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Have just caught up on all the posts following my two week absence here. Enjoyed them all, but sorry to read of so much sickness. 


How exciting for cute and her hubby! Chubby Checkers is a name I hadn’t heard in years. I'm glad to know he’s still out there in good form!! It's so sweet that the great-grandson's big brother has just graduated. ❤️


Thanks for the shout out, @Issy379! Little Elijah is sure to be a heartbreaker one day. God bless Cleo and her husband for giving all those children a loving home. Takes a very special kind of heart. 


@MsLomo - I'm with you ... Mercy me! I don’t know which recipe to start with, but those bacon-pineapple bites are awfully tempting at the moment. Since I have those ingredients on hand, I may start there this evening. 😋 (Thanks for posting those @DeLaney!) I love Heidi Daus' jewelry - her whole line is so creative. I hope you score that Dragon Fly jacket! Let us know, please.


We're just back from the graduation and two receptions, friends. Harper’s parents hosted a formal-style. Then our Daniel's paternal grandparents and aunt hosted the more casual reception for him. Naturally the couple and we attended both. I feared it all might be too much for our parents, but they held up just fine. 😊 Seems funny, but also terrific to have two chefs in the family (soon) after the wedding. They'll be here with us for two weeks before kicking off their new careers. Please wish them well. It's a very competitive business now. Wish I had next week off from work, too, but alas ...


@Q-Anu - yes, sadly, it's that very Lilian who made all the wonderful pottery. Pancreatic cancer. It began in the esophagus which was treated into remission, but struck here aggressively. Thank you for praying for her and her family. The 4 grandchildren are nearly inconsolable since she helped to raise them. I think the daughter is very concerned that she won’t be with her mom at the moment she passes. I'm sure we can all relate to that.


Glad to hear you are recovering so well, Joy! 




Keep up the good work! I'm holding good thoughts for David and family. 


@snappyfrappy - sorry about the deep pitting in your corneas. I do so hope and pray the steroids help! Also praying the new sling alleviates the pain from the TMJ. If your photos were stored on the old memory card from the Kindle that your DD tried to replace, they are still safe there and can be transferred to the new Kindle by any other like device your DD may have. Since the old Kindle won’t boot, it may be the battery. To remove the upside down memory card, she'll likely need to carefully use a small flathead screw driver. Loved reading about the baby shower and birthday party! June 28th is right around the corner. A new baby girl to cuddle! What could be better than that? 😍


I hope @Annabellethecat66 had a great time with her DD during her vacation. Can’t wait to hear all about it! Here you go ... a little view of our beloved OBX for you, as cloudy as it was at the time: 




Wishing Jacob all the best this weekend, Agnes! 


My love to Ruth Ann, Hilo and all our sweet friends here! 


-Rowan 💗



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Good evening, dear ones. Thought I should follow up on what happened yesterday when I heard the ambulance turn into my neighbor's drive. A fire truck followed, because it was a lightning strike. 


David's wife was finishing a load of towels in her dryer. The lightning struck through the outdoor vent. Caught the machine and towels on fire ~ spread electricly through one wall. When she tried to put it out with the home fire extinguisher, she was badly burned on her hand, arm, chest and neck. She remains in the burn unit at the hospital and requires more grafting. I feel awful for her and I know she (Jackie) as well as David would appreciate your prayers. 


You're welcome, @SelahG ~ I hope it was helpful. 🙏


@Q-Anu ~ were it not for the plantar fasciitis procedure, I would be out of the boot a lot sooner. I'll be able to remove it for washing my foot when the incision fully heals, but the entire healing time can be up to 3-months. He hasn't told me how much of that time will be with the boot. I won't mind it so much when I can wash the foot. That should be after my next follow-up if it's healed well. Thank you for caring and the delicious recipe! I don't eat enough pomegranate. Now I have the perfect excuse. 


Hello, @MsLomo! LOL at you fanning yourself and gathering up your camping gear! You can pack up lots of treats to take with you to Heidi's midnight sale. Always delighted to hear from you. Glad you are keeping busy in good ways. 😊


@CouponQueen, sorry about your dilemma. Have you tried using the seach feature to limit the posts you see here to only those members which interest you? I find that useful when I want to get in touch with an indivual. Too bad we don't have a PM feature here. 


You must have been away for a very long time, since I've only seen one quote (other than the one Rowan did as a courtesy to you) since you last posted a complaint about quotes, after which Dawn left and has not returned. Most all of the posters here work, like yourself, or are otherwise quite busy. Most post once per week or less and the thread only averages 2-3 posts per day. Quite slow moving compared to most ongoing chat threads. No one intruded here ~ all were invited back and/or warmly welcomed after dropping in by the original posters here. Seems they are cared deeply about by many!


You are most welcome to jump right in whenever possible and only address or notify those members you are familiar with. Others do so infrequently as time permits. 


Welcome back, @Rowan72! You have been missed. I know you and your family are so proud of Daniel and Harper! We happily await the wedding date. 😍


Goodnight, all, and...




~Joy 💜




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Thank you for the updates, Joy. But oh my gosh ... that is sad and scary about Jackie! Plus a good warning for us all. Though I don’t know if it would have mattered if she'd turned the dryer off before the lightning strike. Shooting in through the outdoor vent! 😱😰 We are praying for her. 


And your good healing, too. 






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Registered: ‎08-01-2013

Good morning to good friends! 😊 I'm loving the larger font here on my scrunched screen. Thank you, ladies for your consideration for these old eyes of mine. It's why I read less and less on this board, since it can't very well request everyone make posting allowances for my problem on this site. But since you're gracious enough to offer.. I'll take it with gratitude! 


