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Hi, Agnesann, it is weird when the post just disappears. Sometimes it will "load" and other times it won't.

Horses are so beautiful, but very large and I'm sort of afraid of them, but glad you are learning how to ride and I do see why bonding with them is important. Is it your own horse?


Sorry your dad had to return home, but I can understand why. Hope your mom does well when she has surgery and that it solves her problems.

I'm concerned about Sunny and her parents, especially my GD.

I am sure that in time, this will pass, but a screaming baby is exhausting. All of them do that to one degree or another. It's the only way they can communicate at first. Now Star has learned other ways during her first year...ah yes,

I have a video of her walking around my son's house, seeing a strawberry on the floor, picking it up and popping it into her mouth! One of the women said "no', but either her daddy or my son said, there's just some dog hair on it...protein...

I imagine we have all eaten foreign objets now and then and lived to tell the tale, or didn't even know. We wonder how many ants we ate.

I'm sure all of you will have a great time togther. It's nice that you can visit with Lurky for a while.

No, we didn't go anywhere just for fun. The place I like so much at the beach is a small spot with just about 3 shops. It's mostly the memories and of course the ocean that draws me there, but it's a long freeway drive and DD says we would need the wheelchair and would I really enjoy it enough to make that effort. I can't say yes to that.

I have pictures and of course, the memories.

I slept more than 10 hours straight last night. Woke too weak to attempt the shower today. Did the sponge bath instead. I'm hoping the bench will work, and not be something I'll trip and fall over.

Did you order anything on Prime day? DD got her back to school jeans, shoes, purse, and padded socks. The packages have started coming.

I found the Bible highlighters that don't bleed through, and ordered another set. And a necklace I was UNABLE to resist.....Mom, Grandma, Greatgrandma...In 3 colors of metal. Ordered a set of 3 books for Star for Christmas from the Q. Only order of the year.

So I'll just keep them in the closet.

Do enjoy the time with all the KS ladies and anyone else who vacations with you. I'm sure you will....

snappy Smiley Happy

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Hi again, @snappyfrappy! 😊 Thank you for the reply. My posts loaded okay, but each time, instead of returning here to our thread.....I was sent to the QVC Home page (where all the specials and events are listed) and had to sign back in all over again. New surprises await us here daily! 😜


I hope you didn’t sleep as hard last night, and felt strong enough to get your shower this morning. Right now when I sleep too hard (as I call it) I can’t seem to get my head together without a lot of coffee. I can only imagine how much harder it will be when my muscles (and/or joints) turn on me, too. They already get stiff sometimes. That's why I take Pilates.


Does your new teak bench have non-skid feet? If not, there must be rubber covers or a mat you can add. I can understand your fears of tripping over it, too, until you get used to it. Praying for your safety. 


No, I don’t own a horse. Don’t trust myself enough to fully care for one and it is very expensive, too. I am paying for lessons from a friend of Joy's family. This lady trains children, too, for riding and “showing” horses. I told her I am very much a beginner, so start me off as though I were a kid! On the days I don’t have a lesson, I visit “my” horse and groom him a bit - bonding. Jacob will go with me, but he still won’t dare ride yet. I had that same fear and am trying to overcome it, or at least manage it. I know for a fact I won’t be managing my sky-diving fear, tho Darrell would love it if I'd do that with him. 😱 Nope! I refuse to even watch him do it. But ever since I was a child, I've wanted to enjoy horseback riding, and soon, I hope I can master it well enough to go with Joy and friends on her trails up the mountain on a separate mount. 


If you'd like to pray for my mom (Doris) I would really appreciate that. She's suffered with this deteriorating spine for a long time. I'm getting her the super size Philosophy holiday shower duo today. She loves that stuff and having the large pump bottles on her shower bench makes it easier for her than dealing with bars of soap. Ordered it in Snow Angel, so that's one Christmas gift down.


