved ones are in the 90's when they are dying, it's hard.  My oldest sister, 95, died in July, and now another sister, 93, is dying, and it's so hard to see this!  An hour and a half drive both ways, my daughter is taking me there, she is in hospice.  She's had Parkenin's for many years. Her kidneys have shut down, she's sedated, tonight's visit she was sleeping, no response. She was more with it yesterday.  Please pray for her and for us, her name is Erma. Thank you.  

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Dear, (((Gloria))) I'm so sorry to learn this sad news about Erma... and so soon after you lost your oldest sister, too. I hope she will be able to be more responsive today. I'm sure there is still so very much you want to say to her, and her to you. Your presence and your touch is precious to her either way. On some level, she knows you're there and you love her so. Sincere love doesn’t even require words, but it comforts us to use them during such painful times. God bless your daughter for taking you across the miles to be with your beloved sister. 


No, it doesn’t matter the age at which we're separated during this life... until we blessedly meet again. You have enjoyed many loving, close years together and the parting leaves a painful void. Yes, it hurts deeply, and our Lord is with you and all whose hearts are breaking. 


My prayers go with you, Erma and all who cherish her. My thanks and gratitude go with Erma, too, for being such a dear sister to you, my faithful and gracious friend... and for the Light she has long reflected in this world, despite her mortal suffering. Even now she likely longs to comfort you, her baby sister. 




~Joy ❤️