Boy, Joy.. what a terrible thing for your neighbor to have to endure. 🙏 So very painful. We've been having those severe storms, too and I'm glad to say that we caught a break today. Nice, warm and sunny. After my PT session, I'm going to take advantage of it and enjoy the community gardens while the pollens are washed down. Take it easy on that foot. I hadn't realized it was more than shaving down the spurs. 


Snappy, how are you, dear? I'm sorry the Kindle isn't the larger one you wanted. I wonder if it could be exchanged? If it's Amazon, their customer service is very good. I pray your good eye clears up. Know just what you mean.. I've always had one weaker eye, and if my stronger one goes, I'll really be hurting. Hope your bone density test shows no change at all. Have to say, that is about the easiest test of all. I enjoyed the wedding, too! Especially the children. Just precious, and how about that little Charlotte? Already knows how to work the crowd! I think she resembles the Queen right now, but then they change so much. Prince William, as a child used to resemble his mother and her brother. Now he more so favors his father.


Have some good news to share! I and several others here will be getting the walk-in tubs. I can hardly believe this good fortune. The management really went to bat for us, since so many have mobility issues and the first floor.. which is so much more handicap accessible stays full. There will of course be some inconvenience as they tear out the old to put in the new, but I can stay at Tom's, or even Gert's during the work and dust. I got tickled when you said your DD put all the kitchen things away and you can't find them. A good excuse to not cook! I'm not cooking much lately either in my own kitchen, but that fruit salsa Joy posted is calling my name. Take care, dear! ❤️


Marcia, I was fascinated to read about the weighted blankets in regards to those with PTSD. Is there some place we could send our handmade quilts for the veterans to be weighted? If you know of such a service, please let me know. They struggle so, and if it can enhance their treatments, I would love to contribute to that. Not that only vets suffer PTSD, but we already donate to that org. Would be a viable step, I should think. God bless little E.C. Such welcomed news! 


Hope we hear from Annabelle soon about her trip. She is such a joy! Bathina, too. ❤️


Selah and Rowan, please assure Winona that I'm praying for her dear friend, Lilian. I hope things work out with hospice. Usually they are very good- nearest to angels on earth, but human individuals after all. 


Anu, best wishes to your parents for safe travels and finding a good place to retire to. It's not easy, I know. 


Hello to MsLomo- I hope you get that lovely jacket! And to all here..




With Love,

Ruth Ann


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Hello, Selah, WaJa, Anu....I've tried to read your posts, and gleaned somethings, but my vision in my good eye is so diminished. Everything is a blur and my glasses really aren't much help since the RX was for the way it used to be. I'm about finished with the steroid drops, but don't think they've helped much if at all.

I so appreciate your prayers and think of you often.

We had to have a "trapper" come out this morning to inspect the roof and house and put a trap out hoping to catch the raccoon tomorrow morning. It's apparently eating somewhere else, sleeping somewhere else, and coming here at night to "play". He's left a pile of "dung" on the roof which the trapper will clean up and then disinfect when he comes to pick up the animal. They take them a distance away and release them. This one has made a mess of the patio and the cover. The noise and stress has made it very hard to sleep all week. DD had to take today off to be here for the trapper.

My sister told me that she had to go to the doctor because her feet feel swollen, and she feels like she's walking on stones and he told her it's a side effect from the chemo and he can't do anything about it. I suggested she go on line and check to see what others are doing to help themselves. DD gets padded socks through Amazon which could help my sis.

I'm sorry to just post and run on about myself, but I need to stop staring at the screen and rest my eyes.

Love to everyone,

snappy Heart

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MsLomo....SO very happy to see you today.

I do hope you are able to get that jacket you so much want! I can see you camping out.

Issy might join you, which would be nice.

Glad you are okay. You can read what I posted about the raccoon and my vision, if you want to, but I need to say goodbye right now and rest. Do take care of yourself. Love and hugs,

snappy Heart

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Hello, CouponQueen, you have been here off and on for a long time and are always welcome. I think I understand your concerns. I am also distrubed by cute's absence, but she was here recently. I have a theory about why she isn't posting as often, but it could be all wrong. Anyway, sorry for anything that makes it hard for you to join in. We do value everyone, and that includes you, of course.

Enjoy your day,

snappy Heart

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Dear Lurky, I was not able to read your entire post, but I did see that you will be getting the walk in tub! Oh goody. So happy for you.

To Rowan, and all, forgive me, but I can't see. Glad I'm a touch typist.

Love you all, missing cute a whole lot!



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hi Snappy.  Thanks for stopping by today.  Always love to hear from you.  That is really scary about the raccoon.  I have critters that come in my back yard from time to time.  Hope that this situation gets resolved soon.


We all love you, and take care of yourself.  BTW, I will be camping out with MsLomo to score one of Heidi's jackets.

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Posts: 984
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Hi MsLomo........OMG, thanks for the info on Heidi's jacket.  I am going to join you on the camping trip.  We will have all the creature comforts, of course.  Counting the days.  BTW, I ordered Iris Apfel's book "Accidental Icon" and my Iris owl watch came today in the mail.  Love it.


I watched the royal wedding (BBC coverage), and loved every minute of it.  They seem so very much in love.  Loved her dress, and the hats (other fashions).  I hope that they will be very happy together.  


I am super busy, too, but I had to pop in to say hello.