It's surreal that your DD's bone spur has grown back already! 😳 Hope she won’t need radiation. If the spurs can regenerate that quickly, why can’t our broken bones do the same? Not fair! Joy will be dismayed to hear it, after all she's gone thru with her foot. 


You and DD2 found some great deals on Prime Day! You're all set, and I like a lighter handbag, too. I don’t have arm/shoulder trouble YET, but I think lugging all the stuff to work each day contributes to that. I have to carry a sling messenger style bag and wear my holster (security officer) so strong, waterproof nylon works for me. I like smaller casual and formal bags for other occasions, too. I hope you'll love your Fossil bag! The necklace sounds beautiful! 


I didn’t shop on Prime Day, but yesterday while here, I discovered in the Fashion forum a thread about Martha's tees. The item number is there for any interested. All the colors match back to the embroidered jeans, ladies! I got the white and a turquoise. @LurkyLoo, I know you don’t like jeans, but you may like the tees. A regular scoop neck and normal short sleeves. Now I only hope my orders don’t arrive while I'm away. I'm thinking surely not - maybe by the time we get here (VA) after visiting PA and DC, and before we head on down to NC. 


@Rowan72 - you might make arrangements for someone to take your parents' Christmas tree in should that arrive while you're all away! Wouldn’t want the rain - or thieves to get to that. I just read here that the CIJ shipments are coming FAST. 


Thank you, @snappyfrappy - we'll be careful and enjoy ourselves together. I'm sorry you didn’t get to take a trip to the coast, but since you are more comfortable at home now, it's just as well. You have many treasured memories and making more with Star and Sunny, too. 


When I babysat the colicky infant, I used to gently rock, and massage her tummy when sitting with her. Then I would walk, holding her close and gently massage her back. She passed lots of gas, which seemed to help and she could drink more from her bottle then, in intervals. No doctor recommended it, but you might mention it to your GD - a very light touch, if it doesn’t make Sunny cry more. I feel so bad for her. 


Love you - see you again after a couple of weeks! ❤️



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Hi Agnes, I'm sure you are having a great time together.

It's quiet here today. I had trouble getting to the community site, but shut down and tried another time and am here okay now.

I did get my shower yesterday, but this morning not. I woke early with the stomach pain I've had since 1980. I always get rid of it by drinking water, but discovered quite recently that eating my oatmeal stops it immediately. I think anything else would do the same. I burp and voila it's gone. After that I went back to sleep since DD was in bed. Not long now before she will have to go work in her classroom getting ready for the new school year.

I would like Pilates, but can't get down on the floor. The stretching would be so helpful and feel so good. Glad you can do it.

I only asked if you owned a horse because you said you were bonding with one. Brave of you to try to conquer your fear.

And a good example for Jacob.

I don't know about the feet on the teak bench. I do know they are adjustable for those with sloping floors.

It hasn't arrived as yet. The fan from the Q did today. Still in the box, hope it helps me at night when I'm still too warm and the AC is off.

I prayed for your mom. That the deterioration will stop so she has many more years to be active. Getting a shower is hard. My legs are so weak. I didn't try this morning. Just sponged bathed.

I'm sure she will enjoy the Philosophy you got for her.

I use Dove that comes in a pump bottle. Don't care for bars of soap.

DD#1 sent out a long email detailing all the health issues she has to keep the family informed.

Yesterday she had the "blue light" treatment gel put on her face. It is swollen and will blister before it heals. She has so many pre-cancer spots. This is the best way to be rid of all of them.

Yes, the bone spur gets inflammed and thinks it needs to grow. She can't take NSAIDS because of her ulcer, but she HAS to. So the doc has worked out a protocol for her hoping and praying it works out so she doesn't need radiation.

The place on her left shin was cancer, but they got it all when they operated. Her stitches were removed and she is on an antibiotic (another no no but necessary) for a mild infection, but that will get better soon.

You are smart to start thinking about carrying a lighter weight purse. The years of toting them around on the shoulder do contribute to discomfort later in life. My blue one came. It's light weight and the style I enjoy. Two shades of blue with a leather strip of a pink color where the 2 join. Darker blue on the bottom, lighter on the top. It's a zip zip which opens all the way and has outside pockets.

Thanks for the input about colicky babies. My son told me the doc put Sunny on a new formula, and sent me a pix of her asleep in her carseat.

Hoping that she can eat enough and figure out that nighttime is for sleeping.

It's almost time for me to wash my hair. Love it after I do it, but it's not easy.

Will talk to you later,


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Hi Snappy.  Thank you for making the effort to chat with us.  It really means a lot.  Hope that DD#1's treatment will take care of everything.  She certainly has gone through a lot lately, but she just keeps pushing thru it.


I spent a quiet weekend, but I did go crazy on the Skinn Cosmetics shows.  Some of the items only are offered at super sizes once a year.  So you know how that goes.


I am hoping that the baby can get some relief from the colic.  How is she doing now?  Soon, it will be time for DD#2 to go back to work.  Has she at least been getting to have a little rest and relaxation?


Hope that the ladies are having a good time.  Take care, dear lady.

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Registered: ‎09-10-2012

Dear Snappy, hope my connection holds to get this post off to you. The weather here ~ all over the east is dreadful! Heavy downpours with flood warnings. 


I have a message for you from our dear friend, Hilo. She has been trying to post to you here, but can’t (or order online either). She called QVC, but they were no help in sorting it out. Also, her ISP's rates keep going up, so she may decide to drop internet service altogether, if she can’t find a more reasonable plan. We would sure miss her, but I told her we understand that she must do whatever is best for herself and her budget. She sends her love, her prayers and thanks for yours. She hasn’t yet decided if she will move, but at least she knows her family will welcome her, if so. Her injuries are still healing.


I'm hoping the splint will help your TMJ, and that your app'ts go well this week. Please be very careful in the shower! The bench sounds like a very good idea, and keeping your cell ph within reach. I know your DD will worry when her classes resume, and I pray if necessary, the Lord will lead you to a trustworthy and kind companion or home health aide. Someone to come in and help you a couple of hours a few days a week. Praying the new formula helps baby Sunny. TY for praying for my neighbor (Jackie) ~ yes, it's so painful and such a long process with more surgeries to come. 


We all had the best time visiting with Ruth Ann, and touring her wonderful town, despite the weather. Her Moravian church is beautiful and so welcoming! She sure has a lot of friends there and at her retirement community!! It was a pleasure to meet so many genuinely nice people, and to see firsthand how much our Lurky is dearly loved and appreciated. We also drove through Amish country and stopped at a few shops. Bought some nice things, too. Your Fossil purse sounds lovely, as well as functional! 💙 Did your Christmas gift bags arrive from QVC yet? Mine are here! That was fast shipping for a change.


I’m glad I bought those Naot walking shoes in Israel, since they work so well with the flexible splint I'm still wearing on the right foot. The foot surgeon said they are ideal, supportive shoes, and I thought of your DD1 with her hip problems. He said these foot problems can lead to that and back trouble, too, because it throws our alignment and gait off. Naot makes pretty dress shoes, too! I'm going to look into those soon. I wish I'd been wearing something like this all along and maybe I wouldn’t have developed the PF with bone spurs.


I didn’t walk much in D.C., since I have seen it all before. Not pushing my luck! DH and I left there earlier for home with Selah and Rowan's parents. Too much walking in the rain for them, too. Plus we had to check on things here at the farm/ranch with all the rain. Everyone else arrived here safely yesterday and some are staying here, others with my kids and some with Agnes. No hotel costs ~ that really helps! Next, we'll travel to NC... hope we catch a rain break by the time we reach the Outer Banks, but it's not looking too,promising. Still, it's so nice to visit with everyone! There are plenty of indoor activities we can enjoy together. Plus just relaxing in good company with good food. 😊 


We're going to the dinner theater this evening and the kids will stay with my youngest son and his wife. They'll enjoy visiting with all the animals there at the refuge center and playing with Jax. Too bad they'll have to camp indoors, but they'll have movies ~ including the footage my daughter shot on the Antarctic expedition. 


Will check back in with you ladies soon! 


Love to all,

~Joy 💜


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Hello, Issy. Glad you found your skin care in super sizes. I do know about that. I have jars of unopened body butters. I'll get around to them sooner or later, but I try new things. Got Josie's whipped argon cream. It's nice.

Also use 613, and of course Dr. Graf's retinol body butter from the other site.

Have that on auto ship. Sometimes I give one to DD#2 who likes it a lot.

It was 104 here the last time I looked. Way too hot, but oh so grateful for working AC. So far no word about the repair man coming, so I guess he won't be. The contractor is out of the country until August. He will come to redo our patio cover and paint the whole thing. I got a new mat in green tones, but it's in the box until they finish that work.

DD#1 says her face looks ICKY today. It's full of sores that mean cancers or precancers...sun damage...are coming to the surface. Her doc says she will need this done several times in her life. She just moves ahead.

Has to take her meds to stop the bone spur from growing, while protecting her ulcer. Has a written schedule so she knows what to take when and with or without food.

Yesterday Sunny and her parents went to Disneyland. She is 3 weeks old now. Has started to gain weight and is doing better. They are learning her ways which can take time.

Am thankful.

My DDIL lost her job. Suddenly. No more medical coverage for her or my son after the end of this month. He's still 10 months away from Medicare, and she more than 3 years. The Lord will provide. I know they have been thinking about when to retire. He can get SS now and so can she soon. But is it enough to live on? I don't know.

The babies would benefit from having them around more to take care of them.

Tomorrow I see the cardiologist and Friday the dermatologist.

Next Monday, the opthalmologist. I know the steroid drops helped my good eye, but think there is still some pitting. Am grateful I can see as well as I do. And hear...

Stay cool,

snappy Heart

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Hello, WaJa, thank you for the newsy letter and the reminders. I just forget things and people and needs. Then my memory needs a jog.

Grateful you are okay and so are the others. Praying you have good weather in VA, but you will enjoy your time together no matter what.

Glad the shoes you bought are so comfortable and good for you. I think the Q has started selling that brand. Not sure.

Hope you can get out of the boot soon. I'm happy that your other foot has no bone spurs. Will be easier. DD#1 wears insoles her doc told her to get and they make a huge difference in how her feet feel. I don't know why she has so many joint issues. My DDIL who just lost her job, has to hurry and have the gel treatment in her knee while the insurance will cover it. I feel that the Lord is working something out with this that will be good for all their family, but don't know just what.


Praying that HiLo will be able to find a way to keep internet. It enables her to stay in touch with all of you which is so important, but it's what we can afford that matters.

Thank you for telling us about your visit with Lurky. I'm sure she is well loved and in a very good place for her. She's an amazing woman.

I'm wearing the splint every night. Getting used to it. I return to the oral surgeon in med August. DD#2 will have to go work in her classroom right after that getting ready for the new school year which starts the last week of August. I'll miss her so much. My teak bench hasn't come yet, but should be here any day. Hope it works. I've figured out a way to dry myself outside the shower if need be, which cuts the standing time by 1/3.

We do what we can as long as we can and then find something else to try.

My GD said Sunny has gained above her birth weight and is doing better. They were at Disneyland yesterday. Those baby girls do get around.

Sorry your neighbor has to endure more surgeries. I prayed for her again after reading your note.

I see the cardiologist tomorrow morning and the dermatologist on Friday. DD is here to take me.

The steroid drops helped my good eye. I can read better, but there may still be pitting. Perhaps I'll have the stem cell treatment on it.

I just lost this post, but it loaded, so I'll send it and pray it goes through.

Hi to everyone. Hope the heavy rains stop. We could certainly use some of that.


snappy Heart


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Hello, snappy, Issy, MsLomo, cute, bathina and Hilo (if you can read here- sorry you can’t post, we miss your input here!) I see these forums are very, very slow, so maybe many others are having the same issues with the site. If it's any other of our friends here, I'm sorry and hope they fix it soon. 


I had two days with no cable/internet due to the weather. We've had upwards of a foot of rain over the last 5 days. 😳 Must be some kind of record. Flooding all around us, but thankfully not our community yet. I came here looking for a new pair of Sloggers rain boots with the comfort insole, but I need a size 8. None available, so will look elsewhere. I need them for getting in and out of the vehicles. Most don’t have the nice insole and I love it that they are made in the U.S.A. 🇺🇸


Snappy, you're correct- I saw a few pairs of Naot shoes here. Wish I could wear them, but I believe they run narrow and I wouldn’t know my size. I may check Zappos where they have more details/reviews and free shipping both ways. You and Issy have found some good deals shopping!  Anu brought me some of Josie's body butter- it's very nice!  Joy is just wearing the bandage type splint in her shoe now and must sleep in it, too. Walking well with her normal gait, but just not overdoing it.. yet, as she is prone to do with work, etc. She brought me one of her iPad Air II tablets that she reset to factory settings. It's like new! Set it up for me to connect, and now I can stretch the page here again to make things the normal larger size as it used to be. So thankful, though I wish she would have taken the money I offered her for it. Instead, she asked me to make her friend and housekeeper, Yolanda a weighted quilt (like Marcia described here) to help her sleep. She suffers with insomnia, anxiety and panic attacks, and yes.. I found the instructions online on how to weight the quilts. So Joy picked the fabric and pattern that will most please Yolanda and I have started making the squares. Now we in the quilting circle can make some of these for the veterans too that suffer PTSD. 😊 A nice project to keep me out of trouble. 


We all had a wonderful visit, I just wish the weather had been clearer, so they could have enjoyed the touring more. Of course it was and is way worse in Hershey, so I dare not complain. They brought a lot of food and beverages, though I told them not to. We had prepared everything, but as it turned out.. many here joined us in the dining hall. Those who had no weekend guests- and a few who did! 😁 They were all made welcome and it turned into a party. A mild one, of course- lots of very sick people live on the first floor, so we kept the noise down. Gwen, who stayed overnight with me to help host, even sat up some music for us and game tables for the children since they couldn’t play outside. What sweet, well behaved children they are, too! 😇 I didn’t get to meet Jax this time, because his mom was working and his dad was tending to the animals at their refuge and the livestock and horses at his parents' place so they could come. He sent me a video, though! He was holding a puppy who kept licking his face as he tried to talk to me. So cute! From what I hear, there have been breaks in the weather since they all arrived in VA. I'm thankful! Gwen and her fiancé went with them as far as D.C. to tour and she said it just poured the rain the whole day they were there. 


I'm very sorry your DIL suddenly lost her job! I know that's scary- especially having no healthcare ins. You've told us what a hard worker she is, and I’m praying for the Lord's good plans for her and the family manifest quickly. Hope she gets that knee injection she needs soon. Glad baby Sunny is feeling better- obviously, since they took her to Disney already. She is growing- what a blessing. Colic can be so difficult but it sounds like the formula is agreeing with her. 👍


How did your appointment with the cardiologist go? Hope there are no new changes, and that you can have the stem cell treatment in the other eye. 


Going to close now, dear, so I don’t tire your eyes too much. I'll check back soon with you and our friends here. Praying for rain for CA and the other burn areas out west. Take care, all, and God bless you and yours always!


❤️ Ruth Ann


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Hi Lurky, good to see you here.

Thank you for all the news about the ladies and their visit with you and others where you live. What a great time that must have been.

I have a feeling that wherever you all are, it's a party!


Your ministries there are so wonderful. Can't imagine a weighted quilt, but do see and know that they help some people, and pray Yolanda is one of them. I guess it's like the thunder shirts for dogs. Makes them feel secure and safe. A blessing.

Glad to hear that the weather in VA might be better. Am sure those people are enjoying each other no matter what, but this way they can get outside more.

I hope you find the sloggers you want. I can understand how they would be necessary where you live.

My sister is having so much trouble with her feet from chemo. Feels as if she's walking on stones. The doc gave her a medication to try, but i don't think it's helping much.

DD buys Sugar Free Sox through Amazon. They are intended for diabetics, and are padded. She wears them to work and they make standing and walking easier. I told my sis.

Thank you for the information about WaJa's soft boot. Glad she can walk again. Her life is so very full. Hope she gets some quality rest while away.


I don't know anything about iPads, but am happy you have one that works for you. We are android people. HP computers, Kindles, etc. Galaxy phones/android.

It's all in what you get used to. I just go along with DD who lives here and helps me with technical things.


Today I used the teak bench in the shower. I have to figure out the best way of using it and not trip over it getting in or out.

I sat on it to dry myself. There's a grab bar right by it which helped me get up and step out.

Showering is something I need to do, and want to do, but it's harder almost every day.

I know DD has to return to work soon and is very fearful for me.

I know the Lord will help us when and if I need someone here with me part of a day.

I go to bed really late and get up late. Sometimes it's close to noon.

My DDIL had her first shot into the knee yesterday. She has 2 more to go and it is covered by the insurance, which is amazing and they are grateful. Hope this treatment helps her as well as it did DD#1.

Also, both my son and his wife had physical scheduled before she lost her job and they will be covered. God is so faithful to His own.

He is 64 and has been thinking about SS for a while. He has never earned much, so I know it will be low, but maybe doable since he can work and earn a certain amount while collecting it. She will be 62 in October, so could also go on it. They are exploring their options. He is licensed to sell all kinds of insurance, including health care, so hopefully he can find something for them to tide them over until Medicare. For him, that's less than a year.

Sunny must be doing better. No word from them since the pix at Disneyland.

The cardiologist told me that I'm fine and don't need to go back for 6 months. She said, and my PC doc agrees, that my problems are related to the CMT neurological disorder, not my heart.

DD has 3 years to work before she can retire with full benefits, and i pray the Lord will enable me to live that long and be able to take care of myself so she is okay financially. It will be hard for her to lose me, but at least if she can live here, it will be easier.

Tomorrow I see the dermatologist. Routine, but she will probably spray a couple of scaly places on my face, and maybe remove a mole.

Do take care, and come back when you can.

Hi to cute, MsLomo, Issy, Bathina, and all who read here...


snappy Heart

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Posts: 1,023
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I hope all is well with everyone!


Snappy, I am praying that DS and DDIL get situated very soon with insurance, etc. I am hopeful for them ... they are good people. I also hope Sunny is a lot better ... I am concerned for her. 


Issy, I think I missed the Heidi jacket. Hope someone here got one if they were attracted to it (and the price was right!). Was thinking of you: HSN has a "Savings Frenzy" going on, so I grabbed some loose N Natori tops at great prices. I saw an Apfel shawl and immediately pictured it on you ... not sure if it is included in the 30% off, but the price seemed good to me.


About why I need some loose tops: If anyone reading this owns shoes with a solid rubber sole that sometimes sticks to the floor (mine were Adidas Neo slip-ons), I am broadcasting a warning. I have thrown mine out.


My right shoe got "stuck" on a hard floor, and I fell forward and broke two bones ... one on each side (shoulder and knee). I am typing with one hand, which is not too easy, but much harder is getting dressed! Must patiently plan each step in the process, lol.


I am signing off for a chunk of time while I heal. I wish everyone the best!



Cute t, hope all is well with you and your family.


KS ladies, you are wonderful!


@bathina, @Dawn01 /Bassetbabe, mmmwaa!